Registros recuperados: 42 | |
Bouchoucha, Marc; Tomasino, Corinne; Amouroux, Isabelle; Andral, Bruno; Brach-papa, Christophe; Briand, Marine; Buchet, Remi; Delmas, Lucile; Galgani, François; Gonzalez, Jean-louis; Grouhel-pellouin, Anne; Mauffret, Aourell; Mille, Tiphaine; Munaron, Dominique; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Wessel, Nathalie; Boissery, Pierre. |
Ce rapport fait le bilan de la surveillance de la contamination chimique opérée par l’Ifremer, en partenariat avec l’agence de l’eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse, entre 1998 et 2018. Il présente sur la forme de graphiques et de cartes les principaux résultats obtenus durant cette période ainsi que l’évolution des méthodes et des stratégies de surveillance des eaux côtières de Méditerranée. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2021 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00673/78554/80744.pdf |
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Soulet, Guillaume; Menot, Guillemette; Bayon, Germain; Rostek, Frauke; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Toucanne, Samuel; Lericolais, Gilles; Bard, Edouard. |
Continental ice sheets are a key component of the Earth’s climate system, but their internal dynamics need to be further studied. Since the last deglaciation, the northern Eurasian Fennoscandian Ice Sheet (FIS) has been connected to the Black Sea (BS) watershed, making this basin a suitable location to investigate former ice-sheet dynamics. Here, from a core retrieved in the BS, we combine the use of neodymium isotopes, high-resolution elemental analysis, and biomarkers to trace changes in sediment provenance and river runoff. We reveal cyclic releases of meltwater originating from Lake Disna, a proglacial lake linked to the FIS during Heinrich Stadial 1. Regional interactions within the climate–lake–FIS system, linked to changes in the availability of... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ice dynamics; Meltwater routing; European hydrographic network. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00134/24489/22516.pdf |
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Ferreira Araujo, Daniel; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Briant, Nicolas; Knoery, Joel; Sireau, Teddy; Mojtahid, Meryem; Metzger, Edouard; Brach-papa, Christophe. |
In this work, a multi-elemental approach combining Cu and Zn stable isotopes is used to assess the metal contamination evolution in the Loire estuary bulk sediments. Elemental geochemical data indicate an increase of metal concentrations from the beginning of the industrial period peaking in the 1990s, followed by an attenuation of metal contamination inputs to the estuary. Zinc isotope compositions suggest a binary mixing process between Zn derived from terrigenous material and multi-urban anthropogenic sources. Copper isotope systematics indicate a single natural dominant source represented by weathered silicate particles from soils and rocks. This work demonstrates the applicability of Zn isotopes to identify anthropogenic Zn sources in coastal systems,... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Coastal pollution; Coastal biogeochemistry; Geochemical tracers; Metal isotopes; Trace metal; Anthropogenic contamination. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00490/60188/67760.pdf |
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Gueguen, Bleuenn; Rouxel, Olivier; Rouget, Marie-laure; Bollinger, Claire; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Germain, Yoan; Fouquet, Yves. |
Ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) crusts are potential archive of the Ni isotope composition of seawater through time. In this study we aim at (1) understanding Ni isotope fractionation mechanisms and metal enrichment processes in Fe-Mn deposits, (2) addressing global vs. local control of Ni isotope composition of these deposits. Two Fe-Mn crusts from the North Pacific Ocean (Apuupuu Seamount, Hawaii) and two Fe-Mn crusts from the South Pacific Ocean (near Rurutu Island, Austral archipelago of French Polynesia) were characterized for their elemental geochemistry and Ni isotope composition. Geochemical analyses were performed at millimeter intervals in order to provide time-resolved record of Ni isotopes. Chronology and growth rates were determined using cosmogenic... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ferromanganese crusts; Nickel isotopes; Paleoceanography; Pacific Ocean; Biogeochemical cycling. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00341/45255/44696.pdf |
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Ferreira Araujo, Daniel; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Briant, Nicolas; Knoery, Joel; Bruzac, Sandrine; Sireau, Teddy; Brach-papa, Christophe. |
Toulon bay is severely impacted by metal contamination induced by past and recent naval activities. In this work, Cu, Zn and Pb isotope compositions and elemental concentrations of fifty-five surface sediments were determined in order to map the spatial distribution of anthropogenic and natural sources along this land-sea continuum. Two sub-systems of Toulon Bay, the Small and Large bays, showed well-marked patterns on metal contamination levels and isotope signatures for Cu and Pb. The Small bay had the highest metal concentrations, and displayed average Pb and Cu isotope compositions of 1.1664 ± 0.0043 (1s, expressed as 206Pb/207Pb ratios) and −0.17 ± 0.19‰ (1s, expressed as δ65CuNIST values), respectively. It contrasted with the Large bay, with moderate... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Metal isotopes; Isotope tracers; Geochemical isotopes; Environmental pollution; Coastal pollution; Toulon bay. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00566/67784/67226.pdf |
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Tanimizu, Masaharu; Sugiyama, Naoki; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Bayon, Germain. |
