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A new procedure for interpolating satellite-derived Suspended Particulate Matters within the Previmer context ArchiMer
Gohin, Francis; Bryere, Philippe; Perrot, Laurie.
After several years of experience in providing daily merged products of non-algal Suspended Particulate Matters (SPM) for forcing the light in the ecological model of Previmer ECO-MARS-3D, we have often observed poor quality SPM fields in winter due to the cloud cover. For this reason we propose a new interpolation scheme, multisensor and multitemporal, based on a first-guess field of daily SPM derived from a biweekly satellite climatology modified to take into account dynamically the effects of waves and tides. The contribution of waves and tide is simulated through a simple statistical model (multiplicative effects of the significant wave heights and tidal intensity) summing up the information coming out from the historical data set of SPM. On an...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Coccolith-derived turbidity and hydrological conditions in May in the Bay of Biscay ArchiMer
Perrot, Laurie; Gohin, Francis; Ruiz-pino, Diana; Lampert, Luis; Huret, Martin; Dessier, Aurelie; Malestroit, Pascale; Dupuy, Christine; Bourriau, Paul.
Coccolithophore blooms occur regularly from April to June in the Bay of Biscay where they have been observed for many years from ocean-colour imagery thanks to the ability of their calcite plates to scatter light. They are easily depicted on interpolated images of non-algal Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) derived from satellite reflectance data in May, at the time of the PELGAS (PELagique GAScogne) annual surveys. Over the springs 2012 to 2015, the PELGAS surveys provided in-situ data on the turbidity throughout the water column and on the hydrological environment prevailing during the blooms in the vicinity of the continental shelf break. The satellite-derived SPM in the area of coccolithophore blooms was closely related to measured turbidity in the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Biscay; Ocean colour; Suspended particulate matter; Turbidity; Coccoliths; Stratification.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Etude chémotaxonomique de la campagne TIC-MOC (mars 2015) – Projet CALHIS ArchiMer
Lampert, Luis; Perrot, Laurie; Delmas, Daniel.
A partir des échantillons collectés lors de la campagne TIC-MOC (mars 2015) sur le plateau continental argentin, des analyses en pigments phytoplanctoniques permettent de quantifier la distribution des principales classes algales par la méthode CHEMTAX. Les Prochlorophycées et cyanobactéries sont essentiellement dominantes dans les eaux chaudes du courant du Brésil, tandis que dans les eaux plus froides du courant des Malouines et la zone de mélange (T°< 20°C), c’est les Haptophytes (Phaeocystis et Emiliania huxleyi) qui dominent la biomasse chlorophyllienne. Des dominances moyennes en dinoflagellés supérieures 30% sont observées dans les deux masses d’eau.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chémotaxonomie; Coccolithophoridés; HPLC; Pigments phytoplanctoniques; Patagonie; Plateau continental.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Observer les coccolithophores de l'espace ArchiMer
Perrot, Laurie.
Coccoliths, in cells or detached, from coccolithophores are calcite plates with highly backscattering signal.Coccolithophore blooms are visible from space and are currently quantified by Calcite algorithm fromNASA applied to Ocean Color data. Coccoliths impact also the Suspended Particulate Matters (SPM) product from Ifremer, well established in the Northwest european continental shelf. Although these algorithms are independent, they are based on the same basic concepts, but Ifremer algorithm is more adaptable and allows to link up with other particles than coccoliths, as the resuspended matters or aggregates.Coccolithophore blooms identification over 18 years, from bay of Biscay to South Irelands has been established by a spectral method, allowing to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Matières en suspension; Télédétection; Golfe de Gascogne; Coccolithophores; Blooms; Suspended Particulate Matters; Remote-sensing; Bay of Biscay.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Ocean colour algorithm for monitoring coccolithophore blooms : a method based on remote-sensing data ArchiMer
Perrot, Laurie; Gohin, Francis; Ruiz-pino, Diana; Lampert, Luis.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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