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A revision of Diplectria (Melastomataceae) Naturalis
Veldkamp, J.F.; Franken, N.A.P.; Roos, M.C.; Nayar, M.P..
Eleven species are recognized for the Southeast Asian, mainly Malesian genus Diplectria (Bl.) Reichenb., which includes Anplectrum A. Gray, or Backeria Bakh. f. Four new specific combinations are proposed, while one new species and a new subspecies are described.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1978 URL:
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A taxonomic revision of the Malesian species of Lasianthus (Rubiaceae) Naturalis
Zhu, H.; Roos, M.C.; Ridsdale, C.E..
Based on herbarium collections, the Malesian species of the genus Lasianthus are revised. A total of 131 species including 5 subspecies and 6 varieties are recognized from the Malesian region, of which 41 species, 3 subspecies and 3 varieties are described as new, and 3 new combinations are made for varieties. 22 species names and 15 variety names are reduced to synonyms. Ten species names and 2 varieties are treated as dubious mainly because their types cannot be traced. Additionally, 11 species are further excluded from Lasianthus. All species are described and a key to Malesian Lasianthus is given.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Lasiantheae; Lasianthus; Malesia; Revision; Rubiaceae.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Annual report Foundation Flora Malesiana 1992 Naturalis
Roos, M.C..
Second Flora Malesiana Symposium — The highlight of the year was the Second Flora Malesiana Symposium. It was organized under the auspices of the Foundation Flora Malesiana (FFM) by Puslitbang Biologi of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and the Fakultas Biologi of the Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta and was held there from 7-12 September, 1992. The Symposium was concluded with four workshops, devoted to Fund raising, Recruitment of new authors, Training and exchange programs, and the Checklist Project respectively. The discussions yielded many valuable suggestions and recommendations (Fl. Males. Bull. 11(1): 97-101). It was announced that the Third Flora Malesiana Symposium will be held at Kew in 1995, preceding the Symposium commemorating...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Annual report Foundation Flora Malesiana 1993 Naturalis
Roos, M.C..
Last year I have reported on the results of a first annual questionnaire sent out to all collaborators in the Flora Malesiana network early 1993, asking information on progress, possible bottlenecks, and the expected date of completion of the manuscript. The present report deals with the results of the second questionnaire, which was circulated early 1994. The response was somewhat lower compared to the first one (c. 80% and 85%, respectively).
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Annual report Foundation Flora Malesiana 1994 Naturalis
Roos, M.C..
Some membership changes occurred which were affirmed during the last Board meeting at Kew. Dr. Aprilani Soegiarto, while remaining on the Board for his term, resigned as chairman, because he will retire before the next meeting. With regret the Foundation accepted Dr. Aprilani’s decision, but is most grateful to him for so actively chairing the Board from its start in 1991 onwards. By acclamation Dr. Mien Rifai has been appointed as the new chairman.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Component-compatibility in historical biogeography Naturalis
Zandee, M.; Roos, M.C..
-The problems of reconstructing historical relationships for areas of endemism from distributional data for groups of taxa and the cladistic relationships among the members of those groups can be solved by applying the two principles of parsimony and mutual inclusion or exclusion (compatibility) of components. Components can be extracted from a data matrix by means of transcription into partial monothetic sets. The data matrix thus derived represents the distribution over areas for the monophyletic groups in one or more cladograms. It is derived from two different matrices by boolean multiplication. The first matrix gives the binary representation of distributions of taxa over areas of endemism; the second describes the cladogram for the same taxa, in...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Distribution maps of Pacific plants Naturalis
Avé, W.; Balgooy, M.M.J. van; Franken, N.A.P.; Roos, M.C.; Hoogland, R.D.; Veldkamp, J.F.; Laubenfels, D.J. de; Jansen, M.E.; Vink, W.; Kessler, J.J.; Haegi, L.; Symon, D.E..
Name: Campynema Labill, Nov. Holl. Pl. Sp. 1 (1805) 93, t. 121. Family: Amaryllidaceae.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Flora Malesiana in the coming decade Naturalis
Roos, M.C.; Hovenkamp, P..
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 2009 URL:
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New combinations in Aglaomorpha Schott (Polypodiaceae) Naturalis
Roos, M.C..
Anticipating a forthcoming monograph of the subfamily Drynarioideae (Polypodiaceae), six new combinations in Aglaomorpha are made. Apart from full synonymy and descriptions, this monograph will include the phylogenetic systematics of this group. The phylogenetic relationships established lead to the recognition of the holophyletic genera Aglaomorpha and Drynaria only. The generic delimitation of Drynaria is not affected, but Aglaomorpha needs to be emended including all other (mostly monotypic) drynarioid genera. As a consequence, the following nomenclatural changes are necessary.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1983 URL:
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New combinations in Aglaomorpha Schott (Polypodiaceae) Naturalis
Roos, M.C..
