Registros recuperados: 20 | |
Smits, M.; Artigaud, Sebastien; Bernay, B.; Pichereau, Vianney; Bargelloni, L.; Paillard, Christine. |
Marine mollusk aquaculture has more than doubled over the past twenty years, accounting for over 15% of total aquaculture production in 2016. Infectious disease is one of the main limiting factors to the development of mollusk aquaculture, and the difficulties inherent to combating pathogens through antibiotic therapies or disinfection have led to extensive research on host defense mechanisms and host-pathogen relationships. It has become increasingly clear that characterizing the functional profiles of response to a disease is an essential step in understanding resistance mechanisms and moving towards more effective disease control. The Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum, is a main cultured bivalve species of economic importance which is affected by... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Bivalve; Diseases; Resistance; Manila clam; Vibrio tapetis; Proteomics; Immune response. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00615/72670/71758.pdf |
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Borcier, Elodie; Charrier, Gregory; Couteau, Jérôme; Maillet, Géraldine; Le Grand, Fabienne; Bideau, Antoine; Waeles, Mathieu; Le Floch, Stephane; Amara, Rachid; Pichereau, Vianney; Laroche, Jean. |
The objective of this study was to develop an integrative approach in ecotoxicology (from biomarkers to population genetics) to assess the ecological status of fish populations. Flounders (Platichthys flesus) collected after the spawning season in the heavily polluted Seine estuary were compared with the moderately polluted Bay of Douarnenez. The muscle energetic reserves were highly depleted in Seine vs. Douarnenez fish. The Seine fish displaying a reduced capacity to manage the oxidative stress and a higher energetic metabolism. An increase in the content of muscle membrane phospholipids (sphingomyelin, phosphatidylserine, free sterols) was detected in the Seine vs. Douarnenez fish. The data integration allowed to hypothesize relationships between... |
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Palavras-chave: Platichthys flesus; Estuaries; Biomarkers; Bioenergetics; Polar lipids; Population genetics. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00658/76981/78238.pdf |
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Madec, Stephanie; Pichereau, Vianney; Jacq, Annick; Paillard, Mathieu; Boisset, Claire; Guerard, Fabienne; Paillard, Christine; Nicolas, Jean-louis. |
Vibrio tapetis causes the brown ring disease in the Japanese clam Ruditapes philippinarum while Vibrio aestuarianus is associated with massive oyster mortalities. As extracellular proteins are often associated with the virulence of pathogenic bacteria, we undertook a proteomic approach to characterize the secretomes of both vibrios. The extracellular proteins (ECPs) of both species were fractionated by SEC-FPLC and in vitro assays were performed to measure the effects of each fraction on hemocyte cellular parameters (phagocytosis and adhesion). Fractions showing a significant effect were subjected to SDS-PAGE, and proteins were identified by nano LC-MS/MS. 45 proteins were identified for V. aestuarianus and 87 for V. tapetis. Most of them belonged to outer... |
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Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00242/35334/34576.pdf |
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Borcier, Elodie; Artigaud, Sebastien; Gaillard, Jean-charles; Armengaud, Jean; Charrier, Gregory; Couteau, Jérôme; Receveur, Justine; Ouddane, Baghdad; Diop, Mamadou; Amara, Rachid; Laroche, Jean; Pichereau, Vianney. |
Estuaries are important areas highly vulnerable to anthropogenic pollutions. Therefore, the assessment of estuarine water quality is a major ecological issue. In this study, we sampled juveniles of the European flounder in the “pristine” Canche estuary, and caged them in Canche and in two polluted sites of the Seine estuary, Rouen and Fosse Nord. After one month, the metal and organic pollutants in these sites were assessed, and we evaluated several phenotypic indicators (condition index, RNA/DNA ratios and genotoxicity), and extracted the proteins in fish livers for analysis using a shotgun proteomics approach. The results showed strong modifications in the fish caged in both sites of the Seine estuary, as compared to those caged in Canche. In particular,... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Estuary water quality; Ecotoxicology; Caging; Suess; Fish physiology; Shotgun proteomics. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00509/62067/66247.pdf |
