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Cost Effectiveness of Rainwater Harvesting for Groundwater Recharge in Micro-Watersheds of Kolar District of India: The Case Study of Thotli Micro-Watershed 31
Nagaraj, N.; Pradhani, Umesh; Chengappa, P.G.; Basavaraj, G.; Kanwar, Ramesh S..
This study has estimated the supply augmentation of groundwater recharge due to creation of water harvesting structures and has assessed the cost-effectiveness of rainwater harvesting for groundwater recharge on watershed basis in one of the sub-watersheds of the Kolar district, Peninsular India — a typically hard-rock area. The study is based on the primary data for the year 2008-09 collected from a sample of 90 farmers having irrigation bore-wells in the selected watershed named Thotli. The study has indicated that the annual draft of irrigation water exceeds the annual recharge, causing a negative balance. On an average, the returns per rupee investment have been found to be ` 1.80 on farm pond, ` 1.78 on recharge pit and ` 1.39 on field bund. The cost...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Rainwater harvesting; Economic feasibility; Groundwater recharge; Watershed; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q15; Q25.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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