Registros recuperados: 92 | |
Bacher, Cedric; Baud, Jean-pierre; Bodoy, Alain; Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc; Dreno, Jean-paul; Heral, Maurice; Maurer, Daniele; Prou, Jean. |
An assessment of the reared stocks of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas ) has been recently conducted on the major French areas of molluscs culture. The methodology proposed included both estimates of densities obtained by subsampling in the field, and aerial photographs which covered the cultivated, intertidal area. The size and the number of samples were designed to reach a precision of 10% on the final assessment in each area. The field work consisted in weighing and counting the oyster in unit areas of 0.5 m2 for the bottom culture or in trays or bags, for the off bottom technique. These results give a better knowledge of the technique evolution and of the general structures in the cultivated areas. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Modeling; Estimation; Stocks; Crassostrea gigas; Oysters. |
Ano: 1986 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1986/acte-2864.pdf |
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Dardignac, Marie-jose; Prou, Jean. |
A retrospective study has been carried out on the possible relationships between the spat recruitment of mussels from the Pertuis Breton (France) and some environmental factors at different periods of the year. A significant negative correlation between recruitment and temperature has been found at two periods of the reproductive cycle; the first one coinciding with gametogenesis and the second one taking place just before spawning. But, no relation was noticed with temperature or salinity during the plantonic stage. These results are discussed. An interesting relationship was found between recruitment and "E.T.P.", an index expressing the drying power of air, taking into account temperature, wind, sunshine and moistness. Dessication appears to be... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Charente Maritime; Pertuis Breton; ETP; Salinité; Température; Estimation biomasse; Mytilus edulis; Moules; Captage. |
Ano: 1995 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1995/publication-3826.PDF |
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Bacher, Cedric; Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc; Heral, Maurice; Prou, Jean. |
The expansion of shellfish culture businesses (oysters, mussels, clams...) gives way to a competition for the use of limited food resources, especially in the Marennes-Oléron basin where water circulation is slow. Increasing the amount of cultivated molluscs leads, from a biological point of view, to:- a drop in growth performances- a rise in chronic mortalities, higher and higher, due to a weakness in the physiological state with a lack of stocks which would have compensated the habitat seasonal shortages (end of winter, etc...)- a greater weakness to diseases, linked to a deficient physiological state and a density rise which increases the proximity rate and thus, parasite propagation speed.For these primary reasons, and for the future of oyster culture,... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Modélisation; Estimation; Echantillonnage; Mollusques; Marennes Oléron; Evaluation stocks. |
Ano: 1986 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1986/rapport-3841.PDF |
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Durand, H.; Guillaumont, Brigitte; Loarer, Ronan; Loubersac, Lionel; Heral, Maurice; Prou, Jean. |
The Charente Maritime coast, in central western France, is the most important area for oyster and mussel production in Europe. High density, in this restricted intertidal area, induces low growing rate and socio-economic difficulties. One of the possible solutions is to shift some oysters from intertidal area to submerged areas. Bathymetry, sedimentology, hydrodynamism, fisheries and administrative rules are some conditions which are considered to establish the better selection of potential zone. The successive steps of setting up the prototype of GIS are presented: digitized traditional data from charts, extracted data from grid models (hydrodynmaic model), merging of thematic covers, proposal of favorable areas. The results are discussed especially on... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: GIS; Modelisation; Bathymetry; Sedimentology; Hydrodynamism; Marennes Oleron. |
Ano: 1994 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00017/12784/9725.pdf |
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Soletchnik, Patrick; Le Moine, Olivier; Geairon, Philippe; Faury, Nicole; Razet, Daniel; Robert, Stephane; Prou, Jean. |
The objectives for 2004: - Continuation of the study of the "on-bottom/off-bottom" mortality south of the Marennes Oléron Bay with a study of acute stress (sequel to Dynamo & DynamoR studies) (WP 2.2.8). - Continuation of the laboratory analysis of the dynamoR 2003 samples (biological material) and data (WP 2.2.3). - Analysis of the data on the characterisation of summer mortality (WP 2.2.1) in relation to the environment. Through these tasks, the objectives are: (1) understanding the "on-bottom/off-bottom" mortality model of C. gigas in the Marennes Oléron Bay and underlining the environmental causes of summer mortality, (2) bringing a regional answer to this issue, (3) widening the study of the mortality / environment relationship to all the French... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ecosystèmes conchylicoles; Modélisation; Bassin de Marennes Oléron; MOREST; Mortalités; Crassostrea gigas; Huîtres. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2004/acte-3388.pdf |
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Pouvreau, Stéphane; Tiapari, Jérôme; Gangnery, Aline; Garnier, M.; Lagarde, Franck; Robert, Stéphane; Jonquieres, Gerard; Teissier, Hinano; Prou, Jean; Bennett, Auguste; Caisey, Xavier; Haumani, Gaby; Buestel, Dominique; Bodoy, Alain. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1999 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00041/15176/12513.pdf |
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Goulletquer, Philippe; Heral, Maurice; Prou, Jean. |
