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Acylsugars in tomato leaflets confer resistance to the South American tomato pinworm, Tuta absoluta Meyr Scientia Agricola
Resende,Juliano Tadeu Vilela de; Maluf,Wilson Roberto; Faria,Marcos Ventura; Pfann,Alessandra Zawadzki; Nascimento,Ildon Rodrigues do.
Acylsugars present in the accession 'LA716' of Lycopersicon pennellii play an important role in the resistance to Tuta absoluta. This paper investigates the possible association between the resistance to T. absoluta and the acylsugar contents in F2 and F2BC1 tomato plants derived from the interspecific crossing between L. esculentum 'TOM-584' and L. pennellii 'LA716'. From the F2 population, four high acylsugars and one low acylsugars plants were selected and tested for Tuta absoluta resistance along with parental lines TOM-584 and LA-716, and with the checks TOM-600 (high 2-tridecanone line with resistance to T. absoluta) and TOM-556 (low acylsugar line). The genotypes were tested under natural field infestation and were evaluated for overall plant...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lycopersicon pennellii; Lycopersicon esculentum; Allelochemical; Plant breeding.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Agronomic performance of both virus-infected and virus-free garlic with different seed bulbs and clove sizes PAB
Marodin,Josué Clock; Resende,Francisco Vilela; Gabriel,André; Souza,Rovilson José de; Resende,Juliano Tadeu Vilela de; Camargo,Cristhiano Kopanski; Zeist,André Ricardo.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth and production of a garlic clone subjected to either infection or virus-free conditions, according to bulb and clove size classification. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. Treatments consisted of either virus-infected or virus-free cloves, obtained from bulbs of four size classes and from cloves with three sieve diameters. Vegetative characteristics and plant production were assessed. Plants infected by viral complexes showed a reduction in emergence (8.4%), plant height (9.8%), and production of marketable bulbs (39.4%), as well as a lower average mass of bulbs and cloves. The virus-free clone produced more bulbs in classes 5 (42-47...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Allium sativum; Garlic seed; Marketable size; Vegetative growth.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Base temperature for node emission and plastochron determination in tomato species and their hybrids PAB
Zeist,André Ricardo; Resende,Juliano Tadeu Vilela de; Faria,Marcos Ventura; Gabriel,André; Silva,Israel Felipe Lustosa da; Lima Filho,Renato Barros de.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to estimate the base temperature for node emission and plastochron determination in wild species of tomato, in the Redenção cultivar, and in their respective interspecific F1 hybrids. The wild accessions Solanum pimpinellifolium AF 26970, Solanum galapagense LA-1401, Solanum peruvianum AF 19684, Solanum habrochaites var. hirsutum PI-127826, Solanum habrochaites var. glabratum PI-134417, and Solanum pennellii LA-716; the cultivar Redenção (Solanum lycopersicum); and their respective interspecific hybrids were evaluated, on the transplanting dates 12/22/2015, 2/12/2016, and 4/6/2016. The base temperature was estimated using the least mean squared error of the linear regression between the number of nodes and the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Solanum lycopersicum; Pre-breeding; Thermal time; Wild accessions.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Genetic divergence among processing tomato hybrids and formation of new segregating populations Ciência e Agrotecnologia
Figueiredo,Alex Sandro Torre; Resende,Juliano Tadeu Vilela de; Schwarz,Kélin; Marodin,Josué Clock; Galvão,Alexandre Gonçalves; Resende,Nathalia Campos Vilela.
