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Accounting for ocean connectivity and hydroclimate in fish recruitment fluctuations within transboundary metapopulations ArchiMer
Hidalgo, Manuel; Rossi, Vincent; Monroy, Pedro; Ser‐giacomi, Enrico; Hernández‐garcía, Emilio; Guijarro, Beatriz; Massutí, Enric; Alemany, Francisco; Jadaud, Angelique; Perez, Jose; Reglero, Patricia.
Marine resources stewardships are progressively becoming more receptive to an effective incorporation of both ecosystem and environmental complexities into the analytical frameworks of fisheries assessment. Understanding and predicting marine fish production for spatially and demographically complex populations in changing environmental conditions is however still a difficult task. Indeed, fisheries assessment is mostly based on deterministic models that lack realistic parameterizations of the intricate biological and physical processes shaping recruitment, a cornerstone in population dynamics. We use here a large metapopulation of a harvested fish, the European hake (Merluccius merluccius), managed across transnational boundaries in the northwestern...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecosystem-based management; Fish recruitment; Fisheries conservation; Hydroclimate variability; Metapopulations; Ocean connectivity; Self-recruitment.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Challenges for Sustained Observing and Forecasting Systems in the Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Tintoré, Joaquín; Pinardi, Nadia; Álvarez-fanjul, Enrique; Aguiar, Eva; Álvarez-berastegui, Diego; Bajo, Marco; Balbin, Rosa; Bozzano, Roberto; Nardelli, Bruno Buongiorno; Cardin, Vanessa; Casas, Benjamin; Charcos-llorens, Miguel; Chiggiato, Jacopo; Clementi, Emanuela; Coppini, Giovanni; Coppola, Laurent; Cossarini, Gianpiero; Deidun, Alan; Deudero, Salud; D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Drago, Aldo; Drudi, Massimiliano; El Serafy, Ghada; Escudier, Romain; Farcy, Patrick; Federico, Ivan; Fernández, Juan Gabriel; Ferrarin, Christian; Fossi, Cristina; Frangoulis, Constantin; Galgani, Francois; Gana, Slim; García Lafuente, Jesús; Sotillo, Marcos García; Garreau, Pierre; Gertman, Isaac; Gómez-pujol, Lluis; Grandi, Alessandro; Hayes, Daniel; Hernández-lasheras, Jaime; Herut, Barak; Heslop, Emma; Hilmi, Karim; Juza, Melanie; Kallos, George; Korres, Gerasimos; Lecci, Rita; Lazzari, Paolo; Lorente, Pablo; Liubartseva, Svitlana; Louanchi, Ferial; Malacic, Vlado; Mannarini, Gianandrea; March, David; Marullo, Salvatore; Mauri, Elena; Meszaros, Lorinc; Mourre, Baptiste; Mortier, Laurent; Muñoz-mas, Cristian; Novellino, Antonio; Obaton, Dominique; Orfila, Amine; Pascual, Ananda; Pensieri, Sara; Pérez Gómez, Begoña; Pérez Rubio, Susana; Perivoliotis, Leonidas; Petihakis, George; De La Villéon, Loic Petit; Pistoia, Jenny; Poulain, Pierre-marie; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Prieto, Laura; Raimbault, Patrick; Reglero, Patricia; Reyes, Emma; Rotllan, Paz; Ruiz, Simón; Ruiz, Javier; Ruiz, Inmaculada; Ruiz-orejón, Luis Francisco; Salihoglu, Baris; Salon, Stefano; Sammartino, Simone; Sánchez Arcilla, Agustín; Sánchez-román, Antonio; Sannino, Gianmaria; Santoleri, Rosalia; Sardá, Rafael; Schroeder, Katrin; Simoncelli, Simona; Sofianos, Sarantis; Sylaios, Georgios; Tanhua, Toste; Teruzzi, Anna; Testor, Pierre; Tezcan, Devrim; Torner, Marc; Trotta, Francesco; Umgiesser, Georg; Von Schuckmann, Karina; Verri, Giorgia; Vilibic, Ivica; Yucel, Mustafa; Zavatarelli, Marco; Zodiatis, George.
The Mediterranean community represented in this paper is the result of more than 30 years of EU and nationally funded coordination, which has led to key contributions in science concepts and operational initiatives. Together with the establishment of operational services, the community has coordinated with universities, research centers, research infrastructures and private companies to implement advanced multi-platform and integrated observing and forecasting systems that facilitate the advancement of operational services, scientific achievements and mission-oriented innovation. Thus, the community can respond to societal challenges and stakeholders needs, developing a variety of fit-for-purpose services such as the Copernicus Marine Service. The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Observing and forecasting systems; Sustained observations; Ocean variability; FAIR data; Climate; Operational services; Science with and for society; SDG's.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Habitat suitability of the Atlantic bluefin tuna by size class: An ecological niche approach ArchiMer
Druon, Jean-noel; Fromentin, Jean-marc; Hanke, Alex R.; Arrizabalaga, Haritz; Damalas, Dimitrios; Ticina, Vjekoslav; Quilez-badia, Gemma; Ramirez, Karina; Arregui, Igor; Tserpes, George; Reglero, Patricia; Deflorio, Michele; Oray, Isik; Karakulak, F. Saadet; Megalbfonou, Persefoni; Ceyhan, Tevfik; Grubisic, Leon; Mackenzie, Brian R.; Lamkin, John; Afonso, Pedro; Addis, Piero.
An ecological niche modelling (ENM) approach was used to predict the potential feeding and spawning habitats of small (5-25kg, only feeding) and large (> 25kg) Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT), Thunnus thynnus, in the Mediterranean Sea, the North Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. The ENM was built bridging knowledge on ecological traits of ABFT (e.g. temperature tolerance, mobility, feeding and spawning strategy) with patterns of selected environmental variables (chlorophyll-a fronts and concentration, sea surface current and temperature, sea surface height anomaly) that were identified using an extensive set of precisely geo-located presence data. The results highlight a wider temperature tolerance for larger fish allowing them to feed in the northern –...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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