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Efeito dos níveis de energia para poedeiras comerciais no período final de produção sobre o desempenho, a conversão alimentar e energética e a qualidade de ovos Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Ribeiro,P.A.P.; Matos Júnior,J.B.; Queiroz,A.C.A.; Lara,L.J.C.; Baião,N.C..
Foram utilizadas 1200 poedeiras comerciais da linhagem Lohmann LSL, com 64 semanas, em gaiolas convencionais. Estas foram divididas em cinco grupos, de acordo com o nível de energia metabolizável aparente corrigida pelo nitrogênio (EMAn) presente em sua dieta: 2700kcal/kg; 2775kcal/kg; 2850kcal/kg; 2925kcal/kg; e 3000kcal/kg, com seis repetições. As aves receberam as rações, á base de milho e farelo de soja, por 16 semanas. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, e as médias foram submetidas à regressão polinomial e ao teste de Kruskal-Wallis. O aumento de EMAn não exerceu efeito sobre a produção, a massa e o peso de ovos, bem como sobre o peso das aves e a viabilidade. O consumo de ração diminuiu de acordo com o aumento na energia da dieta,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Poedeiras; Energia; Qualidade de ovos; Produção de ovos.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Influência do tempo de transporte para juvenis de pacamã (Lophiosilurus alexandri) Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Luz,R.K.; Costa,L.S.; Ribeiro,P.A.P.; Silva,R.F.; Rosa,P.V..
The aim of this work was to evaluate different transport times for pacama juvenile (Lophiosilurus alexandri) previously trained to feed formulated diets. Four hundred and eighty-six pacama juveniles (2.52±0.71g) were submitted to 24 hours of fasting before transport. The animals were divided into nine plastic bags, with density of 54 juveniles in 5L of clean water for each bag after that inflated with pure oxygen and then sealed. Fish were transported for three hours and bags were open at 5, 6 and 7.5 hours after closing. For each time three replications were used. Survival was monitored for 96 hours post-transport. The longest time tested showed the lowest values of dissolved oxygen and pH, while the total ammonia was similar in the different treatments....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Peixe carnívoro; Lophiosilurus alexandri; Tempo de transporte; Alimentação.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Performance and nutrient utilization in South American juvenile catfish Pseudoplatystoma spp. weighting 89 - 170g, fed at different energy and protein levels Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Teixeira,E.A.; Euler,A.C.C.; Faria,P.M.C.; Turra,E.M.; Luz,R.K.; Prado,S.A.; Takata,R.; Ribeiro,P.A.P.; Fontes,D.O.; Ribeiro,L.P.; Saliba,E.O.S..
Most studies in nutrition for the South American catfish (surubim) were limited to the initial phase of development. However, it is clear that performance and nutrient utilization can change during the life stages of a fish. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the performance and nutrient utilization in juveniles of surubim fed diets varying in protein and energy levels. Two experiments were performed to test different levels of energy and protein in formulated diets. In the first experiment, surubim juveniles (89.2±4.8g) were fed five diets containing different levels of energy (18.0, 18.8, 19.6, 20.5, 21.3 MJ/kg). In the second experiment, juveniles (170.03±3.35g) were fed five diets containing different levels of protein (360, 400, 440, 480 and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Carnivorous species; Neotropical fish; Nutrition; Surubim.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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