Bitetto, Isabella; Romagnoni, Giovanni; Adamidou, Angeliki; Certain, Gregoire; Di Lorenzo, Manfredi; Donnaloia, Marilena; Lembo, Giuseppe; Maiorano, Porzia; Milisenda, Giacomo; Musumeci, Claudia; Ordines, Francesc; Pesci, Paola; Peristeraki, Panagiota; Pesic, Ana; Sartor, Paolo; Spedicato, Maria Teresa. |
The state of marine systems subject to natural or anthropogenic impacts can be generally summarized by suites of ecological indicators carefully selected to avoid redundancy. Length-based indicators capture the status of fish community structure, fulfilling the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) requirement for Descriptor 3 (status of commercial fish species). Although the MSFD recommends the development of regional indicators, a comparison among alternative length-based indicators is so far missing for the Mediterranean Sea. Using principal component analysis and dynamic factor analysis, we identified the most effective subset of length-based indicators, whether or not based on maximum length. Indicator trends and time series of fishing effort and... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Demersal fish community; Size structure indicators; Geographical sub-area; Marine Strategy Framework Directive; Dynamic factor analysis; Redundancy analysis. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00599/71148/69466.pdf |
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