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Output Relations of Humeral Circumflex Arteries and its Variations International Journal of Morphology
Fontes,E. B; Precht,B. L. C; Andrade,R. C. L; Fernandes,R. M. P; Cisne,R.
A large range of variability marks the branching pattern of the axillary artery. The knowledge of the anatomical variations and this pattern is essential to diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, including surgery, of the axillary region. The aim of this study was to observe the different possible origins of circumflex humeral arteries and to measure the length and diameter of each vessel. In our study, 24 armpits from adult cadavers (fixed in tamponed formalin 10%) were dissected. The data were analyzed with a digital caliper and the results expressed as Mean ± SD. In majority of specimens, posterior circumflex humeral artery (PCHA) arose from subscapular artery (SSA) (54.16%) and had an average diameter of 3.92±0.41 mm. The anterior circumflex humeral...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Circumflex humeral arteries; Axillary artery; Subscapular artery; Anatomical variation; Surgery.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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