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Environmentally driven synchronies of Mediterranean cephalopod populations ArchiMer
Keller, Stefanie; Quetglas, Antoni; Puerta, Patricia; Bitetto, Isabella; Casciaro, Loredana; Cuccu, Danila; Esteban, Antonio; Garcia, Cristina; Garofalo, Germana; Guijarro, Beatriz; Josephides, Marios; Jadaud, Angelique; Lefkaditou, Evgenia; Maiorano, Porzia; Manfredi, Chiara; Marceta, Bojan; Micallef, Reno; Peristeraki, Panagiota; Relini, Giulio; Sartor, Paolo; Spedicato, Maria Teresa; Tserpes, George; Hidalgo, Manuel.
The Mediterranean Sea is characterized by large scale gradients of temperature, productivity and salinity, in addition to pronounced mesoscale differences. Such a heterogeneous system is expected to shape the population dynamics of marine species. On the other hand, prevailing environmental and climatic conditions at whole basin scale may force spatially distant populations to fluctuate in synchrony. Cephalopods are excellent case studies to test these hypotheses owing to their high sensitivity to environmental conditions. Data of two cephalopod species with contrasting life histories (benthic octopus vs nectobenthic squid), obtained from scientific surveys carried out throughout the Mediterranean during the last 20 years were analyzed. The objectives of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cephalopods; Mediterranean; MEDITS; Dynamic factor analysis; Synchrony; Octopus vulgaris; Illex coindetii.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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International bottom trawl survey in the Mediterranean (Medits), Instruction manual - Version 5 ArchiMer
Bertrand, Jacques; Souplet, Arnauld; Gil De Sola, Luis; Relini, Giulio; Politou, Chrissi-yianna.
This document is the fifth version of a manual elaborated in the frame of an international project to harmonise the samplings by bottom trawling of the demersal resources in the Mediterranean Sea (MEDITS program). It is the reference document for the surveys to be conducted from 2007 onwards by the research institutes contributing in the Medits surveys on the continental shelves and slopes in the Mediterranean (Fig. 1). The manual describes the sampling gear characteristics, the sampling methodology and the treatment of the samples. Finally it gives the specifications of the data files for data storage and exchange.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Large-scale spatio-temporal monitoring highlights hotspots of demersal fish diversity in the Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Granger, Victoria; Fromentin, Jean-marc; Bez, Nicolas; Relini, Giulio; Meynard, Christine N.; Gaertner, Jean-claude; Maiorano, Porzia; Garcia Ruiz, Cristina; Follesa, Cristina; Gristina, Michele; Peristeraki, Panagiota; Brind'Amour, Anik; Carbonara, Pierluigi; Charilaou, Charis; Esteban, Antonio; Jadaud, Angelique; Joksimovic, Aleksandar; Kallianiotis, Argyris; Kolitari, Jerina; Manfredi, Chiara; Massuti, Enric; Mifsud, Roberta; Quetglas, Antoni; Refes, Wahid; Sbrana, Mario; Vrgoc, Nedo; Spedicato, Maria Teresa; Merigot, Bastien.
Increasing human pressures and global environmental change may severely affect the diversity of species assemblages and associated ecosystem services. Despite the recent interest in phylogenetic and functional diversity, our knowledge on large spatio-temporal patterns of demersal fish diversity sampled by trawling remains still incomplete, notably in the Mediterranean Sea, one of the most threatened marine regions of the world. We investigated large spatio-temporal diversity patterns by analysing a dataset of 19,886 hauls from 10 to 800 m depth performed annually during the last two decades by standardized scientific bottom trawl field surveys across the Mediterranean Sea, within the MEDITS program. A multi-component (eight diversity indices) and...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Large-scale spatio-temporal patterns of Mediterranean cephalopod diversity ArchiMer
Keller, Stefanie; Bartolino, Valerio; Hidalgo, Manuel; Bitetto, Isabella; Casciaro, Loredana; Cuccu, Danila; Esteban, Antonio; Garcia, Cristina; Garofalo, Germana; Josephides, Marios; Jadaud, Angelique; Lefkaditou, Evgenia; Maiorano, Porzia; Manfredi, Chiara; Marceta, Bojan; Massut, Enric; Micallef, Reno; Peristeraki, Panagiota; Relini, Giulio; Sartor, Paolo; Spedicato, Maria Teresa; Tserpes, George; Quetglas, Antoni.
