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Effect of green manures on weeds, crop yields and soil properties in Estonia Organic Eprints
Tein, Berit; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Reintam, Endla; Talgre, Liina; Sanchez de Cima, Diego; Luik, Anne.
The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of different green manures and their combination with cattle manure on weeds, crop yields and soil properties in five-field crop rotation experiment of three different organic cropping systems.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Composting and manuring; Crop husbandry; Soil; Weed management.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Effects of organic versus conventional farming on different chemical soil parameters in Estonia Organic Eprints
Sanchez de Cima, Diego; Reintam, Endla; Luik, Anne.
A five-year experiment results, have shown that fertilizer amendments are needed for preserving the nutrient balance in the soil. A combination of cattle and green manure, crop rotation and other organic farming practices, with chemical fertilizer amendments could suppose a sustainable solution for maintaining a correct nutrient balance in the soil in long term, better than both farming systems, conventional and organic, by separate.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Composting and manuring; Nutrient turnover.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Fertilization and field crops effect on earthworms Organic Eprints
Reintam, Endla; Kahu, Greete; Are, Mihkel; Talgre, Liina; Luik, Anne.
Soil quality can be estimated through soil chemical, physical and biological properties, from which the detection of biological indicators is the most difficult. Usually the earthworms are the easiest detectable species to evaluate sustainability of soil biota on arable land.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil biology Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds Soil tillage Biodiversity and ecosystem services Farm nutrient management.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Green manures as winter cover crops enhance soil improvement and weed regulation in crop rotation Organic Eprints
Talgre, Liina; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Sanchez de Cima, Diego; Tein, Berit; Reintam, Endla; Matt, Darja; Luik, Anne.
The aim of this research was to explain the effect of different green manures as winter cover crops and their combination with cattle manure on soil properties, weeds and crop yields in five-field crop rotation experiment of three different organic cropping systems.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology; Composting and manuring; Crop husbandry; Soil; Weed management.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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In crop rotation green manures as winter cover crops enhance ecosystem services of farming Organic Eprints
Talgre, Liina; Tein, Berit; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Matt, Darja; Reintam, Endla; Sanches De Cima, Diego; Luik, Anne.
Organic farming systems should be characterized by excellent soil fertility management to keep plant nutrient cycles short and as closed as possible. Therefore, it is extremely important to establish growing systems that have rotations with appropriate crops and intercrops to ensure fertile and biologically active soils, to enhance biodiversity and to provide high quality crop yields. Locally available organic fertilizers include green manures and animal manure. The influence of green manures as intercrops and these combined with composted cattle manure on soil properties, biodiversity indicators and crop yields was studied in a crop rotation experiment in three organic systems at the Estonian University of Life Sciences.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions; Composting and manuring; Farm nutrient management.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Minimeeritud mullaharimine ja haljasväetised jätkusuutlikele maheviljelussüsteemidele Organic Eprints
Luik, Anne; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Reintam, Endla.
The introduction of activities of project TILMAN-ORG (2011- 2014)
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Composting and manuring; Crop husbandry; Soil tillage; Environmental aspects.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Mullaharimise ja väetamise mõju vihmaussikooslusele Organic Eprints
Kahu, Greete; Talgre, Liina; Reintam, Endla; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Luik, Anne.
Tänapäeval toimub pidev maakasutuse intensiivistamine, mis omakorda mõjutab mullaorganismide elutegevust. Vihmaussid on maakasutuse ja mullaviljakuse jälgimiseks head indikaatorid. Nende arvukus on suur, nad on kergesti identifiseeritavad ja erinevatest põllumajandustöödest otseselt mõjutatavad. Vihmaussidel on mullas mitmeid ülesandeid. Nad osalevad orgaanilise aine lagunemisel ja mulla mineraliseerumise protsessis, suurendavad selle poorsust, õhutavad ning parandavad veehoiuvõimet ja toitainete olemasolu mullas (Edward ja Bohlen, 1996) suurendades sellega taimekasvu (Brown jt., 2004). Liikudes läbi mulla jätavad vihmaussid endast maha koproliite (Edwards, 2004), mis parandavad lämmastiku, fosfori, kaaliumi, kaltsiumi ja magneesiumi kättesaadavust mullast...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Farming Systems; Soil; Biodiversity and ecosystem services; Farm nutrient management.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Organic farming and cover crops as an alternative to mineral fertilizers to improve soil physical properties Organic Eprints
Sánchez de Cima, Diego; Luik, Anne; Reintam, Endla.
