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Bone Augmentation With Occlusive Barriers and Cortical Particulate Allograft in Transverse Maxillary Defects: A Pilot Study International Journal of Morphology
Beltrán,Víctor; Engelke,Wilfried; Fuentes,Ramón; Decco,Oscar; Prieto,Ruth; Wilckens,Mario; Borie,Eduardo.
The centripetal resorption of maxilla is a continuous process after tooth loss. For treatment of deficient bone sites, autologous bone grafts may be used, as an alternative, biomaterials can be applied which do not require intra or extraoral donor sites. The present report describes the use of occlusive barriers and cortical particulate allograft in transverse maxillary defects. This surgical approach was performed in five patients (4 females and 1 male, aged 20 to 37 years). Clinical results show that sufficient hard tissue was formed to allow implant born rehabilitation in the former insufficient bone sites. Histological evaluation revealed small amounts of newly formed bone with a predominance of collagen fibrous tissue and mature bone with very little...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Bone regeneration; Maxilla; Dental implant; Bone defect; Biomaterials.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Experiencias de Blog: Placenta Comparada International Journal of Morphology
Prieto,Ruth; Smok,Carolina; Rojas,Mariana.
Las Tics son hoy en día la metodología de vanguardia utilizada en todos los niveles de la enseñanza, por ello diseñamos un blogspot sobre Placenta Comparada. Los visitantes encontraron contenidos e imágenes originales en las diferentes etapas del desarrollo. Se utilizaron 10 placentas humanas y 14 de animales para las imágenes y material educativo del blog, éstas se fotografiaron macroscópica y mesoscópicamente, posteriormente se procesaron mediante técnicas histológicas. Para la evaluación de las visitas al blogs se utilizaron parámetros estadísticos pertenecientes al formato blogs, entre los meses de mayo a diciembre de 2010 y una encuesta de opinión en relación a los item: fotografía, diseño del blog y video de alumbramiento. La estadística del blog...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Placenta; Placenta comparada; Alumbramiento.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Immunological Distribution of the Placental Lactogene and IGF-1 Receptor on Free-chorionic Villi of the Newborns Small for Gestational Age Placentae International Journal of Morphology
Prieto,Ruth; Matamala,Fernando; Rojas,Mariana.
The aim of this study was observe differences in the immunological distribution of the placental lactogene and IGF-1 receptor on free-chorionic villi, between studied groups and to relate the neonatal diagnosis of PEG with morphometric and immunohystochemical characteristics of the placenta. A total of, twelve placentas from AEG newborn and twelve from PEG newborn were obtained from the Maternity Ward of Temuco, Chile. H&E, Alcian blue and Masson's trichromic stains, as well as Hematoxilyn-PAS. In the immunoperoxidase technique, were used: 1) placental lactogen (polyclonal, dilution 1:200, NCL-PLP, Novocastra) 2) Insuline-1 like growth factor (monoclonal, dilution 1:200, NCL-GHR, No vocastra). Differences between PEG and AEG placentae in the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: IGF-1 receptor; Free-chorionic villi; Newborns; Gestational age.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Morfometría Mandibular en Adultos a través de una Radiografía Panorámica International Journal of Morphology
Fuentes,Ramón; Prieto,Ruth; Silva,Héctor; Bornhardt,Thomas; Cuevas,F.
Los procedimientos clínicos a nivel del hueso mandibular en Odontología, en las etapas de diagnóstico, planificación y tratamiento, son rutinarios. Para poder realizar dichas fases, es relevante conocer en forma precisa la anatomía mandibular, con el fin de minimizar los riesgos en los procedimientos anestésicos, quirúrgicos y protésicos. El uso de radiografías panorámicas es cada vez más frecuente, las cuales permiten un estudio de la anatomía mandibular bilateral. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la morfología de la mandíbula a través radiografías panorámicas, estudiando específicamente la ubicación de estructuras, como el foramen mandibular en relación a los diferentes márgenes de la rama de la mandíbula. El foramen mental se analizó en...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Mandíbula; Radiografías panorámicas; Forámenes.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The Behavior of Demineralized Bone Matrix (DBM) in Post-Extraction Sockets International Journal of Morphology
Fuentes,Ramón; Issa,João Paulo Mardegan; Iyomasa,Mamie Mizusaki; Oporto,Gonzalo; Prieto,Ruth; Borie,Eduardo.
Autogenous bone grafts are considered to be the gold standard in bone regeneration because of their osteogenic activity; however, due to limited availability of intraoral donor sites and the need to resolve the demands of patients requires an alternative to these. Two male patients were submitted to implant surgery in two stages with 6 months intervals between each of them: the first was exodontia and placement of DBM graft into the socket; the second stage was the drill with a 2 mm internal diameter trephine in center of the alveolar ridge previously grafted with DBM and subsequent implant placement. The samples were analyzed under histological techniques. A very mature bone was observed at 6 months after DBM graft placement in the sockets, showing it to...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Bone regeneration; Biomaterials; DBM; Socket.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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