ABSTRACT Tomato is the most important vegetable species and has a strong bottleneck effect in its domestication and evolution. In exploring the existing genetic variability in commercial germplasm, germplasm has been proven to be an excellent alternative to obtain inbred lines in order to provide superior new hybrids in the future. In this sense, the objective of this study was to estimate the genetic distance among commercial processing tomato hybrids via agronomical and quality postharvest fruit traits with the aim of suggesting promising crosses for the formation of base populations for tomato breeding. Ten hybrids of processing tomato were evaluated in a complete randomized block design with three replicates. In total, eleven agronomic and postharvest...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Solanum lycopersicum; Genetic distance; Pre-breeding; Breeding populations; Transgressive segregate.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Marker assisted identification of tospovirus resistant tomato genotypes in segregating progenies Scientia Agricola
Nascimento,Ildon Rodrigues do; Maluf,Wilson Roberto; Figueira,Antônia Reis; Menezes,Cícero Beserra; Resende,Juliano Tadeu Vilela de; Faria,Marcos Ventura; Nogueira,Douglas Willian.
The SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region) 'Sw-421' molecular marker is located at 1.0 cM from the Sw-5 allele, originated from Lycopersicon peruvianum (L.), which confers resistance to the tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). However, it had not been tested yet in advanced tomato populations. The goal of this study was to distinguish resistant homozygotes (Sw-5/Sw-5) and heterozygotes (Sw-5/Sw-5+) from susceptible (Sw-5+/Sw-5+) plants in crossing populations with the Stevens cultivar and advanced backcrossing populations by using 'Sw421' SCAR marker. The amplification of 940 bp and 900 bp bands characterized the resistant homozygotes and susceptible controls, respectively. A two band pattern (900 bp and 940 bp) was observed in heterozygote genotypes...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lycopersicon esculentum; Sw-5; Vírus resistance; Molecular marker.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Mutantes rin, norA, og c e hp em diferentes backgrounds genotípicos de tomateiro PAB
Faria,Marcos Ventura; Maluf,Wilson Roberto; Resende,Juliano Tadeu Vilela de; Andrade-Júnior,Valter Carvalho; Nascimento,Ildon Rodrigues do; Benites,Flávio Rodrigo Gandolfi; Menezes,Cícero Beserra de; Azevedo,Sebastião Márcio.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade do emprego isolado e simultâneo dos mutantes rin, norA, og c e hp em heterozigose, em genótipos de tomateiro, visando à melhoria da qualidade pós-colheita dos frutos. Foram avaliados 18 genótipos que diferem quanto às combinações entre estes locos em dois diferentes backgrounds (FloraDade e background experimental). Contrastes não ortogonais foram estabelecidos para quantificar os efeitos dos alelos mutantes, isoladamente ou combinados em um mesmo genótipo, em dois backgrounds, sobre a produção total e produção precoce de frutos, massa média, firmeza, coloração externa, teores de licopeno e betacaroteno dos frutos. Os alelos norA e rin em heterozigose, no background FloraDade, desaceleraram a taxa de...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lycopersicon esculentum; Melhoramento genético; Mutantes de amadurecimento; Conservação pós-colheita.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Performance of the double-cross tomato hybrids from a partial diallel Ciência e Agrotecnologia
Matos,Rafael de; Resende,Juliano Tadeu Vilela de; Zeist,André Ricardo; Corte,Lígia Erpen-Dalla; Da-Silva,Paulo Roberto; Zeffa,Douglas Mariani.
ABSTRACT Knowledge of the combining ability of genotypes, genetic diversity, and heterosis play the paramount role in obtaining double-cross hybrids with high productivity. This study was aimed at evaluating these parameters in tomato genotypes using partial diallel crosses among the commercial single-cross hybrids, which verified the possibility of using double-cross hybrids for commercial purposes. Tomato genotypes included 15 double-cross hybrids, their genitors, and two commercial genotypes as checks. Of the fifteen double-cross hybrids of tomato, two crosses exhibited superiority, such as Aguamiel × Compack and Dominador × Compack, mainly for the total and commercial fruit yields. The phenotypic expression of the trait is controlled by the genes with...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Solanum lycopersicum; ISSR; Molecular markers; Plant breeding; Heterosis..
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Post-harvest characterization of strawberry hybrids obtained from the crossing between commercial cultivars Rev. Bras. Frutic.
