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Autonomously profiling the nitrate concentrations in the ocean : the Pronuts project ArchiMer
D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Le Reste, Serge; Lavigne, Heloise; Besson, F.; Claustre, H.; Coppola, Laurent; Dufour, A.; Dutreuil, Vincent; Laes, Agathe; Leymarie, Edouard; Malarde, Damien; Mangin, A.; Migon, Christophe; Morin, P.; Poteau, A.; Prieur, L.; Raimbault, P.; Testor, Pierre.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Distributions of the carbonate system properties, anthropogenic CO2, and acidification during the 2008 BOUM cruise (Mediterranean Sea) ArchiMer
Touratier, Franck; Guglielmi, V.; Goyet, Catherine; Prieur, L.; Pujo-pay, M.; Conan, P.; Falco, C..
We relate here the distributions of two carbonate system key properties (total alkalinity, AT; and total dissolved inorganic carbon, CT) measured along a section in the Mediterranean Sea, going from Marseille (France) to the south of the Cyprus Island, during the 2008 BOUM cruise. The three main objectives of the present study are (1) to draw and comment on the distributions of AT and CT in the light of others properties like salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen, (2) to estimate the distribution of the anthropogenic CO2 (CANT) in the intermediate and the deep waters, and (3) to calculate the resulting variation of pH (acidification) since the beginning of the industrial era. Since the calculation of CANT is always an intense subject of debate, we...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Inferring phytoplankton carbon and eco-physiological rates from diel cycles of spectral particulate beam-attenuation coefficient ArchiMer
Dall'Olmo, G.; Boss, E.; Behrenfeld, M. J.; Westberry, T. K.; Courties, C.; Prieur, L.; Pujo-pay, M.; Hardman-mountford, N.; Moutin, T..
The diurnal fluctuations in solar irradiance impose a fundamental frequency on ocean biogeochemistry. Observations of the ocean carbon cycle at these frequencies are rare, but could be considerably expanded by measuring and interpreting the inherent optical properties. A method is presented to analyze diel cycles in particulate beam-attenuation coefficient (c(p)) measured at multiple wavelengths. The method is based on fitting observations with a size-structured population model coupled to an optical model to infer the particle size distribution and physiologically relevant parameters of the cells responsible for the measured diel cycle in c(p). Results show that the information related to size and contained in the spectral data can be exploited to...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Influence of anticyclonic eddies on the Biogeochemistry from the Oligotrophic to the Ultraoligotrophic Mediterranean (BOUM cruise) ArchiMer
Moutin, T.; Prieur, L..
We studied a longitudinal transect in the Mediterranean Sea (MS) and along this transect, the influence of anticyclonic eddies at three long duration (LD) stations. The deep chlorophyll maximum depth, the euphotic layer depth and the top of the nitracline depth are clearly correlated outside of the eddies, and deepen from the oligotrophic western to the ultraoligotrophic eastern MS. We provide evidence that the locations of the three LD stations studied were near the axis of the eddies. Their diameters were close to 100 km and the studied areas were less than 10 km from the centre of the eddies. The positions of the LD stations are marked by an increase in the flux function and a decrease in apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) and in excess density (sigma),...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Integrated survey of elemental stoichiometry (C, N, P) from the western to eastern Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Pujo-pay, M.; Conan, Pascal; Oriol, L.; Cornet-barthaux, V.; Falco, C.; Ghiglione, J. -f.; Goyet, C.; Moutin, T.; Prieur, L..
This paper provides an extensive vertical and longitudinal description of the biogeochemistry along an East-West transect of 3000 km across the Mediterranean Sea during summer 2008 (BOUM cruise). During this period of strong stratification, the distribution of nutrients, particulate and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrogen (DON) and phosphorus (DOP) were examined to produce a detailed spatial and vertically extended description of the elemental stoichiometry of the Mediterranean Sea. Surface waters were depleted in nutrients and the thickness of this depleted layer increased towards the East from about 10 m in the Gulf of Lion to more than 100 m in the Levantine basin, with the phosphacline deepening to a greater extent than that for corresponding...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Introduction to the Biogeochemistry from the Oligotrophic to the Ultraoligotrophic Mediterranean (BOUM) experiment ArchiMer
Moutin, T.; Van Wambeke, France; Prieur, L..
