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Effect of flooding on survival and initial growth of Ocotea pulchella (Nees) Mez. seedlings in semi-controlled light conditions Acta Botanica
Pires,Luciana Andrea; Cardoso,Victor José Mendes.
Taking into account the occurrence of Ocotea pulchella in areas subjected to periodic flooding, this work aimed to evaluate the survival and initial development of Ocotea pulchella seedlings (2 months old) and juveniles (9 months old) in response to waterlogging under different light regimes by varying both light quantity and light quality, in order to test for possible flood tolerance of the species as affected by light conditions. Three levels of soil moisture (field capacity, mean flooding - only for seedlings - and full flooding) and four light treatments (full sun, neutral shade, far red enriched shading and neutral plus far red) were tested. The survival of seedlings and juveniles during one year was relatively high, whereas growth was negatively...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Restinga forest; Juveniles; Waterlogging; Development.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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