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BGC-Argo synthetic profile file processing and format on Coriolis GDAC ArchiMer
Bittig, Henry; Wong, Annie; Plant, Josh.
The current V3.1 Argo netCDF format that produces a pair of core- and b- profile files per cycle, with N_PROF > 1, allows storage of all profile information returned from BGC floats, in a manner that is as close to float output as possible. These can include multiple full-depth profiles with different pressure levels, multiple shallow profiles with different pressure levels, and recording of spatial and/or temporal delays between the CTD and various BGC sensor outputs. The advantage of this data management approach is that float outputs are faithfully recorded, so that any reprocessing demands that require access to the raw data can be met with ease. However, when measurements from multiple sensors are not aligned during onboard processing by the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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