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Contrasted Saharan dust events in LNLC environments: impact on nutrient dynamics and primary production ArchiMer
Ridame, C.; Dekaezemacker, J.; Guieu, C.; Bonnet, S.; L'Helguen, S.; Malien, F..
The response of the phytoplanktonic community (primary production and algal biomass) to contrasted Saharan dust events (wet and dry deposition) was studied in the framework of the DUNE ("a DUst experiment in a low-Nutrient, low-chlorophyll Ecosystem") project. We simulated realistic dust deposition events (10 gm(-2)) into large mesocosms (52m(3)). Three distinct dust addition experiments were conducted in June 2008 (DUNE-1-P: simulation of a wet deposition; DUNE-1-Q: simulation of a dry deposition) and 2010 (DUNE-2-R1 and DUNE-2-R2: simulation of two successive wet depositions) in the northwestern oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea. No changes in primary production (PP) and chlorophyll a concentrations (Chl a) were observed after a dry deposition event, while...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Longitudinal variability of the biogeochemical role of Mediterranean aerosols in the Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Ternon, E.; Guieu, C.; Ridame, C.; L'Helguen, S.; Catala, P..
The Mediterranean Sea is a semi-enclosed basin characterized by a strong thermal stratification during summer during which the atmosphere is the main source of new nutrients to the nutrient-depleted surface layer. From aerosol sampling and microcosm experiments performed during the TransMed BOUM cruise (June-July 2008) we showed that: (i) the Mediterranean atmosphere composition (Al, Fe, P) was homogeneous over similar to 28 degrees of longitude and was a mixture with a constant proportion of anthropogenic contribution and a variable but modest contribution of crustal aerosols. This quite stable composition over a one month period and a long transect (similar to 2500 km) allowed to define the Mediterranean atmospheric "background" that characterizes the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Rapid establishment of the CO2 sink associated with Kerguelen's bloom observed during the KEOPS2/OISO20 cruise ArchiMer
Lo Monaco, C.; Metzl, N.; D'Ovidio, F.; Llort, J.; Ridame, C..
Iron and light are the main factors limiting the biological pump of CO2 in the Southern Ocean. Iron fertilization experiments have demonstrated the potential for increased uptake of atmospheric CO2, but little is known about the evolution of fertilized environnements. This paper presents observations collected in one of the largest phytoplankton bloom of the Southern Ocean sustained by iron originating from the Kerguelen Plateau. We first complement previous studies by investigating the mechanisms that control air–sea CO2 fluxes over and downstream of the Kerguelen Plateau at the onset of the bloom based on measurements obtained in October–November 2011. These new observations show the rapid establishment of a strong CO2 sink in waters fertilized with iron...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
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