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A Pilot Study of the Mandibular Angle and Ramus in Indian Population International Journal of Morphology
Rai,Rajalakshmi; Ranade,Anu Vinod; Prabhu,Latha Venkatraya; Pai,Mángala M; Madhyastha,Sampath; Kumaran,Mángala.
To evaluate the mandibular angle and to analyze the relationship of the angle and height & breadth of the ramus of the mandible to the gender, so as to study its role in the anthropological diagnosis. The angle, height and breadth of the ramus of adult dry human mandibles of both sexes were measured using a goniometer. The values obtained were analyzed statistically. The present study showed a statistically significant difference in the mandibular angle as well as height of the ramus between both the sexes. The mean mandibular angle of Indian population when compared to that of European population was found to be lower by 9 degrees. The findings of this study might be useful in providing anthropological data that can also be used in dental and...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Mandíbula; Mandibular angle; Ramus of the Mandible; Indian population.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Morphometric Study on the Tibial Collateral Ligament International Journal of Morphology
Ranade,Anu Vinod; Rai,Rajalakshmi; Prabhu,Latha Venkatraya; Kumaran,Mangala; Kumar,Arunachalam.
Tibial collateral ligament by virtue of its length, composite attachments, and biomechanical exertions is more prone to lesions. A systematic analysis of the dimensions and variations of this ligament has been presented in this article. With the decrease emphasis on anatomy as a preclinical subject and recent successful moves to curtail total teaching hours for dissection, coupled with the increasing shortage of cadavers, data of this nature will in our opinion becomes scarce progressively. With these factors in context, and attempt is made to record the gross morphological features of the ligament from a series of dissections
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Tibial collateral ligament; Anatomy.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Multiple Variations of Extensor Muscles of Forearm in Relation to the Radial Nerve: a Case Report and Review International Journal of Morphology
Prakash,; Rai,Rajalakshmi; Ranade,Anu Vinod; Prabhu,Latha V; Pai,Mangala M; Gajendra,Singh.
During routine dissection in the Department of Anatomy, multiple variations of forearm muscles in relation to the radial nerve and its branches were observed on the right side of a 34 year old male cadaver. Brachioradialis close to its origin was receiving muscle fibers from the brachialis and the radial nerve was passing in between them. Extensor carpi radialis brevis was absent and the extensor carpi radialis longus was giving two tendons in the second compartment of extensor retinaculum before its insertion while passing deep to the abductor pollicis longus. Absence of extensor carpi radialis brevis can be explained with the arrangement in lower mammals, where the two extensores carpi radiales are represented by one muscle. Ontogeny repeats phylogeny...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Anatomical variations; Development; Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis muscles; Forearm; Radial nerve.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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