Isotope ratios of U-236/U-238 were measured at levels below 10(-7) by single collector ICPMS with a tandem quadrupole mass separation mechanism. Peak tailing of the prominent U-238(+) ion beam on the U-236(+) peak was reduced to the level of similar to 10(-10) by use of two quadrupole mass filters. The (UH+)-U-235 interference on U-236(+) was efficiently reduced to a UH+/U+ ratio of 1 x 10(-8) by an ion-molecule reaction between UH+ and O-2 in a collision/reaction cell placed between the two quadrupoles. The resultant detection limit for U-236/U-238 measurement was better than those reported by any other ICPMS study. The U-236/U-238 ratios, measured as (UO+)-U-236-O-16/(UO+)-U-238-O-16, were determined in the range 10(-9) to 10(-7) without correction for... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00152/26358/24440.pdf |
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Bayon, Germain; Birot, Dominique; Ruffine, Livio; Caprais, Jean-claude; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Bollinger, C.; Donval, Jean-pierre; Charlou, Jean-luc; Voisset, Michel; Grimaud, S.. |
For many trace elements, continental margins are the location of intense exchange processes between sediment and seawater, which control their distribution in the water column, but have yet to be fully understood. In this study, we have investigated the impact of fluid seepage at cold seeps on the marine cycle of neodymium. We determined dissolved and total dissolvable (TD) concentrations for REE and well-established tracers of fluid seepage (CH4, TDFe, TDMn), and Nd isotopic compositions in seawater samples collected above cold seeps and a reference site (i.e. away from any fluid venting area) from the Niger Delta margin. We also analyzed cold seep authigenic phases and various core-top sediment fractions (pore water, detrital component, easily leachable... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Rare earth elements; Neodymium isotopes; Seawater; Cold seeps; Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides; Benthic fluxes. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00066/17754/15571.pdf |
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Bayon, Germain; Dupre, Stephanie; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Etoubleau, Joel; Cheron, Sandrine; Pierre, Catherine; Mascle, Jean; Boetius, Antje; De Lange, Gert J.. |
Marine sediments at ocean margins vent substantial amounts of methane(1,2). Microbial oxidation of the methane released can trigger the precipitation of carbonate within sediments and support a broad diversity of seafloor ecosystems(3,4). The factors controlling microbial activity and carbonate precipitation associated with the seepage of submarine fluid over geological time remain poorly constrained. Here, we characterize the petrology and geochemistry of rocks sampled from metre-size build-ups of methane-derived carbonate chimneys located at the Amon mud volcano on the Nile deep-sea fan. We find that these carbonates comprise porous structures composed of aggregated spherules of aragonite, and closely resemble microbial carbonate reefs forming at present... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00156/26734/24854.pdf |
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Ruffine, Livio; Fandino Torres, Olivia; Etoubleau, Joel; Cheron, Sandrine; Donval, Jean-pierre; Germain, Yoan; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Guyader, Vivien; Dennielou, Bernard; Etiope, Giuseppe; Gasperini, Luca; Bortoluzzi, Giovanni; Henry, Pierre; Grall, Celine; Cagatay, M. Namik; Charlou, Jean-luc; Geli, Louis. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00139/24982/23065.pdf |
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Grasse, Patricia; Brzezinski, Mark A.; Cardinal, Damien; De Souza, Gregory F.; Andersson, Per; Closset, Ivia; Cao, Zhimian; Dai, Minhan; Ehlert, Claudia; Estrade, Nicolas; Francois, Roger; Frank, Martin; Jiang, Guibin; Jones, Janice L.; Kooijman, Ellen; Liu, Qian; Lu, Dawei; Pahnke, Katharina; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Schmitt, Melanie; Sun, Xiaole; Sutton, Jill; Thil, Francois; Weis, Dominique; Wetzel, Florian; Zhang, Anyu; Zhang, Jing; Zhang, Zhouling. |
The first inter-calibration study of the stable silicon isotope composition of dissolved silicic acid in seawater, delta Si-30(OH)(4), is presented as a contribution to the international GEOTRACES program. Eleven laboratories from seven countries analyzed two seawater samples from the North Pacific subtropical gyre (Station ALOHA) collected at 300 m and at 1000 m water depth. Sampling depths were chosen to obtain samples with a relatively low (9 mmol L-1, 300 m) and a relatively high (113 mmol L-1, 1000 m) silicic acid concentration as sample preparation differs for low- and highconcentration samples. Data for the 1000 m water sample were not normally distributed so the median is used to represent the central tendency for the two samples. Median delta... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00381/49270/49681.pdf |
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Bayon, Germain; Burton, K. W.; Soulet, Guillaume; Vigier, N.; Dennielou, Bernard; Etoubleau, Joel; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; German, C. R.; Nesbitt, R. W.. |
The combined use of Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd isotope systems potentially offers a unique perspective for investigating continental erosion, but little is known about whether, and to what extent, the Hf-Nd isotope composition of sediments is related to silicate weathering intensity. In this study, Hf and Nd elemental and isotope data are reported for marine muds, leached Fe-oxide fractions and zircon-rich turbidite sands collected off the Congo River mouth, and from other parts of the SE Atlantic Ocean. All studied samples from the Congo fan (muds, Fe-hydroxides, sands) exhibit indistinguishable Nd isotopic composition (epsilon(Nd)similar to - 16), indicating that Fe-hydroxides leached from these sediments correspond to continental oxides precipitated within the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Congo fan; Seawater array; Continental erosion; Silicate weathering; Hafnium isotopes; Neodymium isotopes. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2009/publication-6451.pdf |