Camargo,Letícia Kurchaidt Pinheiro; Resende,Juliano Tadeu Vilela de; Camargo,Cristhiano Kopanski; Kurchaidt,Sonia Maria; Resende,Nathalia Campos Vilela; Botelho,Renato Vasconcelos.
Abstract The lack of programs to improve the strawberry crop in Brazil has led to a growing increase in the use of seedlings imported from Chile, which leads to a certain dependence of imported material on the part of the producers and increases the production even more, since the producers have. This proves even more the need for the development of cultivars adapted to the local conditions of cultivation. In this sense, the aim was to evaluate the post-harvest of fruits of 15 hybrids of strawberry obtained from the cross between commercial cultivars, in order to select the materials with chemical quality superior to the cultivars most planted in Brazil. The contents of soluble solids, titratable acidity, ratio, vitamin C, anthocyanins and phenol were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fragaria ananassa; Quality; Breeding program; Functional compounds.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Produtividade e qualidade pós-colheita de cultivares de cebola em sistemas de cultivo orgânico e convencional Bragantia
Resende,Juliano Tadeu Vilela de; Marchese,Aline; Camargo,Letícia K. Pinheiro; Marodin,Josué Clock; Camargo,Cristhiano Kopanski; Morales,Rafael Gustavo Ferreira.
O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a produtividade, características físico-químicas e perdas pós-colheita de cultivares de cebola produzidas em sistemas de cultivo convencional e orgânico. Foram avaliadas a produção total e a massa média dos bulbos, o teor de sólidos solúveis, a acidez titulável, a massa seca e o pH. Além destas características, foram avaliadas perdas pós-colheita, com observação da perda de massa. Os bulbos foram armazenados em câmara fria à temperatura de 3ºC ± 1ºC e umidade relativa de 75% ± 5% durante 90 dias. O sistema orgânico foi superior ao convencional em produtividade, não diferindo significativamente nas demais características. A produtividade do híbrido Baia F1 foi mais expressiva, nos dois sistemas de cultivo, assim como as...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Allium cepa L.; Rendimento; Ácido pirúvico; Pungência.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Produtividade e rendimento comercial de bulbos de cebola em função da densidade de cultivo Ciência e Agrotecnologia
Baier,João Eduardo; Resende,Juliano Tadeu Vilela de; Galvão,Alexandre Gonçalves; Battistelli,Guilherme Mendes; Machado,Maicon Modesto; Faria,Marcos Ventura.
A distribuição adequada das plantas de cebola (Allium cepa L.) na lavoura torna-se necessária devido a influência sobre a competição por água, luz e nutrientes, determinando o tamanho dos bulbos e a produtividade total. Objetivou-se, no trabalho, avaliar a produtividade e os padrões comerciais de bulbos de cebola, em função da densidade de plantio adotada. As mudas de cebola foram produzidas em bandejas de poliestireno de 200 células, com substrato comercial Plantimax®. O experimento foi instalado em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados (DBC) com 4 repetições, com parcelas de 2 m². Utilizou-se a cultivar Buccaneer, nas densidades de 50, 75 e 100 plantas m-2. Foram avaliadas a produção comercial, a produção total e a massa média de bulbos....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Allium cepa; Densidade populacional; Classificação comercial.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Relação entre zingibereno, tricomas foliares e repelência de tomateiros a Tetranychus evansi PAB
Gonçalves,Luciano Donizete; Maluf,Wilson Roberto; Cardoso,Maria das Graças; Resende,Juliano Tadeu Vilela de; Castro,Evaristo Mauro de; Santos,Nicolau Macedo; Nascimento,Ildon Rodrigues do; Faria,Marcos Ventura.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar os teores de zingibereno em populações segregantes (F2) do segundo retrocruzamento para Lycopersicon esculentum a partir da espécie selvagem L. hirsutum var. hirsutum, e verificar a relação entre estes teores e a densidade de tricomas glandulares e a repelência a Tetranychus evansi. Na quantificação do zingibereno, utilizou-se um método espectrofotométrico; os tricomas foram contados a partir de cortes paradérmicos e a resistência a ácaros foi avaliada por um bioteste de repelência. A seleção indireta quanto ao teor de zingibereno promoveu aumentos correlacionados no número de tricomas glandulares e na repelência ao ácaro, e o zingibereno nos tricomas glandulares participou efetivamente na resistência aos ácaros. A...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lycopersicon hirsutum; Lycopersicon esculentum; Sesquiterpeno; Ácaros.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Resistance of tomato genotypes with high level of acylsugars to Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard Scientia Agricola
Resende,Juliano Tadeu Vilela de; Maluf,Wilson Roberto; Cardoso,Maria das Graças; Faria,Marcos Ventura; Gonçalves,Luciano Donizete; Nascimento,Ildon Rodrigues do.
