Lienart, Camilla; Savoye, Nicolas; David, Valerie; Ramond, Pierre; Tress, Paco Rodriguez; Hanquiez, Vincent; Marieu, Vincent; Aubert, Fabien; Aubin, Sebastien; Bichon, Sabrina; Boinet, Christophe; Bourasseau, Line; Bozec, Yann; Breret, Martine; Breton, Elsa; Caparros, Jocelyne; Cariou, Thierry; Claquin, Pascal; Conan, Pascal; Corre, Anne-marie; Costes, Laurence; Crouvoisier, Muriel; Del Amo, Yolanda; Derriennic, Herve; Dindinaud, Francois; Duran, Robert; Durozier, Maia; Devesa, Jeremy; Ferreira, Sophie; Feunteun, Eric; Garcia, Nicole; Geslin, Sandrine; Grossteffan, Emilie; Gueux, Aurore; Guillaudeau, Julien; Guillou, Gael; Jolly, Orianne; Lachaussee, Nicolas; Lafont, Michel; Lagadec, Veronique; Lamoureux, Jezabel; Lauga, Beatrice; Lebreton, Benoit; Lecuyer, Eric; Lehodey, Jean-paul; Leroux, Cedric; L'Helguen, Stephane; Mace, Eric; Maria, Eric; Mousseau, Laure; Nowaczyk, Antoine; Pineau, Philippe; Petit, Franck; Pujo-pay, Mireille; Raimbault, Patrick; Rimmelin-maury, Peggy; Rouaud, Vanessa; Sauriau, Pierre-guy; Sultan, Emmanuelle; Susperregui, Nicolas. |
In costal systems, particulate organic matter (POM) results from a multiplicity of sources having their respective dynamics in terms of production, decomposition, transport and burial. The POM pool experiences thus considerable spatial and temporal variability. In order to better understand this variability, the present study employs statistical multivariate analyses to investigate links between POM composition and environmental forcings for a panel of twelve coastal systems distributed along the three maritime regions of France and monitored weekly to monthly for 1 to 8 years. At multi-system scale, two main gradients of POC composition have been identified: a ‘Continent-Ocean’ gradient associated with hydrodynamics, sedimentary dynamics and depth of the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Particulate organic matter; Coastal systems; Environmental forcing; Meta-analysis; France. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00433/54471/55848.pdf |
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Poppeschi, Coline; Charria, Guillaume; Unterberger, Maximilian; Rimmelin-maury, Peggy; Goberville, Eric; Barrier, Nicolas; Petton, Sebastien; Grossteffan, Emilie; Repecaud, Michel; Quemener, Loic; Theetten, Sebastien; Le Roux, Jean-francois; Treguer, Paul. |
Aims - To detect and characterise extreme events in a coastal ecosystem by combining in situ high-frequency observations and high-resolution numerical simulations -To describe the interannual variability of extreme events in a context of climate change -To quantify the links between extreme low salinity episodes and both large and local scale processes, using weather regimes, precipitations and river runoffs as proxies of hydro-climate forcing |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: In-situ observations; High and low frequency measurements; Extreme events; Numerical simulations; Bay of Brest; Weather regimes.. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00631/74346/73999.pdf |
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Treguer, Paul; Goberville, Eric; Barrier, Nicolas; L'Helguen, Stephane; Morin, Pascal; Bozec, Yann; Rimmelin-maury, Peggy; Czamanski, Marie; Grossteffan, Emilie; Cariou, Thierry; Repecaud, Michel; Quemener, Loic. |
There is now a strong scientific consensus that coastal marine systems of Western Europe are highly sensitive to the combined effects of natural climate variability and anthropogenic climate change. However, it still remains challenging to assess the spatial and temporal scales at which climate influence operates. While large-scale hydro-climatic indices, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) or the East Atlantic Pattern (EAP) and the weather regimes such as the Atlantic Ridge (AR), are known to be relevant predictors of physical processes, changes in coastal waters can also be related to local hydro-meteorological and geochemical forcing. Here, we study the temporal variability of physical and chemical characteristics of coastal waters located at... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Coastal systems; Climate variability; Large-scale hydro-climatic indices; River inputs; Time-series; Weather regimes. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00192/30327/28801.pdf |
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Charria, Guillaume; Schmitt, François; Artigas, Felipe; Berthebaud, Eric; Bonnat, Armel; Bourrin, François; Bozec, Yann; Cariou, Thierry; Claquin, Pascal; Conan, Pascal; Coppola, Laurent; Delalée, Franck; Facq, Jean-valery; Farcy, Patrick; Ferreira, Sophie; Garcia, Fabrice; Grisoni, Jean-michel; Jacqueline, Franck; Jacquet, Matthias; Lefebvre, Alain; Leredde, Yann; Le Roux, Jean-francois; Mas, Sébastien; Mostajir, Behzad; Mousseau, Laure; Pairaud, Ivane; Petton, Sebastien; Pouvreau, Stephane; Quemener, Loic; Ravel, Christophe; Raimbault, Patrick; Repecaud, Michel; Retho, Michael; Rimmelin-maury, Peggy; Riou, Philippe; Savoye, Nicolas; Souchu, Philippe; Verney, Romaric; Vuillemin, Renaud. |