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Morin-sardin, Stephanie; Jany, Jean-luc; Artigaud, Sebastien; Pichereau, Vianney; Bernay, Benoit; Coton, Emmanuel; Madec, Stephanie. |
The data presented are associated with the "Proteomic analysis of the adaptative response of Mucor spp. to cheese environment" (Morin-Sardin et al., 2016) article [11. Mucor metabolism is poorly documented in the literature and while morphology and growth behavior suggest potential adaptation to cheese for some strains, no adaptation markers to cheese environment have been identified for this genus. To establish the possible existence of metabolic functions related to cheese adaptation, we used a gel based 2-DE proteomic approach coupled to LC-MS/MS to analyze three strains from species known or proposed to have a positive or negative role in cheese production as well as a strain from a non-related cheese species. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by... |
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Ano: 2017 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00602/71412/69873.pdf |
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Artigaud, Sebastien; Richard, Joelle; Thorne, Michael A. S.; Lavaud, Romain; Flye-sainte-marie, Jonathan; Jean, Fred; Peck, Lloyd S.; Clark, Melody S.; Pichereau, Vianney. |
Background: The capacity of marine species to survive chronic heat stress underpins their ability to survive warming oceans as a result of climate change. In this study RNA-Seq and 2-DE proteomics were employed to decipher the molecular response of the sub-tidal bivalve Pecten maximus, to elevated temperatures. Results: Individuals were maintained at three different temperatures (15, 21 and 25 degrees C) for 56 days, representing control conditions, maximum environmental temperature and extreme warming, with individuals sampled at seven time points. The scallops thrived at 21 degrees C, but suffered a reduction in condition at 25 degrees C. RNA-Seq analyses produced 26,064 assembled contigs, of which 531 were differentially expressed, with putative... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Marine biology; Metabolism; DNA repair; Transcription regulation; Apoptosis; Energy reserves. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00301/41173/40360.pdf |
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Artigaud, Sebastien; Thorne, Michael A. S.; Richard, Joelle; Lavaud, Romain; Jean, Fred; Flye-sainte-marie, Jonathan; Peck, Lloyd S.; Pichereau, Vianney; Clark, Melody S.. |
RNA-Seq transcriptome data were generated from mantle tissue of the great scallop, Pecten maximus. The consensus data were produced from a time course series of animals subjected to a 56-day thermal challenge at 3 different temperatures. A total of 26,064 contigs were assembled de novo, providing a useful resource for both the aquaculture community and researchers with an interest in mollusc shell production. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Pecten maximus; RNAseq; Temperature. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00202/31362/82662.pdf |
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Epelboin, Yanouk; Quere, Claudie; Pernet, Fabrice; Pichereau, Vianney; Corporeau, Charlotte. |
Here, we assess the physiological effects induced by environmental concentrations of pesticides in Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Oysters were exposed for 14 d to trace levels of metconazole (0.2 and 2 mu g/L), isoproturon (0.1 and 1 mu g/L), or both in a mixture (0.2 and 0.1 mu g/L, respectively). Exposure to trace levels of pesticides had no effect on the filtration rate, growth, and energy reserves of oysters. However, oysters exposed to metconazole and isoproturon showed an overactivation of the sensing-kinase AMP-activated protein kinase alpha (AMPK alpha), a key enzyme involved in energy metabolism and more particularly glycolysis. In the meantime, these exposed oysters showed a decrease in hexokinase and pyruvate kinase activities, whereas 2-DE... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00284/39490/44227.pdf |
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Rahmani, Alexandra; Mathien, Clémentine; Bidault, Adeline; Le Goïc, Nelly; Paillard, Christine; Pichereau, Vianney. |