The Lycopersicon pennellii accession LA716 has been used as a source of arthropod pest resistance in tomato breeding programs due the high contents of acylsugars presents in its leaflets. We investigated the relationship between high foliar acylsugar contents and repellence to spider mite Tetranychus evansi in plants with contrasting acylsugar levels, selected from F2 and BC1F2 (= F2 of the first backcross towards L. esculentum) generations derived from the interespecific cross L. esculentum 'TOM-584' <FONT FACE=Symbol>´</FONT> L. pennellii LA716. Mite resistance was assessed by a repellence test. Plants selected for high levels of acylsugars in leaflets had mite repellence levels similar to that of LA716. The high correlation confirmed the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lycopersicon esculentum; Lycopersicon pennellii; Allelochemical; Plant breeding; Host plant resistance.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Salicylic acid treatments induce resistance to Tuta absoluta and Tetranychus urticae on tomato plants Horticultura Brasileira
Pulga,Paulo Sérgio; Henshel,Juliane Maciel; Resende,Juliano Tadeu Vilela de; Zeist,André Ricardo; Moreira,Aline Fabiana Paladini; Gabriel,André; Silva,Mayara Barbosa; Gonçalves,Leandro Simões Azeredo.
ABSTRACT This study was performed to evaluate the effect of exogenous application of salicylic acid as a resistance inducer to two-spotted spider mite and tomato pinworm on tomato genotypes. Bioassays were carried out in three commercial genotypes (‘Redenção’, ‘Giuliana’, and ‘Alambra’) and one wild genotype (Solanum habrochaites var. hirsutum, accession PI-127826). Average distance travelled by the two-spotted spider mite and number of eggs deposited over the leaflets of the genotypes were investigated. Concerning pinworm bioassay, number of eggs, leafminers on leaflet surface and percentage of leaf area consumed by leafminers were evaluated using a scanner. Furthermore, severity of attack to plants was evaluated by score scale for damages, types of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Solanum habrochaites var. hirsutum; Tuta absoluta; Tetranychus urticae; Methyl salicylate; Induced resistance.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Strawberry genotypes with resistance to Tetranychus urticae mediated by leaf trichomes Ciência e Agrotecnologia
Resende,Juliano Tadeu Vilela de; Lima Filho,Renato Barros de; Ribeiro,Luana Karolline; Corrêa,Jéssica Vanessa Wosniak; Maciel,Cleber Daniel de Goes; Youssef,Khamis.
ABSTRACT The two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) is the main pest encountered in strawberry cultivation in protected environments, causing damage and increasing the cost of production associated with chemical control. Breeding programs are essential for obtaining new cultivars that are more tolerant to two-spotted spider mites. The objective was to evaluate whether the leaf trichomes mediatethe resistance of intraspecific strawberry hybrids to two-spotted spider mites. Preselected hybrids were subjected to infestation by two-spotted spider mites and evaluated via the no-choice assay and the travel test. Resistance was correlated with the density of trichomes, both glandular and non-glandular, present on the surface of the leaflets of strawberry...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fragaria x ananassa; Intraspecific hybridization; Antibiosis; Antixenosis..
Ano: 2020 URL:
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