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A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data for ocean-colour satellite applications ArchiMer
Valente, Andre; Sathyendranath, Shubha; Brotas, Vanda; Groom, Steve; Grant, Michael; Taberner, Malcolm; Antoine, David; Arnone, Robert; Balch, William M.; Barker, Kathryn; Barlow, Ray; Belanger, Simon; Berthon, Jean-francois; Besiktepe, Sukru; Brando, Vittorio; Canuti, Elisabetta; Chavez, Francisco; Claustre, Herve; Crout, Richard; Frouin, Robert; Garcia-soto, Carlos; Gibb, Stuartw.; Gould, Richard; Hooker, Stanford; Kahru, Mati; Klein, Holger; Kratzer, Susanne; Loisel, Hubert; Mckee, David; Mitchell, Brian G.; Moisan, Tiffany; Muller-karger, Frank; O'Dowd, Leonie; Ondrusek, Michael; Poulton, Alex J.; Repecaud, Michel; Smyth, Timothy; Sosik, Heidi M.; Twardowski, Michael; Voss, Kenneth; Werdell, Jeremy; Wernand, Marcel; Zibordi, Giuseppe.
A compiled set of in situ data is important to evaluate the quality of ocean-colour satellite-data records. Here we describe the data compiled for the validation of the ocean-colour products from the ESA Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI). The data were acquired from several sources (MOBY, BOUSSOLE, AERONET-OC, SeaBASS, NOMAD, MERMAID, AMT, ICES, HOT, GeP&CO), span between 1997 and 2012, and have a global distribution. Observations of the following variables were compiled: spectral remote-sensing reflectances, concentrations of chlorophyll a, spectral inherent optical properties and spectral diffuse attenuation coefficients. The data were from multi-project archives acquired via the open internet services or from individual projects,...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data for ocean-colour satellite applications - version two ArchiMer
Valente, Andre; Sathyendranath, Shubha; Brotas, Vanda; Groom, Steve; Grant, Michael; Taberner, Malcolm; Antoine, David; Arnone, Robert; Balch, William M.; Barker, Kathryn; Barlow, Ray; Belanger, Simon; Berthon, Jean-francois; Besiktepe, Suikru; Borsheim, Yngve; Bracher, Astrid; Brando, Vittorio; Canuti, Elisabetta; Chavez, Francisco; Cianca, Andres; Claustre, Herve; Clementson, Lesley; Crout, Richard; Frouin, Robert; Garcia-soto, Carlos; Gibb, Stuart W.; Gould, Richard; Hooker, Stanford B.; Kahru, Mati; Kampel, Milton; Klein, Holger; Kratzer, Susanne; Kudela, Raphael; Ledesma, Jesus; Loisel, Hubert; Matrai, Patricia; Mckee, David; Mitchell, Brian G.; Moisan, Tiffany; Muller-karger, Frank; O'Dowd, Leonie; Ondrusek, Michael; Platt, Trevor; Poulton, Alex J.; Repecaud, Michel; Schroeder, Thomas; Smythe, Timothy; Smythe-wright, Denise; Sosik, Heidi M.; Twardowski, Michael; Vellucci, Vincenzo; Voss, Kenneth; Werdell, Jeremy; Wernand, Marcel; Wright, Simon; Zibordi, Giuseppe.
A global compilation of in situ data is useful to evaluate the quality of ocean-colour satellite data records. Here we describe the data compiled for the validation of the ocean-colour products from the ESA Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI). The data were acquired from several sources (including, inter alia, MOBY, BOUSSOLE, AERONET-OC, SeaBASS, NOMAD, MERMAID, AMT, ICES, HOT and GeP&CO) and span the period from 1997 to 2018. Observations of the following variables were compiled: spectral remote-sensing reflectances, concentrations of chlorophyll a, spectral inherent optical properties, spectral diffuse attenuation coefficients and total suspended matter. The data were from multi-project archives acquired via open internet services or from...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Southern Ocean deep-water carbon export enhanced by natural iron fertilization ArchiMer
Pollard, Raymond T.; Salter, Ian; Sanders, Richard J.; Lucas, Mike I.; Moore, C. Mark; Mills, Rachel A.; Statham, Peter J.; Allen, John T.; Baker, Alex R.; Bakker, Dorothee C. E.; Charette, Matthew A.; Fielding, Sophie; Fones, Gary R.; French, Megan; Hickman, Anna E.; Holland, Ross J.; Hughes, J. Alan; Jickells, Timothy D.; Lampitt, Richard S.; Morris, Paul J.; Nedelec, Florence; Nielsdottir, Maria; Planquette, Helene; Popova, Ekaterina E.; Poulton, Alex J.; Read, Jane F.; Seeyave, Sophie; Smith, Tania; Stinchcombe, Mark; Taylor, Sarah; Thomalla, Sandy; Venables, Hugh J.; Williamson, Robert; Zubkov, Mike V..
The addition of iron to high- nutrient, low- chlorophyll regions induces phytoplankton blooms that take up carbon(1-3). Carbon export from the surface layer and, in particular, the ability of the ocean and sediments to sequester carbon for many years remains, however, poorly quantified(3). Here we report data from the CROZEX experiment(4) in the Southern Ocean, which was conducted to test the hypothesis that the observed north - south gradient in phytoplankton concentrations in the vicinity of the Crozet Islands is induced by natural iron fertilization that results in enhanced organic carbon flux to the deep ocean. We report annual particulate carbon fluxes out of the surface layer, at three kilometres below the ocean surface and to the ocean floor. We...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2009
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