Aims Brown Ring Disease (BRD) is an infection of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum due to the pathogen Vibrio tapetis. During BRD, clams are facing immunodepression and shell biomineralization alteration. In this paper, we studied the role of pH on the growth of the pathogen and formulated hypothesis on the establishment of BRD by V. tapetis. Methods and Results In this study, we monitored the evolution of pH during the growth of V. tapetis in a range of pH and temperatures. We also measured the pH of Manila clam hemolymph and extrapallial fluids during infection by V. tapetis. We highlighted that V. tapetis modulates the external pH during its growth, to a value of 7.70. During the development of BRD, V. tapetis also influences extrapallial fluids... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: BRD; Modulation effect; Neutralizing activity; PH; PH modifications; Ruditapes philippinarum; Vibrio tapetis. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00629/74142/73669.pdf |
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Mersni-achour, Rachida; Ben Cheikh, Yosra; Pichereau, Vianney; Doghri, Ibtissem; Etien, Cedric; Degremont, Lionel; Saulnier, Denis; Fruitier-arnaudin, Ingrid; Travers, Marie-agnes. |
Vibrio tubiashii is a marine pathogen isolated from larval and juvenile bivalve molluscs causing bacillary necrosis. Recent studies demonstrated the isolation of this species in a French experimental hatchery/nursery affecting Crassostrea gigas spat in 2007. Here, using larvae of C. gigas as an interaction model, we showed that the French V. tubiashii is virulent to larvae and can cause bacillary necrosis symptoms with a LD50 about 2.3 × 103 cfu ml-1 after 24 h. Moreover, complete or GP- HPLC fractionated extracellular products (ECPs) of this strain appeared toxic to larvae. MS-MS analysis of the different ECPs fractions revealed the existence of an extracellular metalloprotease and other suspected virulence factors. This observation is also supported by... |
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Ano: 2015 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00252/36367/34907.pdf |
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Harney, Ewan; Rastrick, Samuel; Artigaud, Sébastien; Pisapia, Julia; Miner, Philippe; Pichereau, Vianney; Strand, Oivind; Boudry, Pierre; Charrier, Gregory. |
Elevated atmospheric CO2 is a major driver of global change in the ocean, causing sea surface temperatures to rise and acidification of marine environments. Together these stressors may have additive, synergistic or unforeseen consequences for many marine organisms, particularly during early life stages. The economically important King Scallop (Pecten maximus) is found along a large latitudinal gradient in the Eastern Atlantic, but it is unclear how this species will respond to changing environmental conditions. Studies of genetic structure suggest that Atlantic populations (from Spain to the UK) are genetically distinct from Norwegian populations, a result that is borne out by phenotypic differences. Yet whether genetic differences arise as a result of... |
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Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00404/51520/52114.pdf |
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Rahmani, Alexandra; Delavat, François; Lambert, Christophe; Le Goic, Nelly; Dabas, Eric; Paillard, Christine; Pichereau, Vianney. |
Vibrio tapetis is a Gram-negative bacterium that causes infections of mollusk bivalves and fish. The Brown Ring Disease (BRD) is an infection caused by V. tapetis that primarily affects the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum. Recent studies have shown that a type IV secretion system (T4SS) gene cluster is exclusively found in strains of V. tapetis pathogenic to clams. However, whether the T4SS is implicated or not during the infection process remains unknown. The aim of this study was to create and characterize a V. tapetis T4SS null mutant, obtained by a near-complete deletion of the virB4 gene, in order to determine the role of T4SS in the development of BRD. This study demonstrated that the T4SS is neither responsible for the loss of hemocyte adhesion... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Brown Ring Disease; Vibrio tapetis; Ruditapes philippinarum; Hemocytes; Type four secretion system; Rounding phenotype; Colonization; Mutagenesis. |
Ano: 2021 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00692/80383/83507.pdf |
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Harney, Ewan; Artigaud, Sebastien; Le Souchu, Pierrick; Miner, Philippe; Corporeau, Charlotte; Essid, Hafida; Pichereau, Vianney; Nunes, Flavia. |
Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide results in ocean acidification and warming, significantly impacting marine invertebrate larvae development. We investigated how ocean acidification in combination with warming affected D-veliger larvae of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Larvae were reared for 40 h under either control (pH 8.1, 20 °C), acidified (pH 7.9, 20 °C), warm (pH 8.1, 22 °C) or warm acidified (pH 7.9, 20 °C) conditions. Larvae in acidified conditions were significantly smaller than in the control, but warm acidified conditions mitigated negative effects on size, and increased calcification. A proteomic approach employing two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) was used to quantify proteins and relate their abundance to phenotypic traits. In... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Crassostrea gigas; Ocean acidification; Larval development; ATP synthase; GAPDH; Superoxide dismutase. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00299/40985/40076.pdf |
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Delavat, Francois; Bidault, Adeline; Pichereau, Vianney; Paillard, Christine. |
Vibrio campbellii BAA-1116 is renowned for its bioluminescence properties, and genetic tools are available to genetically track this strain. However, many other ecologically important V. harveyi strains exist, for which only few genetic tools are available. In this study, a rapid electroporation protocol was developed to transform replicative plasmids in various environmental V. harveyi and Pseudoalteromonas strains. Moreover, a mini-Tn7 delivery system was modified to site-specifically integrate mini-transposons in the genome of V. harveyi ORM4. As a proof-of-principle, replicative plasmids carrying bioreporters were introduced by electroporation in V. harveyi ORM4 cells, and gene expression was followed at the single cell level. We could demonstrate that... |
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Palavras-chave: Electroporation Mini-transposon Vibrio harveyi Pseudoalteromonas; Phenotypic heterogeneity Bioreporter Flagellum expression. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00459/57035/58934.pdf |
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Dupuy, Celie; Galland, Claire; Devaux, Alain; Bony, Sylvie; Loizeau, Veronique; Danion, Morgane; Pichereau, Vianney; Fournier, Michel; Laroche, Jean. |
A multibiomarker approach was developed to evaluate the juvenile European flounder responses to a complex mixture of 9 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and 12 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Exposure was performed through contaminated food pellets displaying: (1) PAH and PCB levels similar to those detected in the heavily polluted Seine estuary, respectively in sediments and in flatfish and (2) ten times these concentrations. Several biomarkers of the immune system (e.g., lysozyme concentration and gene expression of complement component C3 and TNF-receptor), DNA damage (e.g., Comet assay), energetic metabolism (e.g., activity of cytochrome C oxidase), detoxification process (e.g., cytochrome P450 1A1 expression level: CYP1A1; betaine homocysteine... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Mixture of contaminants; Fish; Biomarker; Immunotoxicity; Detoxification process; DNA damage; PAHs; PCBs. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00188/29914/28374.pdf |
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Epelboin, Yanouk; Quintric, Laure; Guevelou, Eric; Boudry, Pierre; Pichereau, Vianney; Corporeau, Charlotte. |
Oysters play an important role in estuarine and coastal marine habitats, where the majority of humans live. In these ecosystems, environmental degradation is substantial, and oysters must cope with highly dynamic and stressful environmental constraints during their lives in the intertidal zone. The availability of the genome sequence of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas represents a unique opportunity for a comprehensive assessment of the signal transduction pathways that the species has developed to deal with this unique habitat. We performed an in silico analysis to identify, annotate and classify protein kinases in C. gigas, according to their kinase domain taxonomy classification, and compared with kinome already described in other animal species.... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00340/45069/44494.pdf |
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Corporeau, Charlotte; Huvet, Arnaud; Pichereau, Vianney; Delisle, Lizenn; Quéré, Claudie; Dubreuil, Christine; Artigaud, Sebastien; Brenner, Catherine; Meyenberg Cunha-de Padua, Monique; Mazure, Nathalie. |
