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Characterization of starch from different non-traditional sources and its application as coating in ‘Palmer’ mango fruit Ciência e Agrotecnologia
Rodrigues,Antonio Augusto Marques; Santos,Luana Ferreira dos; Costa,Rayssa Ribeiro da; Félix,Débora Tamara; Nascimento,José Henrique Bernardino; Lima,Maria Auxiliadora Coêlho de.
ABSTRACT Yam, cassava, jackfruit seed and mango seed kernel have potential for the extraction and use as starch in the food industry of starch or for the formulation of biodegradable coatings. As a biodegradable coating, starch can be applied in fruits characterized by a fast maturation, such as mango, which requires technologies to increase its shelf life. The aim of this study was to characterize starch from four non-traditional sources and to evaluate their potential as coating for ‘Palmer’ mango fruit. Starches used were extracted from cassava, mango seed kernel, jackfruit seed, and yam, and had their physical, optical, and chemical properties characterized for later use as coatings of ‘Palmer’ mango fruit. Fruits were coated with 3% cassava starch,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amylose; Solubility; Weight loss; Postharvest; Respiratory rate; Shelf life.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Emergência e crescimento inicial de plântulas de Eugenia jambolana Lam. após remoção da polpa Ciência Rural
Araújo,Luciana Rodrigues de; Alves,Edna Ursulino; Rodrigues,Christiane Marques; Rodrigues,Antonio Augusto Marques.
As espécies frutíferas do gênero Eugenia têm grande potencial para recomposição ambiental, possibilitando não somente a recuperação da flora como também a atração da fauna. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes tratamentos para remoção da polpa sobre a emergência e crescimento inicial de plântulas de Eugenia jambolana Lam. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: fricção com areia lavada (T1), cal virgem (T2), pó de madeira (T3), degustação humana (T4), fermentação por 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas (T5, T6, T7 e T8, respectivamente) e a testemunha - fruto inteiro sem nenhum tratamento (T9). Após a remoção da polpa, as sementes foram lavadas em água corrente e submetidas à secagem em ambiente de laboratório durante 24 horas, sendo em seguida...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Myrtaceae; Frutífera; Recalcitrante; Vigor..
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Physiology and postharvest conservation of ‘Paluma’ guava under coatings using Jack fruit seed-based starch Rev. Bras. Frutic.
Rodrigues,Antonio Augusto Marques; Silva,Silvanda de Melo; Dantas,Ana Lima; Silva,Antonio Fernando da; Santos,Leonardo da Silva; Moreira,Dayse das Neves.
Abstract The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of jackfruit seed starch-based (S) coatings, added to chitosan and alginate on the physiology and maintenance of quality of cold stored ‘Paluma’ guavas, followed by transfer to the room condition. The design was the completely randomized, in a 4x2 factorial scheme, in 4 replications, with 4 coatings (dispersion of S - 4%; S 2% + chitosan - 2% (SC); S - 2% + alginate - 2% (SA); and the uncoated control), in 2 environments (refrigerated (10±2 °C e 80±2% RH) with transfer to room condition (25±3 °C e 75±4% HR)), on the 16th and 20th day of cold storage. The SC and SA coatings were efficient in reducing the respiratory rate in fruits during 10 days at room condition. The SC coating delayed fruit...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Artocarpus heterophyllus; Fruit waste; Chitosan; Sodium alginate; Fruit quality.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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