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A fish-based index of estuarine ecological quality incorporating information from both scientific fish survey and experts knowledge 5
Tableau, Adrien; Drouineau, Hilaire; Delpech, C.; Pierre, M.; Lobry, J.; Le Pape, O.; Breine, J.; Lepage, Mario.
In the Water Framework Directive (European Union) context, a multimetric fish based index is required to assess the ecological status of French estuarine water bodies. A first indicator called ELFI was developed, however similarly to most indicators, the method to combine the core metrics was rather subjective and this indicator does not provide uncertainty assessment. Recently, a Bayesian method to build indicators was developed and appeared relevant to select metrics sensitive to global anthropogenic pressure, to combine them objectively in an index and to provide a measure of uncertainty around the diagnostic. Moreover, the Bayesian framework is especially well adapted to integrate knowledge and information not included in surveys data. In this context,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Anthropogenic pressure; Bayesian method; Expert judgement; Multimetric fish-based indicator; Prior information; Water Framework Directive.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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