The Warburg effect is one of the hallmarks of cancer cells in humans. It is a true metabolic reprogramming to aerobic glycolysis, allowing cancer cells to meet their particular energy needs for growth, proliferation, and resistance to apoptosis, depending on the microenvironment they encounter within the tumor. We have recently discovered that the Crassostrea gigas oyster can naturally reprogram its metabolism to the Warburg effect. Thus, the oyster becomes a new invertebrate model useful for cancer research. Due to its lifestyle, the oyster C. gigas has special abilities to adapt its metabolism to the extreme changes in the environment in which it is located. The oyster C. gigas is therefore a model of interest to study how the environment can control the... |
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Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00499/61064/64516.pdf |
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Delisle, Lizenn; Fuhrmann, Marine; Quere, Claudie; Pauletto, Marianna; Pichereau, Vianney; Pernet, Fabrice; Corporeau, Charlotte. |
Voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) is a key mitochondrial protein. VDAC drives cellular energy metabolism by controlling the influx and efflux of metabolites and ions through the mitochondrial membrane, playing a role in its permeabilization. This protein exerts a pivotal role during the white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection in shrimp, through its involvement in a particular metabolism that plays in favor of the virus, the Warburg effect. The Warburg effect corresponds to an atypical metabolic shift toward an aerobic glycolysis that provides energy for rapid cell division and resistance to apoptosis. In the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, the Warburg effect occurs during infection by Ostreid herpesvirus (OsHV-1). At present, the role of VDAC in... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Voltage-dependent anion channel; Warburg effect; Crassostrea gigas; Ostreid herpes virus. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00420/53129/54142.pdf |
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Rahmani, Alexandra; Corre, Erwan; Richard, Gaëlle; Bidault, Adeline; Lambert, Christophe; Oliveira, Louisi; Thompson, Cristiane; Thompson, Fabiano; Pichereau, Vianney; Paillard, Christine. |
The Brown Ring Disease is an infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio tapetis on the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum. The process of infection, in the extrapallial fluids (EPFs) of clams, involves alteration of immune functions, in particular on hemocytes which are the cells responsible of phagocytosis. Disorganization of the actin-cytoskeleton in infected clams is a part of what leads to this alteration. This study is the first transcriptomic approach based on collection of extrapallial fluids on living animals experimentally infected by V. tapetis. We performed differential gene expression analysis of EPFs in two experimental treatments (healthy-against infected-clams by V. tapetis), and showed the deregulation of 135 genes. In infected clams, a... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Brown ring disease; V. tapetis; R. philippinarum; Hemocytes; Actin cytoskeleton; Beta-Thymosin; Coactosin; Resting cells. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00510/62131/66362.pdf |
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Dias, Graciela M.; Bidault, Adeline; Le Chevalier, Patrick; Choquet, Gwenaelle; Sarkissian, Clio Der; Orlando, Ludovic; Medigue, Claudine; Barbe, Valerie; Mangenot, Sophie; Thompson, Cristiane C.; Thompson, Fabiano L.; Jacq, Annick; Pichereau, Vianney; Paillard, Christine. |
The Brown Ring Disease (BRD) caused high mortality rates since 1986 in the Manila clam Venerupis philippinarum introduced and cultured in Western Europe from the 1970s. The causative agent of BRD is a Gram-Negative bacterium, Vibrio tapetis, which is also pathogenic to fish. Here we report the first assembly of the complete genome of V. tapetis CECT4600T, together with the genome sequences of 16 additional strains isolated across a broad host and geographic range. Our extensive genome dataset allowed us to describe the pathogen pan-and core genomes and to identify putative virulence factors. The V. tapetis core genome consists of 3,352 genes, including multiple potential virulence factors represented by haemolysins, transcriptional regulators, Type I... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Vibrio tapetis; Venerupis philippinarum; Comparative genomics; Pathogenicity; T4SS; Pangenome; Core genome. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00429/54077/72091.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 20 | |