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Marti, Celine; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Harlow, George. |
Boron and Li are light, incompatible elements that preferentially partition into the liquid phase, whether melt or aqueous fluid, and thus are useful for tracking fluid-related processes in rocks. Most of the Li isotopic data presently available on subduction-related rocks are from whole-rock analyses; and the B isotopic analyses of subduction material have been carried out either on whole-rocks or in-situ on an accessory phase, such as tourmaline. The new method presented here couples an ESI New Wave UP-193-FX ArF* (193 nm) excimer laser-ablation microscope with a Neptune Plus (Thermo Scientific) MC-ICP-MS aiming to measure both Li and B isotopes in situ with good spatial resolution (metamorphic minerals are commonly chemically zoned, and whole-rock... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Boron isotopes; Lithium isotopes; LA-MC-ICP-MS; Subduction zone related silicates. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00274/38533/37050.pdf |
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Bayon, Germain; Dennielou, Bernard; Etoubleau, Joel; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Toucanne, Samuel; Bermell, Sylvain. |
About 3000 years ago, a major vegetation change occurred in Central Africa, when rainforest trees were abruptly replaced by savannas. The consensus is that the forest disturbance was caused by climate change. We show here that chemical weathering in Central Africa, reconstructed from geochemical analyses of a marine sediment core, intensified abruptly at the same period, departing significantly from the long-term weathering fluctuations related to the Late Quaternary climate. Evidence that this weathering event was also contemporaneous with the migration of Bantu-speaking farmers across Central Africa suggests that human land-use intensification at that time already had a significant impact on the rainforest. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00069/18031/15574.pdf |
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Lotfi-kalahroodi, Elaheh; Pierson-wickmann, Anne-catherine; Guénet, Hélène; Rouxel, Olivier; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Bouhnik-lecoz, Martine; Vantelon, Delphine; Dia, Aliou; Davranche, Mélanie. |
Colloids have been recognized as key vectors of pollutants in aqueous environment. Amongst them, those formed by iron (Fe) and organic matter (OM) are of major importance due to their ubiquity in the surface environment and strong affinity for metals. In the recent years, Fe stable isotopes have been increasingly used to elucidate the sources and biogeochemical cycling of Fe in Earth's surface environments. In this study, we aim to elucidate (i) the possible Fe isotopic signature resulting from the Fe/OM colloid formation and (ii) the mechanisms involved in the development of such isotopic signature. For this purpose, Fe-OM associations were synthesized through binding and titration experiments. Various pH levels were used in order to study the isotope... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Filtration; Size fractionation; Isotope fractionation; Colloidal; Dissolved; Fe isotopes. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00480/59174/61811.pdf |
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Fontanier, Christophe; Dissard, D.; Ruffine, Livio; Mamo, B.; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Pelleter, Ewan; Baudin, F.; Roubi, Angelique; Cheron, Sandrine; Boissier, Audrey; Gayet, Nicolas; Bermell-fleury, S.; Pitel, M.; Guyader, Vivien; Lesongeur, Francoise; Savignac, F.. |
In this preliminary study, we investigate living (stained) foraminifera from the Sea of Marmara. We focus on the faunal composition and geochemical signatures (trace elements, carbon and oxygen stable isotopes) in foraminiferal tests at two deep-sea sites (329 and ~1240 m depth respectively). Documented by ROV observations and sampling, both study areas are heterogeneous (including bacterial mats and carbonate concretions), proximal to cold seeps and consist of dysoxic bottom water (O2<20 µmol/L). The prevailing dysoxia at both study areas restricts foraminiferal diversity to very low values (S<9, H’<0.97). Stress-tolerant species Bolivina vadescens and Globobulimina affinis dominate living faunas at both sites. The highest foraminiferal standing... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Living (stained) benthic foraminifera; Sea of Marmara; Extreme ecosystems; Trace elements; Stable isotopes. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00416/52774/53646.pdf |
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Quetel, Christophe R.; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Rodushkin, Ilia; Gerdes, Axel; Williams, Ross; Woodhead, Jon. |
A blind comparison on Pb-isotope delta-scale measurements by MC-ICPMS of 0.01 parts per thousand to 0.1 parts per thousand level was organised, involving five laboratories. Test samples were obtained from the series of candidate ERM-3810 delta-isotopic Certified Reference Materials (delta-iCRMs), and comprise four pairs of a material with similar to natural Pb-isotopic composition ('delta zero' or 'delta-0') and the same natural Pb progressively enriched in Pb-207 (with delta Pb-207 values certified to similar to 0.1% relative uncertainty, k = 2). Participants were free to apply the measurement strategy of their choice. A result was considered 'acceptable' only when, simultaneously, there was agreement within stated uncertainties with the corresponding... |
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Ano: 2009 |
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Registros recuperados: 42 | |