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A bioeconomic model of carbon trading within an Australian grazing enterprise AgEcon
Gowen, Rebecca; Rolfe, John; Donaghy, Peter.
The Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) and other carbon trading programs have been promoted as alternative sources of income for agricultural producers, particularly those on marginal land. This paper presents the results of a bioeconomic model developed to compare the relative returns from a beef enterprise against changing regrowth management practices to sequester additional carbon and sell carbon offsets. The model is constructed based on a 1000 hectare parcel of land in Central Queensland and is calculated for two landtypes; Brigalow and Eucalypt. Assuming zero transaction costs and a 20 year contract period, a carbon-cattle enterprise has higher returns that a cattle-only enterprise at relatively low carbon prices for both land types. However, results...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Carbon; Bioeconomic modelling; Grazing economics; Environmental Economics and Policy; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Assessing community values for reducing agricultural emissions to improve water quality and protect coral health in the Great Barrier Reef AgEcon
Rolfe, John; Windle, Jill.
Key policy issues relating to protection of the Great Barrier Reef from pollutants generated by agriculture are to identify when measures to improve water quality generate benefits to society that outweigh the costs of reducing pollutants. The research reported in this paper makes a key contribution in several key ways. First, it uses the improved science understanding about the links between management changes and reef health to bring together the analysis of costs and benefits of marginal changes, helping to demonstrate the appropriate way of addressing policy questions relating to reef protection. Second, it uses the scientific relationships to frame a choice experiment to value the benefits of improved reef health, and links improvements explicitly to...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Choice modelling experiment; Attribute definition; Input output definition; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q. 15; Q51; Q57.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Assessing community values for reducing agricultural emissions to improve water quality and protect coral health in the Great Barrier Reef AgEcon
Windle, Jill; Rolfe, John.
Key policy issues relating to protection of the Great Barrier Reef from pollutants generated by agriculture are to identify when measures to improve water quality generate benefits to society that outweigh the costs of reducing pollutants. The research reported in this paper makes a key contribution in several key ways. First, it uses the improved science understanding about the links between management changes and reef health to bring together the analysis of costs and benefits of marginal changes, helping to demonstrate the appropriate way of addressing policy questions relating to reef protection. Second, it uses the scientific relationships to frame a choice experiment to value the benefits of improved reef health, and links improvements explicitly to...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Assessing national values to protect the health of the Great Barrier Reef AgEcon
Rolfe, John; Windle, Jill.
The aim of this study was to estimate the values to protect the health of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) at the national level and to examine the effects of distance decay on valuation estimates. A split-sample choice-modelling experiment was conducted in six locations: a regional town within the GBR catchment area (Townsville); Brisbane, the state capital approximately 450 km from the southern limit of the GBR; and four other capital cities (Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth) ranging from nearly 1,000 km to over 4,000 km from Brisbane. The results suggest that the average WTP across Australian households is $21.68 per household per annum for five years. There was some evidence of distance decay in values. Most decline occurred once outside the home...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Distance decay; Iconic resources; Choice modelling experiment; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q51; Q57.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Assessing national values to protect the health of the Great Barrier Reef AgEcon
Rolfe, John; Windle, Jill.
The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is a vast iconic environmental asset covering an area of approximately 35 million hectares. It is valued by people all over Australia, as well as overseas. Non-market values for the GBR will comprise both use and non-use values. The values of people who live closer to the GBR and who can visit it more frequently are likely to be higher than those who live further away. The aim of this study was to estimate the values to protect the health of the GBR at the national level and to examine the effects of distance decay on valuation estimates. A split-sample choice-modelling experiment was conducted in six locations: a regional town within the GBR catchment area (Townsville); Brisbane, the state capital approximately 450 km from...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Assessing the economic impact of an emissions trading scheme on agroforestry in Australia’s northern grazing systems AgEcon
Donaghy, Peter; Rolfe, John; Gowen, Rebecca; Bray, Steven; Madonna, Hoffman.
Although agriculture generates a significant portion of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, it also has the potential to sequester large quantities of emissions through changed land use management such as agroforestry. Whilst there is an extensive amount of agroforestry literature, little has been written on the economic consequences of adopting silvopastoral systems in northern Australia. This paper reports the economic feasibility of adopting complimentary agroforestry systems in the low rainfall region of northern Australia. The analysis incorporates the dynamic tradeoffs between tree and pasture growth, carbon sequestration, cleared regrowth decomposition rates and livestock methane emissions in a bioeconomic model. The results suggest there are...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Carbon sequestration; Financial analysis; Carbon accounting framework; Agroforestry; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Barriers to and Opportunities for Increasing Participation in Conservation Auctions AgEcon
Whitten, Stuart M.; Reeson, Andrew; Windle, Jill; Rolfe, John.