For testing how cover crops and different fertilization managements affect the soil physical properties in a plough based tillage system, a five-year crop rotation experiment (field pea, white potato, common barley undersown with red clover, red clover, and winter wheat) was set. The rotation was managed under four different farming systems: two conventional: with and without mineral fertilizers and two organic, both with winter cover crops (later ploughed and used as green manure) and one where cattle manure was added yearly. The measurements conducted were penetration resistance, soil water content, porosity, water permeability, and organic carbon. Yearly variations were linked to the number of tillage operations, and a cumulative effect of soil organic...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Crop combinations and interactions; Soil tillage.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Soil chemical properties under different nutrient managements in Estonia Organic Eprints
Sanches De Cima, Diego; Reintam, Endla; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Luik, Anne.
A five years research run at the experimental station of the Estonian University of Life Sciences in Eerika, Tartu, Estonia since 2008 on Albic Stagnic Luvisol soil, compared the evolution of different elements (Corg, N, P, K) in soil with time, on the basis of conventional and organic farming. For this aim, 80 plots under the same crop rotation (pea, potato, barley, red clover and winter wheat) were divided as follows: 40 cultivated under conventional farming system with different concentrations of mineral fertilizers (20 without addition of chemical fertilizers: N0P0K0; and 20 with a final concentration equals to N125P25K95) and the remaining 40 plots cultivated under organic farming conditions with winter oil-rape after pea, winter rye after potato and...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Composting and manuring; Nutrient turnover; Soil.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Soil Nutrient Evolution during the First Rotation in Organic and Conventional Farming Systems Organic Eprints
Sanchez de Cima, Diego; Reintam, Endla; Tein, Berit; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Luik, Anne.
Since 2008, a 5-year crop rotation experiment (winter wheat, pea, potato, barley undersown with red clover, and red clover) has been run in Tartu, Estonia, to evaluate the changes in soil chemical parameters under four fertilizer managements: (1) unfertilized conventional plots (conventional I), (2) conventional plots with addition of mineral fertilizers (conventional II), (3) organic plots with cover crops during the winter period (organic I), and (4) organic plots with the same cover crops plus a yearly amendment of 40 t ha–1 of cattle manure (organic II). After the first rotation, results showed significant differences (P < 0.05) in soil acidity dependent on the system with mean values ranging between 5.67 (conventional II) and 6.10 (organic II). In...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Composting and manuring; Nutrient turnover; Crop husbandry; Soil.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Soil physical properties under different cropping systems in Estonia Organic Eprints
Sanchez de Cima, Diego; Reintam, Endla; Luik, Anne.
A five years crop rotation system in organic and conventional conditions in Estonia were studied to determine soil physical properties.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Soil physical properties under different cropping systems in Estonia Organic Eprints
Sanches De Cima, Diego; Reintam, Endla; Luik, Anne.
