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Hotspot mapping in the Celtic Sea: An interactive tool using multinational data to optimise fishing practices ArchiMer
Calderwood, Julia; Robert, Marianne; Pawlowski, Lionel; Vermard, Youen; Radford, Zachary; Catchpole, Thomas L.; Reid, David G..
As a result of the introduction of the Landing Obligation in European fisheries there is a need to equip industry with the tools and knowledge to avoid unwanted catches. Optimising fishing practices in terms of time and location fished have been acknowledged as being important in modulating catch composition. Mapping techniques used to identify and manage the spatio-temporal nature of bycatch, however, remain underutilized. Data collected on board commercial fishing vessels by observers provides an important source of information on the component of catches discarded. Using a unique dataset, combining observer data for Irish, French and British vessels operating in the Celtic Sea between 2010 and 2015, maps were developed to identify where catches of quota...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Landing obligation; Discards; Consistent maps; Fishing tactics; Shiny app; Celtic sea.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Recreational sea fishing in Europe in a global context-Participation rates, fishing effort, expenditure, and implications for monitoring and assessment ArchiMer
Hyder, Kieran; Weltersbach, Marc Simon; Armstrong, Mike; Ferter, Keno; Townhill, Bryony; Ahvonen, Anssi; Arlinghaus, Robert; Baikov, Andrei; Bellanger, Manuel; Birzaks, Janis; Borch, Trude; Cambie, Giulia; De Graaf, Martin; Diogo, Hugo M. C.; Dziemian, Lukasz; Gordoa, Ana; Grzebielec, Ryszard; Hartill, Bruce; Kagervall, Anders; Kapiris, Kostas; Karlsson, Martin; Kleiven, Alf Ring; Lejk, Adam M.; Levrel, Harold; Lovell, Sabrina; Lyle, Jeremy; Moilanen, Pentti; Monkman, Graham; Morales-nin, Beatriz; Mugerza, Estanis; Martinez, Roi; O'Reilly, Paul; Olesen, Hans Jakob; Papadopoulos, Anastasios; Pita, Pablo; Radford, Zachary; Radtke, Krzysztof; Roche, William; Rocklin, Delphine; Ruiz, Jon; Scougal, Callum; Silvestri, Roberto; Skov, Christian; Steinback, Scott; Sundelof, Andreas; Svagzdys, Arvydas; Turnbull, David; Van Der Hammen, Tessa; Van Voorhees, David; Van Winsen, Frankwin; Verleye, Thomas; Veiga, Pedro; Volstad, Jon-helge; Zarauz, Lucia; Zolubas, Tomas; Strehlow, Harry V..
Marine recreational fishing (MRF) is a high-participation activity with large economic value and social benefits globally, and it impacts on some fish stocks. Although reporting MRF catches is a European Union legislative requirement, estimates are only available for some countries. Here, data on numbers of fishers, participation rates, days fished, expenditures, and catches of two widely targeted species were synthesized to provide European estimates of MRF and placed in the global context. Uncertainty assessment was not possible due to incomplete knowledge of error distributions; instead, a semi-quantitative bias assessment was made. There were an estimated 8.7 million European recreational sea fishers corresponding to a participation rate of 1.6%. An...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: European marine recreational fisheries; Fisheries assessment and management; Fishing effort and expenditure; Participation; Surveys and monitoring of marine recreational fisheries.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Spatial distribution of discards in mixed fisheries: species trade-offs, potential spatial avoidance and national contrasts ArchiMer
Robert, Marianne; Calderwood, Julia; Radford, Zachary; Catchpole, Tom; Reid, David G.; Pawlowski, Lionel.
Since 2015, the European Union gradually implemented the landing obligation (LO). This prohibits at-sea discarding of species under total allowable catch management. Spatiotemporal avoidance strategies and increasing fishing gear selectivity are two complementary levers that could help fishers in reducing the amount of discards. The objective of this paper is to analyse discarding practices of demersal mixed fisheries in the central part of the Celtic Sea to inform on potential spatial avoidance strategies of unwanted catches in a multi-species context. This study provides the first international and fine scale discard maps based on combined observer at-sea data from Ireland, France and the UK, the main countries fishing in the area. Using a suite of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fisheries management; Landing obligation; Discards; Mixed fisheries; Celtic Sea.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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The Best Way to Reduce Discards Is by Not Catching Them! ArchiMer
Reid, David G; Calderwood, Julia; Afonso, Pedro; Bourdaud, Pierre; Fauconnet, Laurence; Gonzalez-irusta, José Manuel; Mortensen, Lars O; Ordines, Francesc; Lehuta, Sigrid; Pawlowski, Lionel; Plet-hansen, Kristian S; Radford, Zachary; Robert, Marianne; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Rueda, Lucia; Ulrich, Clara; Vermard, Youen.
Under the Landing Obligation (LO) fishers will need to reduce or land fish that were previously discarded. In this chapter we look at how they might be able to do that by summarising a number of studies conducted in various European regions. We start by describing a series of “challenge” trials where fishers tried to reduce their discards by whatever (legal) means they thought best. In some cases, they were able to reduce unwanted catches, in others they were less successful. We also interviewed fishers not involved in the trials to ask them what they thought they could do. We explore their approaches which generally fell into three categories: more selective gear; tactical and strategic changes; and management changes. Scientific data (surveys, landings,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Challenge trials; Decision support tools; Discard avoidance; Fine scale mapping; Fish distribution; Fishers; Fishing strategies; Hot-spot maps.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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