Participation is a relative concept. Too much implies high costs of administration and many losers in a competitive process. Too little implies relatively few gains from trade are accessed. Thus the aim is to optimise rather than maximise participation. In this paper we outline some rules of thumb for setting participation targets and develop a framework for identifying barriers to achieving targets. We use the framework to evaluate six case study tenders covering a variety of land management objectives. These case studies provided pragmatic on-ground lessons in managing participation in real tender applications and resulted in several further lessons for participation management in tender design.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy; Industrial Organization; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Book review AgEcon
Rolfe, John.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Can Regional NRM arrangements reduce net transaction costs by increasing social capital? AgEcon
Yee, Shion; Rolfe, John.
In Australia significant resources are invested into Regional NRM arrangements where some authority and decision-making responsibilities are devolved to Regional NRM groups. However, little empirical evidence is available to guide policymakers in determining whether investments in such a governance regime will yield optimal outcomes. In this paper, we focus on exploring whether the Regional NRM model may result in a reduction in net transaction costs by generating social capital. By improving levels of trust and cooperation, and minimising levels of conflict between various stakeholders involved in NRM activities, costs such as those associated with monitoring and compliance can potentially be reduced. Evidence from a survey of landholders involved with...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Comparing a best management practice scorecard with an auction metric to select proposals in a water quality tender AgEcon
Rolfe, John; Windle, Jill.
The focus of this paper is to compare different evaluation frameworks for selecting landholder proposals to improve water quality. The case study is a water quality tender performed in the Burdekin region in Northern Australia in 2007/2008 where bids could be assessed using an inputs-based best management practice scorecard or an outputs-based auction metric. The scorecard approach and other variants of multi-criteria analysis are commonly applied in grant schemes, where landholder proposals are rated by a range of inputs-based criteria. Output-based approaches are typically applied in water quality and conservation tenders, where an environmental benefits index is constructed to summarise the cost-effectiveness of each proposal. The case study evaluation...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Comparing a best management practice scorecard with an auction metric to select proposals in a water quality tender AgEcon
Rolfe, John; Windle, Jill.
This report compares evaluation frameworks for selecting landholder proposals to improve water quality. A water quality tender performed in the Burdekin region in Northern Australia in 2007/2008 was used as a case study. Tender bids can be assessed using an inputs-based best management practice scorecard or an outputs-based auction metric. Where landholder proposals are rated by inputs-based criteria, the scorecard approach, and other variants of multi-criteria analysis are commonly applied. Output-based approaches are typically applied in water quality and conservation tenders. This approach uses an environmental benefits index to summarise the cost-effectiveness of each proposal. The case study evaluation reported in this paper shows how...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Water quality tender; Auction metric; Best management practice; Input-based; Output-based; Great Barrier Reef.; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Comparing responses from web and paper-based collection modes in a choice modelling experiment AgEcon
Windle, Jill; Rolfe, John.
Comparing responses from web and paper-based collection modes in a choice modelling experiment
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Web-based surveys; Internet surveys; Paper-based surveys; Stated preference; Collection mode; Choice experiments; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Comparing responses from web and paper-based collection modes in a choice modelling experiment AgEcon
Windle, Jill; Rolfe, John.
To determine whether the collection mode affects sample characteristics and value estimates, paper-based (using drop-off/pick-up) and web-based (using an internet panel) modes were tested. The exercise elicited values from Brisbane respondents for future environmental improvement of the Great Barrier Reef. The total per survey cost of the paper-based survey was approximately $70 per survey. The survey took three months to complete. In contrast, the online survey cost approximately $15 per survey and took two weeks to complete. The results show there were no differences in gender, education and income levels between the two groups. In the internet group, however, there were more younger and fewer older people. A comparison of the respondents’...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Web-based surveys; Internet surveys; Paper-based surveys; Stated preference; Collection mode; Choice experiments.; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Consumer demands for organic and genetically modified foods AgEcon
Donaghy, Peter; Rolfe, John; Bennett, Jeffrey W..
