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Cytological analysis of hybrids among triticales and trigopiros 74
Fradkin,Maia; Greizerstein,Eduardo; Paccapelo,Héctor; Ferreira,Víctor; Grassi,Ezequiel; Poggio,Lidia; Ferrari,María Rosa.
We studied three different tricepiros: (Don Santiago x Don Noé), (Cumé x Horovitz) and (Cumé x Don Noé). The tricepiro (Don Santiago x Don Noé) was obtained by crossing the triticale Don Santiago INTA (AABBRR, 2n = 6x = 42) with the trigopiro Don Noé INTA (AABBDDJJ, 2n = 8x = 56). The number of chromosomes for the F1 was 2n = 49, the most frequent meiotic configuration being 14 bivalents and 21 univalents. The univalents were situated in the periphery of the equatorial plane, whereas the bivalents were located in the central zone. The chromatids in some of the univalents split when bivalents underwent reductional division in anaphase I. There were few laggard chromosomes or chromatids at this phase. The number of chromosomes (2n = 48-58) was high and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hybrids; Meiosis; Tricepiro; Univalents; Reductional division.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Detection of single copy sequences using BAC-FISH and C-PRINS techniques in sunflower chromosomes 47
Talia,Paola; Greizerstein,Eduardo J.; Hopp,H. Esteban; Paniego,Norma; Poggio,Lidia; Heinz,Ruth A..
Bacterial artificial chromosome - fluorescence in situ hybridization (BAC-FISH) and cycling-primed in situ labeling (C-PRINS) techniques were evaluated for integration of physical and genetic maps of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Single-site SSR markers were selected from three linkage groups of a high-density sunflower genetic map. This selection was based on previously identified QTL associated to S. sclerotiorum. These markers were used to select BACs contaning single copy sequences for BAC-FISH aplication. Blocking of highly dispersed repetitive sunflower sequences reduced unspecific hybridization, and allowed the detection of specific signals for BACs containing SSR markers HA4222 and HA2600, anchored to LG 16 and LG 10, respectively. Single-site...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Sunflower; BAC-FISH; C-PRINS; Single-copy sequences; Physical mapping.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Evaluación del germoplasma de Ilex paraguariensis e Ilex dumosa (Aquifoliaceae) 51
Gottlieb,Alexandra Marina; Giberti,Gustavo Carlos; Poggio,Lidia.
Ilex paraguariensis e I. dumosa constituyen dos especies de gran relevancia económica para nuestro país. Estas comparten muchas características de su biología, aunque se diferencian en composición fitoquímica y resistencia a factores bióticos y abióticos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la estructura de la diversidad genética de plantas mantenidas en el Banco de Germoplasma de Yerba Mate y Té de la Estación Experimental del INTA en Cerro Azul (Misiones) y de materiales comerciales de yerba mate, mediante el re-análisis de datos AFLP, así como caracterizar las secuencias nucleotídicas de bandas potencialmente diagnósticas de especie. En I. dumosa se detectó, respecto de I. paraguariensis, un nivel de variación molecular dos veces mayor, aunque...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: AFLP; Yerba mate; Yerba señorita; Germoplasma; Diferenciación genética.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Evolutionary relationships in the genus Zea: analysis of repetitive sequences used as cytological FISH and GISH markers 74
Poggio,Lidia; Confalonieri,Viviana; Comas,Cecilia; Gonzalez,Graciela; Naranjo,Carlos A..
The present study is a revision of our work on evolutionary cytogenetics of the genus Zea, including several new experiments which give a deeper insight into the nature of the DNA sequences involved in telomeric regions of Zea luxurians. These new experiments, based on the Southern blotting technique and in situ hybridization, have demonstrated the following: 1) in situ hybridization (FISH) demonstrated the presence of the 180-bp repeat maize-knob-repeat-sequence in DAPI-positive terminal heterochromatic blocks of Z. luxurians (ZL-THB region); 2) Southern blot analysis confirmed that the 180-bp repeat present in maize is also present in Z. diploperennis, Z. luxurians and Tripsacum dactyloides, but not in Z. perennis; 3) another sequence with targeted sites...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Genome characterization of a synthetic Triticum x Thinopyrum (Poaceae) amphiploid usingin situ hybridization 51
Fradkin,Maia; Greizerstein,Eduardo J; Ferrari,María R; Poggio,Lidia.
"Trigopiros" derive from crosses between different species of Triticum L. and Thinopyrum Löve. These synthetic amphiploids are designed with the aim to obtain cereals similar to wheat but which are perennial, resistant to diseases and to the salinity of the soils. Moreover, they allow the transfer of the agronomic attributes of Thinopyrum to wheat. "Trigopiro" Don Noé INTA, which is currently grown in Argentina, presents valuable agronomic traits as well as a high content of seed proteins. In the present work, the use of classical cytogenetic techniques allowed us to confirm that the chromosome number of "Trigopiro" Don Noé is 2n=56. The application of in situ hybridization (FISH-GISH) allowed us to postulate its genomic composition for the first time....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Trigopiro; FISH; GISH.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Use of AFLP and RAPD molecular genetic markers and cytogenetic analysis to explore relationships among taxa of the Patagonian Bromus setifolius complex 74
García,Ana M.; Schrauf,Gustavo E.; González,Graciela; Poggio,Lidia; Naranjo,Carlos A.; Dupal,Marck P.; Spangenberg,Germán C.; Forster,John W..
Bromus setifolius var. pictus (Hook) Skottsb., B. setifolius var. setifolius Presl. and B. setifolius var. brevifolius Ness are three native Patagonian taxa in the section Pnigma Dumort of the genus Bromus L. AFLP and RAPD analysis, in conjunction with genetic distance measurements and statistical techniques, revealed variation within this group and indicated that B. setifolius var. brevifolius was closely related to B. setifolius var. pictus, with both taxa being more distantly related to B. setifolius var. setifolius. Cytogenetic analysis confirmed the chromosomal number of B. setifolius var. pictus (2n = 70) and B. setifolius var. setifolius (2n = 28) and showed for the first time that B. setifolius var. brevifolius had 2n = 70. The combination of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: AFLP; Argentina; Bromus setifolius complex; Cytogenetics; Patagonia; RAPD.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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