Regarding a soil compaction survey carried out at the end of 2008 by the Estonian University of Life Sciences in collaboration with the Agricultural Research Centre, soil compaction was define as one of the currently bigger problems in Estonian soils (Reintam et al., 2010). Soil compaction reduces porosity, permeability and therefore water flow through the soil is blocked, increasing the soil erosion and creating anoxic conditions in the bulk which causes denitrification, and therefore the uptake of nutrients is reduced (Bakken et al., 1987). In conclusion soil compaction affects directly to the plant root development and crop yield.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Soil quality changes in field trials comparing organic reduced tillage to plough systems across Europe (TILMAN-ORG Session) Organic Eprints
Fliessbach, Andreas; Hammerl, Verena; Antichi, Daniele; Barberi, Paolo; Berner, Alfred; Bufe, Cornelia; Delfosse, Philippe; Gattinger, Andreas; Grosse, Meike; Haase, Thorsten; Heß, Jürgen; Hissler, Christophe; Koal, Phillip; Kranzler, Andreas; Krauss, Maike; Mäder, Paul; Peigné, Joséphine; Pritsch, Karin; Reintam, Endla; Surböck, Andreas; Vian, Jean François; Schloter, Michael.
Field trials on reduced soil tillage under organic farming conditions across Europe were used to compare the soil quality changes over time. Soil organic carbon fractions, soil carbon stocks and microbial community structure were analysed. Most severe differences between plough and reduced tillage were found in the top ten cm of the soil profile. Differences became less or not significant in deeper layers. Analyses are still ongoing and will only be ready to be presented at the conference.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Crop combinations and interactions; Soil biology; Soil tillage; Air and water emissions.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Talvised vahekultuurid parandavad külvikorras mulda Organic Eprints
Luik, Anne; Talgre, Liina; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Sanchez de Cima, Diego; Reintam, Endla.
Igasuguse põllumajandustootmise, sealhulgas mahetootmise võtmeküsimuseks on kestliku mullaviljakuse tagamine. Mahetootmine põhineb kohaliku taastuva ressursi tasakaalustatud kasutusel ning mullaviljakuse tagamiseks on väga tähtis hoolikalt läbimõeldud ja kohalikesse tingimustesse hästi sobiv külvikord. Külvikorra põhikultuuride vahel on mulla orgaanika ja taimetoitainete varu täiendamiseks otstarbekas kasutada vahekultuure, mis külvatakse peale põhikultuuri koristamist. Vältimaks sügis-talvist taimetoitainete väljaleostumist tasub vahekultuurideks kasutada talvituvaid kultuure nn. talviseid vahekultuure, mis siis enne külvikorrakultuuri külvi mulda viiakse. Seega ei kasvatata vahekultuure mitte otsest müügikasu vaid esmalt ikka mullaparandamist silmas...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Composting and manuring Crop husbandry Crop health; Quality; Protection.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Talvised vahekultuurid parandavad mulda ja kultuuride saagikust Organic Eprints
Talgre, Liina; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Reintam, Endla; Tein, Berit; Sanchez de Cima, Diego; Madsen, Helena; Alaru, Maarika; Luik, Anne.
The influence of green manures as winter cover crops and these combined with composted cattle manure on soil properties, biodiversity indicators and crop yield was studied in a crop rotation experiment in three organic systems at the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The use of green manures as winter cover crops and their combination with cattle manure brought tendencies to improve the soil quality: increased content of organic carbon, pH, soil water permeability, soil water holding capacity, soil microbial activity and abundance of earthworms and ground dwelling arthropods. Depending on the year, yield level of all main crops was increased due to improved soil properties caused by green manures.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Composting and manuring; Crop husbandry; Soil; Weed management.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Talvised vahekultuurid parandavad mulda ja saagikust Organic Eprints
Luik, Anne; Talgre, Liina; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Reintam, Endla.
Eesti Maaülikoolis uuriti kolmes erinevas maheviljelussüsteemis, kuidas talvised vahekultuurid mõjutavad mullaomadusi, umbrohtumust ja kultuuride saagikust.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Production systems; Soil quality; Crop husbandry.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Talviste vahekultuuride haljasväetiseks kasvatamise mõju vihmaussidele Organic Eprints
Reintam, Endla; Sulp, Kati; Sanchez de Cima, Diego; Luik, Anne.
