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Amélioration de la gestion des conditions de frontières ouvertes biogéochimiques dans les modèles physiques et biogéochimiques couplés régionaux afin de reproduire les principaux processus d’échanges côte - large. Action vers une Modélisation Intégrée Côtière Opérationnelle (AMICO). ArchiMer
Pinazo, Christel; Ross, Oliver; Diaz, F.; Doglioli, A.m.; D'Ortenzio, F.; Estournel, C.; Forget, P.; Garnier, Valerie; Gutknecht, E.; Kersale, M.; Kessouri, F.; Lathuilière, C.; Marie, Louis; Marmain, J.; Marsaleix, P.; Perruche, C.; Petrenko, A.; Reffray, G.; Sourisseau, Marc; Taillandier, V.; Taupier-letage, I.; Testor, P.; Thouvenin, Benedicte; Ulses, C.; Eldin, G..
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Towards a regional ocean forecasting system for the IBI (Iberia-Biscay-Ireland area): developments and improvements within the ECOOP project framework ArchiMer
Cailleau, S.; Chanut, J.; Lellouche, J. -m.; Levier, B.; Maraldi, C.; Reffray, G.; Sotillo, M. G..
The regional ocean operational system remains a key element in downscaling from large scale (global or basin scale) systems to coastal ones. It enables the transition between systems in which the resolution and the resolved physics are quite different. Indeed, coastal applications need a system to predict local high frequency events (inferior to the day) such as storm surges, while deep sea applications need a system to predict large scale lower frequency ocean features. In the framework of the ECOOP project, a regional system for the Iberia-Biscay-Ireland area has been upgraded from an existing V0 version to a V2. This paper focuses on the improvements from the V1 system, for which the physics are close to a large scale basin system, to the V2 for which...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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