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Building aggregate timber supply models from individual harvest choice AgEcon
Polyakov, Maksym; Wear, David N.; Huggett, Robert.
Timber supply has traditionally been modelled using aggregate data. In this paper, we build aggregate supply models for four roundwood products for the US state of North Carolina from a stand-level harvest choice model applied to detailed forest inventory. The simulated elasticities of pulpwood supply are much lower than reported by previous studies. Cross price elasticities indicate a dominant influence of sawtimber markets on pulpwood supply. This approach allows predicting the supply consequences of exogenous factors and supports regular updating of supply models.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Timber supply; Harvest choice; Conditional logit; Elasticity; Expectations; Simulation..
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Economics of controlling invasive species: a stochastic optimisation model for a spatial-dynamic process AgEcon
Chalak, Morteza; Pannell, David J.; Polyakov, Maksym.
Invasive species are significant threats to biodiversity, natural ecosystems and agriculture leading to large worldwide economic and environmental damage. Spread and control of invasive species are stochastic processes with important spatial dimensions. Most economic studies of invasive species control ignore spatial and stochastic aspects. This paper covers this gap in the previous studies by analysing a spatially explicit dynamic process of controlling invasive species in a stochastic setting. We show how stochasticity, spatial location of infestation and control can influence the spread, control efficiency and optimal control strategies. The main aim of this paper is to analyse the relationship between economic parameters and stochastic spatial...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Spatial; Dynamics; Invasive; Economics; Stochastic; Optimisation; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Economics of Controlling Invasive Species: A Stochastic Optimisation Model for a Spatial-Dynamic Process AgEcon
Chalak, Morteza; Pannell, David J.; Polyakov, Maksym.
Invasive species are significant threats to biodiversity, natural ecosystems and agriculture leading to large worldwide economic and environmental damage. Spread and control of invasive species are stochastic processes with important spatial dimensions. Most economic studies of invasive species control ignore spatial and stochastic aspects. This paper covers this gap in the previous studies by analysing a spatially explicit dynamic process of controlling invasive species in a stochastic setting. We show how stochasticity, spatial location of infestation and control can influence the spread, control efficiency and optimal control strategies. The main aim of this paper is to analyse the relationship between economic parameters and stochastic spatial...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Optimising the spatial pattern of landscape revegetation AgEcon
Polyakov, Maksym; Pannell, David J.; Rowles, Alexei; Park, Geoff; Roberts, Anna M..
The spatial pattern of landscape reconstruction makes a substantial difference to environmental outcomes. We develop a spatially explicit bio-economic model that optimises the reconstruction of a heavily cleared landscape through revegetation. The model determines the spatial priorities for revegetation that minimises economic costs subject to achieving particular improvements in habitat for 29 woodland-dependent bird species. The study focuses on the Avoca catchment (330 thousand ha) in North-Central Victoria. Our model incorporates spatial pattern and heterogeneity of existing and reconstructed vegetation types. The revegetation priorities are identified as being: sites in the vicinity of existing remnants, riparian areas, and parts of the landscape with...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Landscape reconstruction; Biodiversity; Optimisation; Habitat; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use; Q57.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Population Growth and Land Use Dynamics along Urban–Rural Gradient AgEcon
Polyakov, Maksym; Zhang, Daowei.
In this study we apply a spatial conditional logit model to determine factors influencing land cover change in three contiguous counties in West Georgia between 1992 and 2001 using point (pixel) based observations of land characteristics. We found that accessibility to population and population growth affect not only development of rural lands and transition between agricultural and forestry uses, but also influence changes between forest types. The model could be used to project land use–land cover change at watershed or subwatershed level and thus serve as a valuable tool for county and city planners.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Conditional logit; Land use change; Population gravity index; Spatial lag; Agribusiness; Labor and Human Capital; Land Economics/Use; Q15; Q23; R14.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Prioritising investment to enhance biodiversity in an agricultural landscape AgEcon
Polyakov, Maksym; Pannell, David J.; Rowles, Alexei; Park, Geoff; Roberts, Anna M..
The removal, alteration and fragmentation of habitat are key threats to the biodiversity of terrestrial ecosystems. Investment to protect biodiversity assets (e.g. restoration of native vegetation) in dominantly agricultural landscapes usually results in a loss of agricultural production. This can be a significant cost that is often overlooked or poorly addressed in analyses to prioritise such investments. Accounting for this trade-off is important for more successful, realistically feasible and cost-effective biodiversity conservation. We developed a spatially explicit bio-economic optimisation model that simulates the effect of conservation effort on the diversity of woodland-dependent birds in the Avoca catchment (330 thousand ha) in North-Central...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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The importance of tree cover and neighbourhood parks in determining urban property values AgEcon
Pandit, Ram; Polyakov, Maksym; Sadler, Rohan.
This paper presents a spatially explicit analysis of the contribution of urban trees and parks to residential property values. We estimated the effects of structural, neighbourhood, and environmental variables, including tree cover, on sale price of single-family homes in Perth using a generalized spatial two-stage least-squares model. The spatial model results indicate that, among other structural and neighbourhood variables, the proportion of tree cover on street verges (public space) and the extent and proximity of neighbourhood parks attract significant price premiums in the Perth housing market. However, we failed to find any evidence of impact of the tree cover on property (private space) on its sale price. Further, we find that the parameter...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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