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Analyse des puissances de pêche des chalutiers et des abondances apparentes des espèces de la pêcherie démersale de mer celtique ArchiMer
Perodou, Jean-bernard.
Fishing power analysis leads to determine a typology of fleet which depends on target species. Three factors are examined : port of origin, engine power and type of trawl. Specific abundance index analysis leads to determine a diagram of principal stages of vital cycle : juvenile, reproductive adult and recovery adult. Then calculs are made in value for all species combined : we obtain thus an economical index by location and season.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mer Celtique; Indice économique; Abondance apparente; Typologie des flottille; Puissance de pêche; Celtic Sea; Economical index; Abundance index; Fleet typology; Fishing power.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Bilan d'exploitation du stock de Dorade grise ArchiMer
Perodou, Jean-bernard; Nedelec, Daniel.
La dorade grise (fig. 1) est traditionnellement exploitée dans les eaux littorales par les petits métiers (ligne, palangre, pêcheries fixes) et n'avait jamais été capturée en quantité substantielle jusqu'en 1975-76. Depuis lors, avec le développement du chalutage pélagique, elle occupe une place importante dans les pèches artisanales françaises. Au plan national elle se range en vingtième position dans le classement du chiffre d'affaires des espèces pêchées en 1979. La capture annuelle se situe aux environs de 5 500 tonnes.
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Ano: 1980 URL:
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Estimation des parametres de croissance en longueur des individus males et femelles du stock de lieu noir (Pollachius virens) de l'ouest-Ecosse ArchiMer
Moguedet, Philippe; Perodou, Jean-bernard; Nedelec, Daniel.
Some otoliths of saithe (Pollachius virens) have been collected by sex in the west of Scotland's stock. Growth's parameters of the VON BERTALANFFY equation and their precisions are calculated by the likelihood method.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Etude d'avant projet de site en Basse-Normandie (Etude des pêches et des cultures marines) - FLAMANVILLE ArchiMer
Perodou, Jean-bernard; Perodou, D.; David, M..
Le développement de la production d'électricité par les usines nucléaires étant décidé en France par les pouvoirs publics, l'EDF a entrepris un programme de constructions de centrales sur les côtes, car le fonctionnement de ces centrales exige de grandes quantités d'eau.
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Ano: 1976 URL:
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Etude d'une gestion optimale des pecheries de langoustines et de poissons demersaux en mer Celtique ArchiMer
Laurec, Alain; Charuau, Anatole; Perodou, Jean-bernard; Nedelec, Daniel; Biseau, Alain; Durand, Jean-louis; Rivoalen, Jean-jacques; Dupouy, Herve; Le Louarn, G.; Leroux, L..
The general study, scheduled from 1984 to 1986, aims at providing a judgement about the fisheries in the Celtic Sea. This area has been chosen because it is frequented by EEC vessels with, for the time being, a large majority of French vessels. Activities there are easier to monitor than anywhere else as coastal fisheries are little developed in the area. The final product will consist of a certain number of hypotheses about the planning strategies that could be implemented in the Celtic Sea. The main idea is, firstly, to conduct analytical studies, stock by stock, in order then, to synthesize them into a model integrating the interactions between fleets in relation to their target species. A bio-economical model, deriving from the latter, will enable the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Monk; Cuckoo ray; Blue whiting; Cod; Hake; Ling; Common dab; Data bases; Fishing statistics; French fisheries; Demersal fish; Nephrops; Celtic Sea; Baudroies; Raie fleurie; Julienne; Cardine; Morue; Merlu; Merlan; Base de données; Rejets; Statistiques de pêche; Pêcheries françaises; Poissons demersaux; Langoustine; Mer Celtique.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Premiers essais d'une nouvelle technique de captage d'huîtres plates en Baie de Quiberon ArchiMer
Grizel, Henri; Langlade, Aime; Perodou, Jean-bernard.
