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Decision support system for the diagnosis of schizophrenia disorders BJMBR
Razzouk,D.; Mari,J.J.; Shirakawa,I.; Wainer,J.; Sigulem,D..
Clinical decision support systems are useful tools for assisting physicians to diagnose complex illnesses. Schizophrenia is a complex, heterogeneous and incapacitating mental disorder that should be detected as early as possible to avoid a most serious outcome. These artificial intelligence systems might be useful in the early detection of schizophrenia disorder. The objective of the present study was to describe the development of such a clinical decision support system for the diagnosis of schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SADDESQ). The development of this system is described in four stages: knowledge acquisition, knowledge organization, the development of a computer-assisted model, and the evaluation of the system's performance. The knowledge was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Clinical decision support systems; Artificial intelligence; Decision making; Expert systems; Schizophrenia; Medical informatics.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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The scientific production in health and biological sciences of the top 20 Brazilian universities BJMBR
Zorzetto,R.; Razzouk,D.; Dubugras,M.T.B.; Gerolin,J.; Schor,N.; Guimarães,J.A.; Mari,J.J..
Brazilian scientific output exhibited a 4-fold increase in the last two decades because of the stability of the investment in research and development activities and of changes in the policies of the main funding agencies. Most of this production is concentrated in public universities and research institutes located in the richest part of the country. Among all areas of knowledge, the most productive are Health and Biological Sciences. During the 1998-2002 period these areas presented heterogeneous growth ranging from 4.5% (Pharmacology) to 191% (Psychiatry), with a median growth rate of 47.2%. In order to identify and rank the 20 most prolific institutions in these areas, searches were made in three databases (DataCAPES, ISI and MEDLINE) which permitted...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Health sciences; Scientific publications; Information science; Scientometrics; Bibliometric analysis.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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