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Agronomic evaluation of 'Bordô' grapevine (Ives) clones Scientia Agricola
Miotto,Lidiane Carla Vilanova; Mota,Renata Vieira da; Souza,Claudia Rita de; França,Danilo Vieira Cardozo; Dias,Frederico Alcântara Novelli; Pimentel,Rodrigo Meirelles de Azevedo; Dal'Osto,Marite Carlin; Regina,Murillo de Albuquerque.
'Bordô' grapevines (Vitis labrusca) have great relevance to viticulture due to the quality they can impart to wines and juices. However, this cultivar has high variation in yield, ranging from 6 to 11 t ha-1. The use of clones with superior genetic potential related to scions currently marketed may increase crop profitability and revitalize its cultivation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the agronomical responses of twelve clones of the Bordô cultivar selected over a period of 15 years according to yield and quality. The vineyard was planted in 2008. Grape plants were grafted onto '1103 Paulsen' rootstock and trained on vertical shoot positioning. The agronomical evaluations, performed in the 2011, 2012 and 2013 seasons, covered the duration of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vitis labrusca; Productivity; Quality; Composition; Anthocyanins.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Cabernet Sauvignon grapevine grafted onto rootstocks during the autumn-winter season in southeastern Brazilian Scientia Agricola
Souza,Claudia Rita de; Mota,Renata Vieira da; França,Daniela Vieira Cardozo; Pimentel,Rodrigo Meirelles de Azevedo; Regina,Murillo de Albuquerque.
The change of grape (Vitis vinifera) harvest from summer to winter through double pruning management has improved the fine wine quality in southern Brazil. High altitude, late cultivar and grafting combination all need to be investigated to optimize this new viticulture management. For this purpose, this study was carried out during the 2011 and 2012 growing seasons in a high altitude region of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, using eight grafting combinations for five year old Cabernet Sauvignon vines. The stem water potential, photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance were not affected by rootstock type. The rootstocks IAC 766 and 101-14 induced, respectively, the highest and lowest vegetative vigor in Cabernet Sauvignon, as shown by leaf area and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Double pruning; Leaf carbohydrates; Vegetative vigor; Grape composition.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Gamma radiation in papaya harvested at three stages of maturation Scientia Agricola
Pimentel,Rodrigo Meirelles de Azevedo; Walder,Julio Marcos Melges.
Papaya is a fragile, perishable fruit, highly accepted worldwide. To keep the quality of papaya from harvest to the consumers, conservation techniques are often used; among them is the application of gamma irradiation. The objective of this work was to evaluate gamma irradiation in papayas harvested at three degrees of maturation, in order to increase shelf life. Papayas were harvested in perfect quality conditions and selected by skin coloration into three distinct degrees of maturation: maturation 0, or beginning of yellow coloration; maturation 1, yellow stripes more developed, and maturation 2, one third yellow. Half of them were irradiated with 0.75 kGy, while the other half became control treatment. They were analyzed in four periods of conservation,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Post-harvest; Food conservation; Gamma irradiation; Tropical fruits; Shelf life.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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New protein sources in adults diet for mass-rearing of Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera:Tephritidae) BABT
Morelli,Renata; Costa,Karen Zamboni; Fagioni,Kenya Martins; Costa,Maria de Lourdes Zamboni; Nascimento,Antônio Souza do; Pimentel,Rodrigo Meirelles de Azevedo; Walder,Julio Marcos Melges.
The aim of this study was to find alternatives to reduce the cost of mass production of the South American fruit fly (A. fraterculus) by looking for locally available products as protein source in the diet of adults to replace the imported product without changing the quality parameters. Two yeast from a Brazilian company were evaluated. The quality parameters showed that the imported hydrolyzed yeast used in the adult diet could be perfectly replaced by the local products tested, with a reduction of over 80% of the cost of the diet. The quality of the produced insects remained the same and there were improvements in some quality parameters such as the volume of eggs produced, number of adults flying and longevity under the stress.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: South American fruit fly; Yeasts; Aminoacids; Insect nutrition; Quality control.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Physiological and agronomical responses of Syrah grapevine under protected cultivation Bragantia
Souza,Claudia Rita de; Mota,Renata Vieira da; Dias,Frederico Alcântara Novelli; Melo,Evaldo Tadeu de; Pimentel,Rodrigo Meirelles de Azevedo; Souza,Laís Cristina de; Regina,Murillo de Albuquerque.
The performance of Syrah grapevine under protected cultivation with different plastic films was evaluated during 2012 and 2013 seasons in South of Minas Gerais State. Agronomical and physiological measurements were done on eight years old grapevines, grafted onto ‘1103 Paulsen’ rootstock cultivated under uncovered conditions, covered with transparent and with diffuse plastic films. Both plastic covers induced the highest shoot growth rate and specific leaf area. The diffuse plastic induced greater differences on leaf area, pruning weight and leaf chlorophyll content as compared to uncovered vines. Grapevines under diffuse plastic also had the lowest rates of photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and transpiration. Leaf starch, glucose and fructose contents...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vitis vinifera; Plastic cover; Vegetative vigor; Water relations; Gas exchange; Wine grape composition.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Qualidade do mamão cv. Solo submetido ao choque térmico e tratamento quarentenário por radiação gama Rev. Bras. Frutic.
