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Influence of soil properties and test conditions on sorption and desorption of testosterone 18
Zhang, T.C.; Ma, Rui; Bartelt-Hunt, S.L.; Qi, Yong; Kranz, W.L.; Snow, D.D.; Mader, T.L.; Shapiro, C.A.; Shelton, D.P.; Van Donk, S.J.; Tarkalson, D.D..
In this study, batch sorption and desorption experiments were conducted for testosterone using four agricultural soils and five clay minerals. Significant differences in sorption behavior were observed between abiotic and biotic systems. The Freundlich sorption coefficient Kf (µg per g)/(µg per mL) ranged from 8.53 to 74.46 for soils and from 35.28 to 1243 for clays. The maximum sorption capacity (µg per g) of soils ranged from 25.25 to 440.61 for soils and 168.46 to 499.84 for clays. Correlation of sorption model parameters with soil properties indicated that both clay content and soil organic matter are important variables in predicting testosterone sorption behavior. Observed testosterone desorption from agricultural soils ranged from approximately 14...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Soil water (soil moisture); Soil; Water.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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