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Classification of the structural elements of the secondary wood of Dicotyledons, using decimal indices for classification and identification of wood species 16
Pfeiffer, J.Ph.; Varossieau, W.W..
1. The literature gives various methods to compile a universal scheme for the classification and identification of wood species. To attain this object a new method is now given possessing various advantages over the methods that have been used so far. 2. The wood structure is subsequently described using decimal indices. Each of five sections of features are divided into four groups, and these again in subgroups, which have been worked out by means of indices. In the treatment of various features literature data are discussed. The classification of wood species aims at obtaining a grouping which, as far as possible, links up with the botanical groupings according to natural systems. 3. On the grounds given in the introduction and the discussion, the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1945 URL:
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