Issues concerning consumer demands for genetically modified and organic food remain topical. It is unclear how consumers perceive issues associated with food production such as food safety, environmental impacts or animal welfare. It is also unclear how consumers might value potential changes in those issues in regional and metropolitan centres. This paper reports on research using the choice modelling technique to estimate and compare consumer demand for genetically modified and organic foods in Australia. The case study considers tomatoes, milk and beef commodities. The results draw comparisons between the contribution of associated factors influencing consumer purchasing decisions in a regional and metropolitan city. The results are relevant to the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Genetically modified; Organic; Demand; Choice modelling; Crop Production/Industries; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Costing water quality improvements with auction mechanisms: case studies for the Great Barrier Reef in Australia AgEcon
Rolfe, John; Windle, Jill.
Australian governments continue to commit significant resources to the protection of the Great Barrier Reef. Funding for the Reef Rescue Programme is focused on reducing the impact of agricultural production on water quality. Information about the costs and benefits of funding proposals is limited. As a result, the key challenge for policy makers is to identify where funding is most efficiently applied. While there is adequate information about the costs of various inputs for reducing water quality, the costs of achieving various outputs is much more limited. Water quality tenders show the opportunity costs of changing agricultural practices. They allow policy makers to better understand the potential costs of misallocating public resources. It also...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Auctions; Conservation tenders; Market based instruments; Water quality; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Designing choice experiments to incorporate tests for geographic scale and scope differences AgEcon
Rolfe, John; Windle, Jill; Bennett, Jeffrey W..
Designing a choice modelling (CM) experiment to place a value on increasing protection of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) raises complex issues. The size and diversity of the GBR, and the number of different pressures impacting on it, mean protection and improvement scenarios can be drafted in several different ways. This report discusses some of the considerations in selecting, describing and combining choice attributes. It also looks at how to incorporate tests for geographic scale (size) and scope (complexity) differences into the design of the CM survey instrument. The potential to include information about management options designed to achieve increased protection, and the associated risk and uncertainty, is also discussed.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Choice modelling; Scale; Scope; Coral reef; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Developing a benefit transfer database for environmental values in Queensland AgEcon
Windle, Jill; Rolfe, John.
made in one situation to related circumstances. The benefit transfer process is typically reliant on the availability of a number of source studies which have appropriate levels of reliability and relevance to the issue of interest. However, the limited number of non-market valuation studies to draw on for source values currently limits the benefit transfer process. In this paper, an alternative approach to benefit transfer is outlined where a series of valuation studies were specifically performed to build a reference data base of values for benefit transfer purposes. The choice modelling technique was used to estimate community values for protecting soil, water and vegetation stocks in Queensland, Australia, where both state and regional populations were...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Benefit transfer; Environmental valuation; Choice modelling; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Diversification choices in agriculture: a Choice Modelling case study of sugarcane growers AgEcon
Windle, Jill; Rolfe, John.
Growers in the sugarcane industry have been struggling under financial pressure for several years. One option to improve farm viability might be to diversify farm enterprise income. Choice Modelling, an economic valuation technique, was used to explore the trade-offs growers make between different attributes of diversification, and how their choices may be related to certain socio-economic characteristics. Application of the technique involved surveys of cane growers in three regions of Central Queensland. This is a novel approach to assessing grower intentions that has the potential to reveal detailed information about influences on grower choices.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Choice modelling; Farm diversification; Sugarcane growers; Farm Management.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Diversification in the Sugar Industry: The Grower's Perspective in Central Queensland, Australia AgEcon
Windle, Jill; Rolfe, John.
The future viability of the sugar industry has been questioned in several major reports. It is generally agreed that the industry will have to undergo some changes. One of the key issues in the most comprehensive of these reports, the Hildebrand report (Hildebrand 2002), is the need to improve economic efficiency in the industry. At the grower level, the report considers many farms to be economically unviable and advocates the need to increase farm size to achieve better economies of scale. Some growers will not be able to expand and a more viable economic option might be to diversify farm enterprise income. Generally, the main advice farmers receive about alternative crops is based on gross margins, but there are other components of crop diversification...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Do values for protecting iconic assets vary across populations? A Great Barrier Reef case study AgEcon
Rolfe, John; Windle, Jill.
A number of studies have examined the effects of distance decay and the influence it might have on both use and non-use values. However, the relationship between environmental values and distance effects is less clear cut when iconic or special assets are involved. In this report, the effects of distance decay on protection values of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia are explored using two split sample choice experiments. The results suggest that the Townsville (local) population had larger use values than the Brisbane (distant) population. However, for iconic resources, where perceptions of responsibility, substitutes and information are reasonably consistent across population groups, non-use values remain constant across spatially different population...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Choice modelling experiment; Distance decay; Population effects; Iconic assets; Great Barrier Reef; Use values; Non-use values; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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