Pimentel,Rodrigo Meirelles de Azevedo; Marcondes,Yvens Ely de Mattos; Walder,Julio Marcos Melges.
Para se exportar, é necessário não só atingir padrões de qualidade exigidos pelo país importador, mas também padrões fitossanitários. A irradiação tem como principal função o controle quarentenário de moscas-das-frutas, portanto é necessário que se associe a tratamentos que visem à manutenção da qualidade do fruto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade dos mamões submetidos à imersão em água quente seguidos de irradiação em doses de tratamento quarentenário. Os mamões verdes selecionados foram submetidos aos seguintes tratamentos: a) controle; b) 250 Gy; c) 500 Gy; d) choque térmico (60º C por 30 segundos); e) 250 Gy + choque térmico, e f) 500 Gy + choque térmico. Os mamões foram armazenados a 21±1ºC e umidade relativa de 85-90%, e, após 8...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Papaia; Irradiação; Pós-colheita; Quarentena; Choque de calor.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Qualidade pós-colheita dos genótipos de banana PA42-44 e Prata-Anã cultivados no norte de Minas Gerais Rev. Bras. Frutic.
Pimentel,Rodrigo Meirelles de Azevedo; Guimarães,Fernanda Nobre; Santos,Valdinei Moreira dos; Resende,José Carlos Fialho de.
A suscetibilidade a doenças de grande impacto econômico põe em risco a viabilidade econômica da bananicultura. A melhor estratégia para controle destas doenças, do ponto de vista econômico e ambiental, é a utilização de cultivares resistentes. Porém, estas devem apresentar, além de boas características de produtividade, um bom sabor e facilidade para manuseio e transporte como requisitos para aceitação do mercado. Portanto, este trabalho visou a avaliar características pós-colheita do genótipo PA42-44 resistente ao mal-do-panamá, sigatoka-amarela e negra, comparando à cultivar 'Prata-Anã', bastante difundida, porém suscetível às doenças citadas. Para tal, bananas de cada um dos genótipos foram colhidas e armazenadas à temperatura de 22 ± 1°C e umidade...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Armazenamento; Conservação; Análise sensorial; Despencamento.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Rootstock on vine performance and wine quality of ‘Syrah’ under double pruning management Scientia Agricola
Dias,Frederico Alcântara Novelli; Mota,Renata Vieira da; Souza,Claudia Rita de; Pimentel,Rodrigo Meirelles de Azevedo; Souza,Laís Cristina de; Souza,André Luiz de; Regina,Murillo de Albuquerque.
ABSTRACT In the Brazilian Southeast, the production of high quality wines is attained by a new management approach called double pruning. This management changes the harvesting of wine grape (Vitis vinifera L.) from wet summer to dry winter through a two pruning procedures carried out during the year. The first pruning is done during the winter to induce a vegetative cycle (all clusters are removed) and a second pruning is done during the summer to induce the reproductive cycle. In this study, ten different rootstocks were compared in order to optimize yield and wine quality of Syrah vines conducted under autumn-winter season by double pruning approach. Syrah grapevines grafted onto ‘Rupestris du Lot’ and ‘IAC 766’ showed the highest pruning weight, while...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vitis vinifera; Autumn-winter season; Vigor; Yield; Berry quality.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Videira 'Syrah' sobre diferentes porta-enxertos em ciclo de inverno no sul de Minas Gerais PAB
Dias,Frederico Alcântara Novelli; Mota,Renata Vieira da; Fávero,Ana Carolina; Purgatto,Eduardo; Shiga,Tânia Misuzu; Souza,Claudia Rita de; Pimentel,Rodrigo Meirelles de Azevedo; Regina,Murillo de Albuquerque.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de porta-enxertos sobre as características agronômicas, ecofisiológicas e qualitativas da videira 'Syrah' manejada por meio da técnica da dupla poda. As videiras foram enxertadas nos porta-enxertos 'SO4', '110 Richter' e '1103 Paulsen', e sustentadas em sistema espaldeira sem irrigação. Foram avaliadas as características ecofisiológicas, de produção e de composição físico-química das bagas maduras em três safras (2007, 2008 e 2010). Os porta-enxertos não exerceram influência sobre o potencial hídrico de base, que apresentou valores próximos a -0,2 MPa, o que indica que não houve restrição hídrica no solo ao final da maturação (junho). Também não houve diferença significativa quanto à produção. O...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vitis vinifera; Ácidos orgânicos; Açúcares redutores; Compostos fenólicos; Manejo; Produção.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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