Nascimento,ER; Pereira,VLA; Nascimento,MGF; Barreto,ML. |
Avian mycoplasmas occur in a variety of bird species. The most important mycoplasmas for chickens and turkeys are Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG), M. synoviae (MS), and M. meleagridis. Besides, M. iowe (MI) is an emerging pathogen in turkeys, but of little concern for chickens. Mycoplasmas are bacteria that lack cell wall and belong to the class Mollicutes. Although they have been considered extracellular agents, scientists admit nowadays that some of them are obligatory intracellular microorganisms, whereas all other mycoplasmas are considered facultative intracellular organisms. Their pathogenic mechanism for disease include adherence to host target cells, mediation of apoptosis, innocent bystander damage to host cell due to intimate membrane contact,... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Airsacculitis; Diagnosis; Mycoplasma; Mollicutes; Poultry. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-635X2005000100001 |
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Santos,FF; Li,J; Brandão,MDM; Machado,LS; Soares,NM; Nascimento,ER; Khan,MI; Pereira,VLA. |
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to identify the species and characterize the genetic relationships among mycoplasma isolates from commercial layer hen flocks using 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region (IGSR) sequencing. Twenty-one isolates were obtained from samples collected from commercial layer flocks in four Brazilian states: São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo. The isolates were recovered from the São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo states. Eleven isolates were originated from tracheal swabs, five from shell gland swabs and five from ovary fragment collection. The 16S-23S rDNA IGSR of isolates were amplified by PCR, and the obtained products were subsequently sequenced. The consensus of each isolate was... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Mycoplasma gallinaceum; Mycoplasma pullorum; Mycoplasma gallisepticum; Intergenic spacer region; 16S-23S. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-635X2019000200309 |
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Santos,FC dos; Brandão,MDM; Silva,CC da; Machado,LS; Soares,MV; Barreto,ML; Nascimento,ER do; Pereira,VLA. |
A farm with 3,000 free-range hens between 24 and 65 weeks of age was investigated. These hens were separated in small flocks of 400 to 700 birds, presenting 10 to 23% egg production reduction. Twenty serum samples were collected during the period of drop in egg production and three weeks later for the investigation of Mycoplasma synoviae (MS), M. gallisepticum (MG) and Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) antibodies using ELISA. At the time of the second collection, egg production had resumed to normal levels; however, with 10.23% of the eggs showed eggshell abnormalities limited to the apex. Eggshell strength was significantly different between normal and those with eggshell apex abnormalities, but not other egg-quality parameters. ELISA tests showed that MS... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Eggs; Mycoplasm; Egg defects; Egg abnormality; Economic loss. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-635X2014000200015 |
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Rodrigues,IBBE; Silva,RL; Menezes,J; Machado,SCA; Rodrigues,DP; Pomba,C; Abreu,DLC; Nascimento,ER; Aquino,MHC; Pereira,VLA. |
ABSTRACT The extensive use of antimicrobial agents has contributed to the emergence of antimicrobial resistance and multidrug resistance (MDR) in Salmonella, an important zoonotic pathogen that causes outbreaks and sporadic cases of gastroenteritis in humans. The study aimed to investigate the antimicrobial resistance profile of Salmonella strains isolated from poultry in Brazil. A total of 230 Salmonella strains, isolated from cloacal swabs (n=56) and broiler carcasses swabs (n=174) before and after chilling from slaughterhouses under Federal Inspection Service within the period 2012-2017, were analyzed. Serotyping and antibiotic susceptibility testing were performed on all the isolates. Serotyping results showed that 41% of the strains were Salmonella... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Nontyphoidal Salmonella; Multidrug resistance; Poultry industry; Heidelberg; Cephalosporins. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-635X2020000100323 |
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Magalhães,BSN; Pereira,VLA; Machado,LS; Dias,TS; Balthazar,DA; Barreto,ML; Troccoli,F; Cunha,NC; Nascimento,ER; Almeida,FM; Almosny,NR. |
ABSTRACT The present study aimed to investigate, by culture and PCR, the occurrence of Mollicutes, Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae in free-living Muscovy-ducks (Cairina moschata) from the Rio Zoo, RJ, Brazil. Tracheal swabs were obtained from 82 asymptomatic ducks and the samples were submitted to culture of mycoplasmas and PCR for identification of Mollicutes Class, Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) and Mycoplasma synoviae (MS). Samples were also analyzed directly by PCR, without prior culture, for Mollicutes, MG and MS. Eighteen (18/82) Muscovy-ducks were positive for Mollicutes by culture, all isolates were confirmed as Mollicutes and seven were identified as MG. Of the samples analyzed directly by PCR, without prior culture, 17,1% (14/82)... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Anseriformes; Free-living; Mollicute Class; Muscovy-ducks; Mycoplasmosis. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-635X2020000400315 |
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Abreu,DLC; Santos,FF; José,DS; Tortelly,R; Nascimento,ER; Pereira,VLA. |
Abstract The present report aims at describing the occurrence of Marek's Disease (MD) in a free range poultry farm based on macroscopic and microscopic lesions. For this purpose, seven free-range chickens were evaluated by gross and microscopic examination. Tumor lesions were observed in the liver and ovary, in addition of enlarged kidney and spleen, skin thickening and whitish lesions in streak form in the breast muscle. Fragments of the affected organs were collected and placed in 10% formalin for processing by the usual histopathology techniques, and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Under microscopic evaluation, we observed pleomorphic populations of neoplastic lymphoreticular cells with pyknotic nuclei in the same organs, all compatible with MD. The... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Marek's Disease; Histopathology; Free-range chickens. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-635X2016000100197 |
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Machado,SCA; Pereira,VLA; Aquino,MHC; Giombeli,A; Rodrigues,DP; Nascimento,ER. |
ABSTRACT The present study investigated the frequency, level of contamination and serotyping of Salmonella strains isolated from broiler flocks in different processing sites and the fulfillment of a Performance Objective (PO) in frozen chicken breasts, as a risk assessment to measure the efficacy of prevention and control programs applied to reduce the risk of Salmonella spp. in raw poultry meat that contribute to reach food safety and public health goals. From 1,800 samples of cloacal swabs, carcasses before and after immersion chilling and frozen breasts derived from 20 broiler flocks slaughtered at two processing plants located in the mid-west and southern regions of Brazil, 278 samples were positive for Salmonella spp. by polymerase chain reaction... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Broiler; Chicken meat; Salmonella; Serotype; Enumeration; Performance objective (PO). |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-635X2020000100328 |
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Machado,SCA; Pereira,VLA; Aquino,MHC; Santos,AFM; Rodrigues,DP; Giombelli,A; Nascimento,ER. |
ABSTRACT The present study investigated the effectiveness of a single Salmonella prevention and control program applied in two different processing plants, located in the states of Mato Grosso do Sul (plant A) and Santa Catarina (Plant B), belonging to the same company, and identified Salmonella strain subtypes isolated from broilers, carcasses before and after chilling, and frozen chicken breasts. The Salmonella prevention and control program was 90% effective in plant A and 100% in plant B, considering a level of 10% positive samples per frozen chicken breast batch acceptable. A total of 128 strains were serotyped, being 10 from drag swabs, 31 from cloacal swabs, 83 from carcasses, and 4 from frozen chicken breasts. After serotyping analysis, 30 strains... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Food safety; PFGE; Poultry meat; Salmonella. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-635X2017000100135 |
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