COAST-HF (Coastal OceAn observing SysTem – High Frequency) is a French national observation network of the physical and biogeochemical dynamics of the coastal ocean, at high frequency. COAST-HF aims at understanding and analysing changes of contrasted coastal ecosystems at different temporal scales from extreme or intermittent high frequency (hour, day) events to multi-year trends. Since several years (from 2000 for the longest time series in Bay of Brest), the network extends along the English Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean French coasts through 14 fixed platforms instrumented for the in situ high-frequency (≤ 1h) observations. Several French research institutes (IFREMER, CNRS, Marine Universities) are operating these systems. The organization of... |
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Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00635/74723/74708.pdf |
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Charria, Guillaume; Repecaud, Michel; Quemener, Loic; Menesguen, Alain; Rimmelin-maury, Peggy; L'Helguen, Stephane; Beaumont, Laurence; Jolivet, Aurelie; Morin, Pascal; Mace, E; Lazure, Pascal; Le Gendre, Romain; Jacqueline, Franck; Verney, Romaric; Marie, Louis; Jegou, Paul; Le Reste, Serge; Andre, Xavier; Dutreuil, Vincent; Regnault, Jean-pierre; Jestin, Herve; Lintanf, Herve; Pichavant, Pascal; Retho, Michael; Allenou, Jean-pierre; Stanisiere, Jean-yves; Bonnat, Armel; Nonnotte, Lidwine; Duros, Wenceslas; Tarot, Stephane; Carval, Thierry; Le Hir, Pierre; Dumas, Franck; Vandermeirsch, Frederic; Lecornu, Fabrice. |
To design a prototype for an Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS), at least three components are mandatory: a modeling platform, an in situ observing system and a structure to collect and to disseminate the information (e.g. database, website). The PREVIMER project followed this approach and in order to sustain model applications, PREVIMER has developed, funded and organized part of in situ observing networks in the Bay of Biscay and the Channel. For a comprehensive system, focus was addressed on fi xed platforms (MAREL MOLIT, MAREL Iroise, Island network and D4 for sediment dynamics), ships of opportunity (RECOPESCA program and FerryBoxes), and coastal profi lers (ARVOR-C/Cm). Each system is briefl y described and examples of scientifi c results... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00197/30785/29143.pdf |
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Leblanc, Karine; Cornet, Véronique; Rimmelin-maury, Peggy; Grosso, Olivier; Hélias-nunige, Sandra; Brunet, Camille; Claustre, Hervé; Ras, Joséphine; Leblond, Nathalie; Quéguiner, Bernard. |
This article presents data regarding the Si biogeochemical cycle during two oceanographic cruises conducted in the Southern Tropical Pacific (BIOSOPE and OUTPACE cruises) in 2005 and 2015. It involves the first Si stock measurements in this understudied region, encompassing various oceanic systems from New Caledonia to the Chilean upwelling between 8 and 34°S. Some of the lowest levels of biogenic silica standing stocks ever measured were found in this area, notably in the Southern Pacific Gyre, where Chlorophyll a concentrations are most depleted worldwide. Integrated biogenic silica stocks are as low as 1.08±0.95mmolm−2, and are the lowest stocks measured in the Southern Pacific. Size-fractionated biogenic silica concentrations revealed a non-negligible... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00448/56006/57514.pdf |
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L'Helguen, Stéphane; Rimmelin-maury, Peggy; Repecaud, Michel; Quemener, Loic; Beaumont, L.; Grosssteffan, Emilie; Tréguer, Paul; Bozec, Yann. |
Les écosystèmes côtiers sont soumis à de multiples forçages physiques et chimiques qui agissent à des échelles de temps très différentes. Pour décrire et prédire l’impact de ces forçages sur les écosystèmes, il est impératif de mesurer à long terme les caractéristiques physiques, chimiques et biologiques des eaux côtières. Depuis plus de 15 ans, un partenariat réunit l’IUEM/UBO, l’IFREMER et l'INSU pour assurer le suivi régulier et à long terme de la physico-chimie des eaux côtières à l’interface de la rade de Brest et de la mer d’Iroise (site de Ste Anne du Portzic, 48°21’60 N, 4°33’04 W ). Ce suivi repose sur une stratégie combinée de mesures à basse fréquence (série SOMLIT-Brest - Service d’Observation en Milieu LITtoral) et de mesures à haute fréquence... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00628/73967/73326.pdf |
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