The overall goal of the BOUM (Biogeochemistry from the Oligotrophic to the Ultraoligotrophic Mediterranean) experiment was to obtain a better representation of the interactions between planktonic organisms and the cycle of biogenic elements in the Mediterranean Sea (MS), in the context of global climate change and, more particularly, on the role of the ocean in carbon sequestration through biological processes. The BOUM experiment was organized around three main objectives: (1) to give a longitudinal description of the biogeochemistry and the biological diversity of the MS during the strongest stratified period, (2) to study processes at the centre of three anticyclonic eddies, and (3) to obtain a representation of the main biogeochemical fluxes and the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Microbial food webs and metabolic state across oligotrophic waters of the Mediterranean Sea during summer ArchiMer
Christaki, U.; Van Wambeke, France; Lefevre, D.; Lagaria, A.; Prieur, L.; Pujo-pay, M.; Grattepanche, J. -d.; Colombet, J.; Psarra, S.; Dolan, J. R.; Sime-ngando, T.; Conan, Pascal; Weinbauer, M. G.; Moutin, T..
The abundance and activity of the major members of the heterotrophic microbial community - from viruses to ciliates - were studied along a longitudinal transect across the Mediterranean Sea in the summer of 2008. The Mediterranean Sea is characterized by a west to east gradient of deepening of DCM (deep chlorophyll maximum) and increasing oligotrophy reflected in gradients of biomass and production. However, within this well documented longitudinal trend, hydrological mesoscale features exist and likely influence microbial dynamics. Here we present data from a W-E transect of 17 stations during the period of summer stratification. Along the transect the production and fate of organic matter was investigated at three selected sites each one located in the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Observation of oxygen ventilation into deep waters through targeted deployment of multiple Argo-O 2 floats in the north-western Mediterranean Sea in 2013 ArchiMer
Coppola, L.; Prieur, L.; Taupier-letage, I.; Estournel, C.; Testor, P.; Lefevre, D.; Belamari, S.; Le Reste, Serge; Taillandier, V..
During the winter 2013, an intense observation and monitoring was performed in the north-western Mediterranean Sea to study deep water formation process that drives thermohaline circulation and biogeochemical processes (HYMEX SOP2 and DEWEX projects). To observe intensively and continuously the impact of deep convection on oxygen (O2) ventilation, an observation strategy was based on the enhancement of the Argo-O2 floats to monitor the offshore dense water formation area (DWF) in the Gulf of Lion prior to and at the end of the convective period (December 2012 to April 2013). The intense O2 measurements performed through shipborne CTD casts and Argo-O2 floats deployment revealed an O2 inventory rapidly impacted by mixed layer (ML) deepening on the month...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dense water formation; North-western Mediterranean Sea; Dissolved oxygen; Argo floats; Deep water ventilation.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Short-scale temporal variability of physical, biological and biogeochemical processes in the NW Mediterranean Sea: an introduction ArchiMer
Andersen, V.; Goutx, M.; Prieur, L.; Dolan, J. R..
In the framework of the PROOF-PECHE project ( a multi-disciplinary team performed experiments and collected samples during the DYNAPROC2 cruise aboard the RV Thalassa from September to October in 2004. The cruise provided data on the functioning of the pelagic food web by sampling over a month long period in the NW Mediterranean Sea at a fixed station subject to weak horizontal advection currents during a period of hydrological stability. This paper describes the background of the cruise and provides an overview of the results derived from the campaign which constitute the special section. The major objective of the cruise was to assess the relative importance and variability of the pathways of carbon in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spring bloom; Zooplankton community; Vertical distribution; Surface layer; Wind events; Bacterial communities; Food web; Transition; Oligotrophy; Abundance.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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