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Marine spatial planning and the risk of ocean grabbing in the tropical Atlantic 5
Queffelec, Betty; Bonnin, Marie; Ferreira, Beatrice; Bertrand, Sophie; Teles Da Silva, Solange; Diouf, Fatou; Trouillet, Brice; Cudennec, Annie; Brunel, Adrien; Billant, Odeline; Toonen, Hilde; Flannery, Wesley.
Ocean grabbing occurs when traditional users, such as small-scale fishers, are pushed aside by new development activities. This grabbing must be prevented to avoid sea uses that maintain or increase social inequity. In this paper, we show that in tropical Atlantic countries, such as Brazil and Senegal, examples of ocean grabbing already occur. In this context, we analyse if Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) may be an opportunity to limit ocean grabbing or, to the contrary, poses a risk to increase it. MSP calls for an ecosystem approach that requires integrated coastal and marine management and involves stakeholders in developing a shared vision of the future, where society and environment are preserved. However, recent studies have shown that MSP is a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Brazil; Fisheries; Maritime spatial planning; Ocean grabbing; Senegal; Stakeholders; Tropical Atlantic.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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ODD 14 et aménagement de l'espace côtier et marin en Afrique de l'Ouest 5
Bonnin, Marie; Ly, Ibrahima; Fotso, Philippe; Queffelec, Betty; Bertrand, Sophie; Teles Da Silva, Solange.
The SDGs promote sustainable use of resources through the implementation of ambitious measures to strengthen the achievement of ecological, economic and social needs. Although they do not constitute a legally binding instrument, they encourage and support States’ efforts to implement these environmental policies. The sea is not forgotten in these objectives, Objective 14 (SDO 14) is to «conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development». Marine spatial planning is a political process that aims to reconcile uses at sea. Its implementation in African countries requires a combination of environmental protection, the right to development and social progress and could help to achieve MDG 14.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Droit de l’environnement; Planification spatiale marine.; Environmental law; Marine spatial planning..
Ano: 2018 URL:
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