Vihmaussidel on oluline roll mullaviljakuse kujunemisel. Nende elutegevuse tagajärjel paraneb orgaanilise aine mineralisatsioon ja lagunemine. Vihmausse peetakse keskkonna hindamise oluliseks vahendiks tänu pidevale kontaktile mullaga, mulla vee ja selles lahustunud sooladega (Ivask, 1996). Vihmaussikoosluste ja struktuuri põhjal saab teha järeldusi põllumajandusliku tegevuse mõjust muldadele. Liikide arv, biomass ja koosluse ökoloogiline struktuur on põllumajanduslikes muldades üks olulisemaid parameetreid, määramaks mulla saastatust ja olukorda (Paoletti, 1999). Vihmausside aktiivsus ja biomass sõltub oluliselt majandamisviisist ning seeläbi mullaharimisest, orgaaniliste või mineraalsete väetiste lisamisest ning mulda viidava orgaanilise aine kogusest....
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Composting and manuring; Crop husbandry; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Viljelusviisi ja väetamise mõju vihmaussidele Organic Eprints
Reintam, Endla; Kahu, Greete; Sulp, Kati; Sanches De Cima, Diego; Are, Mihkel; Luik, Anne.
Earthworms are the easiest detectable species to evaluate soil conditions on arable land. The aim of current study was to investigate conventional and organic farming practices, including different fertilization schemes effect on earthworms’ abundance, biomass and species diversity. Data were collected in autumn of 2012 from a 5-year crop rotation experiment (pea, potato, barley undersown with red clover, red clover and winter wheat), established near Tartu, at Eerika on sandy loam Albic Stagnic Luvisol in 2008. This rotation was managed under 5 farming systems, two conventional: Conventional I (not fertilized but with addition of chemical pesticides) and Conventional II (mineral fertilized plots with a final fertilization rate of N150P25K95 and with the...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Crop husbandry; Soil; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Viljelusviisi mõju mulla mõningatele füüsikalistele omadustele Organic Eprints
Sanches De Cima, Diego; Reintam, Endla; Luik, Anne.
Üheks olulisemaks Eesti muldade funktsionaalsust kahjustavaks teguriks on muldade tihenemine, mille põhjustajateks on nii raske põllumajandustehnika kui ka valed viljelusvõtted ning ühekülgsest mineraalväetistega väetamisest tingitud mulla struktuursuse nõrgenemine. Tihenemise tulemusena väheneb mulla poorsus, vee ja õhu liikumine mullas (Bakken jt., 1987) ning taimed ei suuda nõrgenenud juuresüsteemi tõttu omastada vajalikke toitaineid. Selle tulemusena väheneb saak ning tekib oht toitainete leostumiseks keskkonda. Mulla kvaliteedi säilitamiseks ja parandamiseks on tavaviljelusele alternatiiviks maheviljelus läbi viljavahelduse, orgaaniliste väetiste kasutamise ning keskkonnasõbraliku taimekaitse. Töö eesmärgiks oli uurida, kuidas mõjutab kasutatav...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Winter cover crop effects on soil structural stability and microbiological activity in organic farming Organic Eprints
Sanchez de Cima, Diego; Tein, Berit; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Luik, Anne; Kauer, Karin; Reintam, Endla; Kahu, Greete.
In a field experiment based on a five-year crop rotation (pea, potato, barley undersown with red clover, red clover and winter wheat), several soil parameters, porosity, number and biomass of earthworms, total nitrogen, organic carbon, percentage of water stable aggregates and enzymatic activity, were studied during 2013 and 2014, the first and second year, respectively, since the first rotation concluded. This rotation was managed under three organic farming systems: Organic 0 (control), Organic I (with winter cover crops lately incorporated into the soil as green manure) and Organic II (with the same cover crops plus a yearly amendment of 40 t ha−1 of cattle manure). Crop rotation had a yearly positive effect on the soil bulk density, and enhanced the...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Soil biology; Composting and manuring; Crop husbandry; Soil; Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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