Ramond, Pierre; Sourisseau, Marc; Simon, Nathalie; Romac, Sarah; Schmitt, Sophie; Rigaut-jalabert, Fabienne; Henry, Nicolas; De Vargas, Colomban; Siano, Raffaele. |
The study of protistan functional diversity is crucial to understand the dynamics of oceanic ecological processes. We combined the metabarcoding data of various coastal ecosystems and a newly developed trait‐based approach to study the link between taxonomic and functional diversity across marine protistan communities of different size‐classes. Environmental DNA was extracted and the V4 18S rDNA genomic region was amplified and sequenced. In parallel, we tried to annotate the Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) from our metabarcoding dataset to 30 biological traits using published and accessible information on protists. We then developed a method to study trait correlations across protists (i.e. trade‐offs) in order to build the best functional groups.... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00478/58964/61554.pdf |
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Lienart, Camilla; Savoye, Nicolas; David, Valerie; Ramond, Pierre; Tress, Paco Rodriguez; Hanquiez, Vincent; Marieu, Vincent; Aubert, Fabien; Aubin, Sebastien; Bichon, Sabrina; Boinet, Christophe; Bourasseau, Line; Bozec, Yann; Breret, Martine; Breton, Elsa; Caparros, Jocelyne; Cariou, Thierry; Claquin, Pascal; Conan, Pascal; Corre, Anne-marie; Costes, Laurence; Crouvoisier, Muriel; Del Amo, Yolanda; Derriennic, Herve; Dindinaud, Francois; Duran, Robert; Durozier, Maia; Devesa, Jeremy; Ferreira, Sophie; Feunteun, Eric; Garcia, Nicole; Geslin, Sandrine; Grossteffan, Emilie; Gueux, Aurore; Guillaudeau, Julien; Guillou, Gael; Jolly, Orianne; Lachaussee, Nicolas; Lafont, Michel; Lagadec, Veronique; Lamoureux, Jezabel; Lauga, Beatrice; Lebreton, Benoit; Lecuyer, Eric; Lehodey, Jean-paul; Leroux, Cedric; L'Helguen, Stephane; Mace, Eric; Maria, Eric; Mousseau, Laure; Nowaczyk, Antoine; Pineau, Philippe; Petit, Franck; Pujo-pay, Mireille; Raimbault, Patrick; Rimmelin-maury, Peggy; Rouaud, Vanessa; Sauriau, Pierre-guy; Sultan, Emmanuelle; Susperregui, Nicolas. |
In costal systems, particulate organic matter (POM) results from a multiplicity of sources having their respective dynamics in terms of production, decomposition, transport and burial. The POM pool experiences thus considerable spatial and temporal variability. In order to better understand this variability, the present study employs statistical multivariate analyses to investigate links between POM composition and environmental forcings for a panel of twelve coastal systems distributed along the three maritime regions of France and monitored weekly to monthly for 1 to 8 years. At multi-system scale, two main gradients of POC composition have been identified: a ‘Continent-Ocean’ gradient associated with hydrodynamics, sedimentary dynamics and depth of the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Particulate organic matter; Coastal systems; Environmental forcing; Meta-analysis; France. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00433/54471/55848.pdf |
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Ramond, Pierre; Siano, Raffaele; Schmitt, Sophie; De Vargas, Colomban; Marié, Louis; Memery, Laurent; Sourisseau, Marc. |
Oceanic physics at fine scale; e.g. eddies, fronts, filaments; are notoriously difficult to sample. However, an increasing number of theoretical approaches hypothesize that these processes affect phytoplankton diversity which have cascading effects on regional ecosystems. In 2015, we targeted the Iroise Sea (France) and evidenced the setting up of the Ushant tidal front from the beginning of spring to late summer. Seawater samples were taken during three sampling cruises and DNA-barcoding allowed us to investigate patterns of eukaryotic phytoplankton diversity across this front. First focusing on patterns of taxonomic richness, we evidenced that the front harbored a hotspot of eukaryotic phytoplankton diversity sustained throughout summer. We then detail... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2021 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00677/78933/81307.pdf |
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Metegnier, Gabriel; Paulino, Sauvann; Ramond, Pierre; Siano, Raffaele; Sourisseau, Marc; Destombe, Christophe; Le Gac, Mickael. |
Harmful algal blooms are caused by specific members of microbial communities. Understanding the dynamics of these events requires comparing the strategies developed by the problematic species to cope with environmental fluctuations to the ones developed by the other members of the community. During three consecutive years, the meta-transcriptome of micro-eukaryote communities was sequenced during blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum. The dataset was analyzed to investigate species specific gene expression dynamics. Major shifts in gene expression were explained by the succession of different species within the community. Although expression patterns were strongly correlated with fluctuation of the abiotic environment, and more... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00622/73390/72602.pdf |
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