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OVIDE 2004. CO2 variables Report ArchiMer
Pérez, Fiz F.; Alvarez, Marta; Castafio, Monica; Rios, Aida F.
The carbon system is defined by four variables: pH, Total Alkalinity (AT), partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) and Total Inorganic Carbon (CT). The knowledge of two of these variables allows the calculation of the other two by means of a set of equations deduced from thermodynamic equilibrium. During the OVIDE 2004 cruise carried out between 5th June and 6th July on board the RN THALASSA pH and TA measurements were sampled fiom bottle depths at selected stations (Table 1) and analysed on board. Moreover, pCOz has been continuously detennined in surface waters along the vesse1 track. In this cruise, unlike OVIDE 2002, samples for CT were also taken, but will be analyzed at lab. CT is also calculated from pH and AT. In this report we resume the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantique Nord; Cycle du Carbone; Traceurs Océaniques; OVIDE.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Temporal variability of atmospheric CO2 of the Spanish Atlantic Coast ArchiMer
Perez, Fiz F; Gago, Jesus; Alvarez, Marta; Rios, Aida F.
The variability of the molar fraction of atmospheric CO2 (xCO(2)(a)) and wind speed and direction were investigated in a coastal embayment located in the west European coast, ria de Vigo, NW Spain, along daily and seasonal time scales. Observations in the ria showed that xCO(2)(a) on a short time scale presented a much wider variability than seawater molar fraction (xCO(2)(w)), in addition, a significant covariation between xCO(2)(a) and wind was found. A sluggish atmospheric renewal due to weak winds was associated with high values of xCO(2)(a), whereas higher oceanic winds renovate the air column with more stable and constrained xCO(2)(a) values (from 350 to 370 ppm). The impact of anomalously high xCO(2)(a) on CO2 air-sea fluxes is practically not...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Variabilité temporelle; CO2 atmosphérique; Échange air–mer; Côte atlantique espagnole; Temporal variability; Atmospheric CO2; Air-sea exchange; Spanish Atlantic Coast.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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