Species diversity is widely recognized as an important trait of ecosystems’ functioning and resilience. Understanding the causes of diversity patterns and their interaction with the environmental conditions is essential in order to effectively assess and preserve existing diversity. While diversity patterns of most recurrent groups such as fish are commonly studied, other important taxa such as cephalopods have received less attention. In this work we present spatio-temporal trends of cephalopod diversity across the entire Mediterranean Sea during the last 19 years, analysing data from the annual bottom trawl survey MEDITS conducted by 5 different Mediterranean countries using standardized gears and sampling protocols. The influence of local and regional...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Reproducibility of the multi-component aspect of species diversity across different areas and scales: towards the constitution of a shortlist of complementary indices for monitoring fish diversity? ArchiMer
Gaertner, Jean-claude; Merigot, Bastien; Relini, Giulio; Bertrand, Jacques; Mazouni, Nabila; Politou, Chrissi-yianna; Gil De Sola, Luis; Kallianiotis, Argyris; Carpentieri, Paolo; Murenu, Matteo; Durbec, Jean-pierre; Vrgoc, Nedo; Ungaro, Nicola.
Recent theoretical and field studies conducted in both terrestrial and marine ecosystems have suggested that diversity could be a more complex and multi-component concept than previously thought. However, it is still poorly understood to what extent the information provided by the various indices is complementary with regard to diversity, and to what extent this complementarity is reproducible in different situations or at different scales of observation. In the present work, we have analysed the reproducibility of the empirical relationships between 11 diversity indices related to four major aspects (components) of species diversity (species richness, rarity, evenness and species taxonomy) in order to determine whether there is a general pattern of...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Stability of the relationships among demersal fish assemblages and environmental-trawling drivers at large spatio-temporal scales in the northern Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Mérigot, Bastien; Gaertner, Jean-claude; Brind’amour, Anik; Carbonara, Pierluigi; Esteban, Antonio; Garcia-ruiz, Cristina; Gristina, Michele; Imzilen, Taha; Jadaud, Angelique; Joksimovic, Aleksandar; Kavadas, Stefanos; Kolitari, Jerina; Maina, Irida; Maiorano, Porzia; Manfredi, Chiara; Micallef, Reno; Peristeraki, Panagiota; Relini, Giulio; Sbrana, Mario; Spedicato, Maria Teresa; Thasitis, Ioannis; Vittori, Stefania; Vrgoc, Nedo.
Trawling pressure and environmental changes may affect the composition of fish assemblages. Our knowledge on large spatio-temporal patterns of demersal fish composition remains incomplete for the Mediterranean Sea. We investigated (1) the spatio-temporal stability of demersal assemblages, (2) the relationships between these assemblages and potential structuring factors (trawling pressure and environmental conditions) in order to assess the dynamic of the assemblage structure at the scale of the northern Mediterranean Sea. We analysed a dataset of 18062 hauls from 10 to 800 m depth performed annually during the last two decades across 17 Geographical Sub-Areas (GSAs) (MEDITS program). A multi-table analysis (STATICO-CoA) evidenced a strong inter-GSAs...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Species composition; Stability; Demersal assemblages; Environment; Fishing pressure; Large scale; Co-inertia analysis; STATICO-CoA.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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The MEDITS trawl survey specifications in an ecosystem approach to fishery management ArchiMer
Spedicato, Maria Teresa; Massuti, Enric; Merigot, Bastien; Tserpes, George; Jadaud, Angelique; Relini, Giulio.
The MEDITS programme started in 1994 in the Mediterranean with the cooperation among research institutes from four countries: France, Greece, Italy and Spain. Over the years, until the advent of the European framework for the collection and management of fisheries data (the Data Collection Framework. DCF), new partners from Slovenia, Croatia. Albania, Montenegro, Malta and Cyprus joined MEDITS. The FAO regional projects facilitated the cooperation with non-European countries. MEDITS applies a common sampling protocol and methodology for sample collection, data storage and data quality checks (RoME routines). For many years, MEDITS represented the most important data source supporting the evaluation of demersal resources by means of population and community...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Demersal resources; Trawl survey; Sampling; Mediterranean.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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