Some observations on spat collection, carried out in 1976 and 1977, lead us to use mussel shells in suspension. In 1978, while bottom collection, in deep water farms, had been very bad, large quantities of spat were collected using our method. The sectors used, the percentage of collecting mussel shells and the amount of spat par shell are indicated in this note.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Naissain; Captage; Ostrea edulis; Huître plate.
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Programme d Orientation Pluriannuel concernant une action commune de restructuration, de modernisation et de développement du secteur de la peche ArchiMer
Minet, Jean-pierre; Biseau, Alain; Charuau, Anatole; Dupouy, Herve; Durand, Jean-louis; Perodou, Jean-bernard.
Answering a need of the Office of Regional Marine Affairs of Brittany, the "fisheries" laboratory of the Ifremer in Lorient provides synthesis elements about the status of the stocks of the main species exploited in the Bay of Biscay, Celtic Sea and Western Ireland in 1983. It provides information about the fishing capacity according to the different jobs done and compares two fleets from South-Brittany: Lorient and Concarneau. This report will have to be completed by the laboratories of Roscoff for activities in North-Brittany and of la Rochelle for activities in the Bay of Biscay.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishing fleet; Concarneau; Lorient; Fishing resources; West Ireland; Celtic Sea; Bay of Biscay; Brittany; Fishing; Flottille de pêche; Concarneau; Lorient; Ressource de pêche; Ouest Irlande; Mer Celtique; Golfe de Gascogne; Bretagne; Pêche.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Puissance de peche et relations avec les caracteristiques techniques des navires. Exemple de flottilles pratiquant le chalutage en Mediterranee ArchiMer
Perodou, Jean-bernard; Andrianavaly, Jean.
The topic of this work is to analyse two sets of fishing statistics, one concerns ships which landed their catches at Sète during the 88-94 period, the other ships which landed their catches in different fish markets of Lion's gulf during the 94-97 period. Cpue are treated by a log-linear model with three qualitative variables which provides fishing powers of ships, abundance index of species in monthly strata and in annual strata. These three factors are revealed to be statistically significant and form the following hierarchy : first fishing power of ships, secondly monthly index and thirdly annual index of abundance of species. Engine power is revealed to be a minor explicative factor of differences between fishing powers of ships. Two other explicative...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chalutiers du golfe du Lion; Indice d'abondance; Puissance de pêche; Modèle linéaire; Statistique de pêche; Lion's gulf trawlers; Abundance index; Fishing power; Linear model; Fishing statistic.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Puissances de pêche et relations avec les caractéristiques techniques des navires. Exemple de flottilles pratiquant les arts traînants en Manche Ouest, Atlantique et Méditerranée. ArchiMer
Biseau, Alain; Mahevas, Stephanie; Perodou, Jean-bernard; Berthou, Patrick.
Three fleets of the French fishery are investigated : the dredge fleet of the Western part of the Channel, the bottom-trawl fishery of South-Britanny harbours, and the Mediterranean trawl fishery. Landing and effort data by species, vessel and trip lead to yields (catch per unit of effort) which are analysed by a multicplicative model with two or three factors. Individual fishing powers are then quantified for some given years, together with variation in relative abundance of the stock within area and/or period strata. Attempts to explain these fishing powers by vessels characteristics are made. After the study of the Mediterranean trawl-fleet, which takes Year into account in the model, two multi-annual series are analysed, and some conclusions on fishing...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Regards statistiques et informatiques sur l’analyse des puissances de pêche et des abondances apparentes ArchiMer
Laurec, A.; Perodou, Jean-bernard.
multiplicative models, applied to the estimation of fishing powers lead after logarithmic transformations to linear systems, the dimension of which can be large. It is however possible to decrease the dimensions of the matrices corresponding to the linear systems created (Morrison, 1976) through a substitution technique. This technique is applied to the classical methods due to Robson (1966) Laurec et Fonteneau, 1979) Gavaris, (1980). The estimation of the variancecovariance of the output is discussed, the duali ty between techniques calculating such quantities, and simpler ones providing just a best fit solution. The practical influence of the correction factor (Laurent, 1963) discussed in a first appendix. A second appendix is devoted to a situation...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1987 URL:
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