Ratzov, Gueorgui; Cattaneo, Antonio; Babonneau, Nathalie; Deverchere, Jacques; Yelles, Karim; Bracene, Rabah; Courboulex, Francoise. |
Ongoing evidence for earthquake clustering calls for records of numerous earthquake cycles to improve seismic hazard assessment, especially where recurrence times overstep historical records. We show that most turbidites emplaced at the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary off west Algeria over the past ∼8 k.y. correlate across sites fed by independent sedimentary sources, requiring a regional trigger. Correlation with paleoseismic data inland and ground motion predictions support that M ∼7 earthquakes have triggered the turbidites. The bimodal distribution of paleo-events supports the concepts of earthquake supercycles and rupture synchronization between nearby faults: 13 paleo-earthquakes underpin clusters of 3–6 events with recurrence intervals of ∼300–600 yr,... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00254/36558/35105.pdf |
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Huang, Yin-sheng; Hsu, Shu-kun; Su, Chih-chieh; Lin, Andrew Tien-shun; Yu, Pai-sen; Babonneau, Nathalie; Ratzov, Gueorgui; Lallemand, Serge; Huang, Pi-chuen; Lin, Shiao-shan; Lin, Jing-yi; Wei, Kuo-yen; Chang, Yuan-pin; Yu, Neng-ti; Tsai, Ching-hui. |
We have collected two shallow gas hydrate samples at two sites having different geological settings off southwest Taiwan during the cruise MD214 in 2018. The first core site, MD18-3542, is on the South Yuan-An East Ridge at ~ 1200 m water deep, where a structural unconformity covered by fine-silt sediments appears at ~ 5.5 m below the seafloor. The second core site, MD18-3543, is close to the Good-Weather Ridge at ~ 1100 m water deep, where a gas-related pockmark structure and authigenic carbonates are present at shallow strata with fine-silt sediments near the seafloor. Sediment properties of core MD18-3542 are distinctively different above and below the layer corresponding to the unconformity. Both cores show obvious gaps or voids in the lower core... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: MD core; Shallow gas hydrate; Hydrate dissociation; Off SW Taiwan. |
Ano: 2021 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00680/79253/81769.pdf |
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Collot, Jean-yves; Ratzov, Gueorgui; Silva, P.; Proust, J.‐n.; Migeon, Sebastien; Hernandez, M.‐j.; Michaud, F.; Pazmino, A.; Barba Castillo, D.; Alvarado, A.; Khumara, S.. |
Deciphering the migration pattern of the Esmeraldas submarine Canyon (EC) and its history of cut‐and‐fill allows constraining the Pliocene‐Pleistocene tectonic evolution of the Ecuador‐Colombia convergent margin. Swath bathymetry, multichannel seismic reflection and chronological data show that the EC is a 143‐km–long, shelf‐incising, river‐connected canyon that started incising slope apron deposits in the Manglares fore‐arc basin ~ 5.3 Ma ago. The EC inception appears contemporaneous with the subduction of the Carnegie Ridge that is believed to have initiated 5‐6 Myr ago and is considered an indirect cause of the EC formation. During its two‐stage left‐lateral migration, the EC upper‐half scoured deep incisions providing evidences for uplift episodes in... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Convergent margin tectonics; Submarine canyon; Fore-arc basin; Natural hazards; Paleoseismology. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00509/62060/66236.pdf |
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Babonneau, Nathalie; Cattaneo, Antonio; Ratzov, Gueorgui; Deverchere, Jacques; Yelles-chaouche, Abdelkarim; Lateb, Tassadit; Bachir, Roza Si. |
Northern Algeria is threatened by moderate to large magnitude earthquakes resulting from the slow convergence between the African and European plates. Main active faults are located offshore along the Algerian coast, as exemplified by the 2003 Mw 6.9 Boumerdès earthquake. This event triggered numerous and widespread turbidity currents over ∼ 150 km along strike in the Algerian basin (reaching 2800 m of water depth) and demonstrates the multi-source and multi-path characteristics of earthquake-triggered turbidity flows along this margin segment. We rely on the sedimentological analysis of five cores located at the toe of the Algiers margin, close to the 2003 cable break sites, to explore the potential for Holocene turbidite paleoseismology. Radiocarbon... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Algerian margin; Marine paleoseismology; Turbidite; Holocene. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00356/46701/46563.pdf |
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