Oyster landings in the Maryland portion of the Chesapeake Bay have declined by more than 50fold since the early part of the century, despite intensive management efforts. The annual shell repletion program is the most critical programmatic element to effect recovery of the ailing Eastern oyster Crassotrea virginica stock and fishery. The overall efficacy of shell repletion management depends primarily on the success of spat settlement on the planted shell, and furthermore on their survival rate. The Operations Research techniques and mathematical programming developed by Rothschild et al. (1991) attempt to maximize spat recruitment to the oyster stock subject to a series of operational constraints. Allocation and timing of shell deployment are the most... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Larval; Settlement; USA; Chesapeake Bay; Crassotrea virginica; Oysters. |
Ano: 1994 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1994/publication-3074.pdf |
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Thouard, Emmanuel; Buchet, Vincent; Cahu, Chantal; Coeurdacier, Jean-luc; Elie, Pierre; Gerard, André; Hussenot, Jerome; Legendre, Marc; Prou, Jean; Robert, Rene. |
Les missions réalisées fin 2004 et début 2005 ont permis de faire le point sur les coopérations potentielles entre l'INSTM et l'IFREMER. Un certain nombre de domaines de coopération et de sujets de collaboration ont été identifiés et se sont traduits (ou se traduiront) par des actions de coopération (missions, stages, formations) soutenues financièrement par le SCAC de l'Ambassade de France à Tunis. La coopération entre l'IFREMER et l'INSTM dans le domaine de l'aquaculture a été très active dans le cadre du programme« Aquaculture 2001 » (1997-2001). Depuis cette période les relations se sont limitées à la préparation du programme DORAD qui était la suite d' «Aquaculture 2001 » . En l'absence du financement FSP sollicité pour DORAD, les deux organismes ont... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00305/41648/40857.pdf |
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Delmas, Daniel; Herbland, Alain; Maestrini, Serge; Mornet, Francoise; Morand, Philippe; Spano, Anna-maria; Burgeot, Thierry; Margat, Sylvie; Charpentier, Gabriel; Fillon, Alain; Leguay, Didier; Thomas, Gerard; Bacher, Cedric; Heral, Maurice; Prou, Jean. |
Environmental and species features which lead to increases in cell density of the D.S.P. Dinoflagellate Dinophysis in inshore and offshore waters of the île de Ré - île d'Oléron area, France (cruises "Dinopertuis89"). Four weekly sampling series have been carried out, within 10 May – 31 May 1989, at 24 stations located from inshore to offshore waters of the "île de Ré" - "île d’Oléron" area, with the aim to investigate (i) whether Dinophysis increases in cell density occur first in offshore waters and then, eventually, are pushed to the coast, or develop simultaneously in the whole area, and (ii) whether there are some environmental conditions which are related to Dinophysis blooms. Depths of sampling have been stated on the bas is of STD profiles. All... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1990 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00174/28532/26916.pdf |
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Heral, Maurice; Goulletquer, Philippe; Razet, Daniel; Prou, Jean; Ravail, Brigitte; Maestrini, Serge. |
Different sampling strategies have been tested for estimation of phytoplanktonic biomasses in a bay submitted to estuarine conditions and high velocity of currents. Daily variations showed that for a precision of 5% of the daily mean, it is necessary to sample with a 1 hour and a half time scale. Systematic sampling appears to be more preceise than the random sampling. A sampling during 35 days at low tide and at high tide, during the phytoplanktonic bloom, showed the large variability between the days. A precision of 30% of the mean biomass of the month is obtained with a 8 days time scale. Comparison between tidal cycle sampling (10% of precision) with a punctual sample in the middle of the day did not show large differences. As the main variability is... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Marennes Oleron; Phytoplanktonic biomasses; Estimation. |
Ano: 1988 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1988/acte-2877.pdf |
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Goulletquer, Philippe; Prou, Jean; Heral, Maurice. |
Following the development of net protection techniques (1980), Japanese clam Ruditapes philippinarum farms develop in the ponds of Charente-Maritime. The county production for 1984 is about 100 tonnes, for a turnover of 4.5 Million Francs. To this day, farmers cultivating clams in ponds over a full cycle get better growth results during the first year. The size of 24 mm is obtained with a density of 200 individuals per square metre. However, due to the type of water input in ponds and to the limited primary production developing in the latter, it appears that biomasses in farms during the second year should not be greater than 0.5 to 1 kg per m² (30 to 50 clams per m²). Thus, the development of clam culture in marsh areas comes to a halt, as farmers are... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Marennes Oléron; Mortalité; Biomasse; Croissance pondérale; Croissance linéaire; Biométrie; Elevage; Ruditapes philippinarum; Palourdes. |
Ano: 1985 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1985/rapport-3840.PDF |
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Delmas, François; Heral, Maurice; Laplana, Ramon; Loubersac, Lionel; Prou, Jean. |
Parmi les régions Ouest Européennes, la région Poitou Charentes se caractérise dans sa dimension économique par la présence d'activités où les cultures marines, l'agriculture et le tourisme occupent une place prédominante. Cette identité, partagée par d' autres régions, notamment atlantiques, s'appuie sur l'exploitation de la ressource hydrique et implique de plus en plus des critères de haute qualité tant vis à vis des produits finis agricoles, conchylicoles, touristiques que vis à vis de l'environnement, des paysages et des eaux. Sur cet ensemble de points la Région est dotée d'atouts indiscutables. Cependant les contraintes liées à la disponibilité de la ressource hydrique continentale comme marine et à son maintien à un bon niveau de qualité, font... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Conchyliculture; Agriculture; Charente; Marennes Oléron; Transfert eau; Modèle trophique; Gestion eau. |
Ano: 1996 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00018/12933/9898.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 92 | |