Anticipating a forthcoming monograph of the subfamily Drynarioideae (Polypodiaceae), six new combinations in Aglaomorpha are made. Apart from full synonymy and descriptions, this monograph will include the phylogenetic systematics of this group. The phylogenetic relationships established lead to the recognition of the holophyletic genera Aglaomorpha and Drynaria only. The generic delimitation of Drynaria is not affected, but Aglaomorpha needs to be emended including all other (mostly monotypic) drynarioid genera. As a consequence, the following nomenclatural changes are necessary. Aglaomorpha latipinna (C. Chr.) Roos, comb. et stat. nov. – Basionym: Holostachyum hieronymi Copel. var. latipinna C. Chr., Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 16 (1922) 96.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Observations on drynarioid Polypodiaceae in Papua New Guinea Naturalis
Roos, M.C..
The drynarioid Polypodiaceae consist of about 30 usually epiphytic species confined to the Palaeotropics. They belong to Drynaria (c. 16 spp.) and a number of smaller genera, e.g. Aglaomorpha, Merinthosorus, or monotypic ones, e.g. Drynariopsis, Holostachyum. The generic delimitations as well as the phylogenetic relationships of the taxa are part of a project on the Systematics of the Polypodiaceae carried out in Utrecht. New Guinea is of special interest for the drynarioid ferns because nine species occur on that island (see table 1). Of these seven were found during a recent trip in Papua New Guinea made by myself in 1983 in cooperation with Mr. J.R. Croft (LAE), Rev. N.E.G. Cruttwell (Goroka) and Mr. R.J. Johns (Unitech, Lae). Visits were made to the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1984 URL:
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On Max van Balgooy’s 80th birthday Naturalis
Baas, P.; Roos, M.C.; Welzen, P.C. van.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Phylogenetic Systematics of the Polypodiaceae (Filicales) Naturalis
Hennipman, E.; Roos, M.C..
In his introductory statements to 'The Symposium on the Phylogeny and Classification of the Filicopsida' which was held in London, 1972, HOLTTUM, when dealing with 'dubious groups of relationships which would particularly repay investigation', mentioned the Polypodiaceae first (HOLTTUM, 1973: 6). Talking about Polypodiaceae the present authors deal with the Polypodiaceae sensu stricto only, thus excluding the Cheiropleuriaceae, Dipteridaceae, Grammitidaceae, and also the Loxogrammaceae, taxa which were formerly (or are still) included in the Polypodiaceae sensu lato. As delineated in this way, this almost exclusively pantropical family consists of about 600 species and an indefinite number of genera.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Review Naturalis
Roos, M.C..
This book summarizes in a rather popular way scattered information on the problem of conservation of plant diversity. Ordered to the eight major regions of the world, a rather arbitrary selection of about 2000 rare and endangered species are described, some 250 also illustrated, partly in colour. The commission on endangered plant species under the IUCN has estimated that c. 20,000 species of higher plants need protection, whereas they include only 250 species in the Red data book of plants. This illustrates the very much incomplete knowledge of the current conservation status of plant species. Therefore, any attempt to summarize the present state of knowledge is unavoidably rather erratic.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Review Naturalis
Adema, Frits; Roos, M.C.; Schuiteman, André; Kortselius, M.J.H.; Touw, A.; Veldkamp, J.F..
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Review Naturalis
Roos, M.C..
This symposium volume gives the state of the art in the research on ant-plant interactions. A lot of new data and insights are presented. A thematic grouping of the chapters divides the book into six parts. The first part deals with antagonistic interactions, i.e., the leaf-cutter ants. It appears that leaf-cutters collect a diversity of material, diluting the effect of toxic allelochemicals. They may collect quite inappropriate material; they have been reported to cut and bring back pieces from plastic labels.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Reviews Naturalis
Roos, M.C..
This is the second book by this author dealing with the Pinaceae. In 1984 he treated the genus Pinus, now he treats the remaining genera of the family. An overview of the genera and their species is given, as well as keys to the subfamilies and genera, and to the species. Various aspects of the taxa are described, including nomenclature, infraspecific delimitation, vegetative and generative morphology, ecology, and distribution pattern. The book is well illustrated with black-and-white drawings of each species, showing their habitus and a number of morphological details. The distributions are indicated on very small-sized world maps; in case of restricted distributions usually, but unfortunately not always, accompanied by a more detailed map. A separate...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Reviews Naturalis
Roos, M.C.; Andel, T. van; Prud’Homme van Reine, W.F.; Geml, J.; Vogel, A..
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Reviews Naturalis
Adema, Frits; Roos, M.C.; Slikkerveer, L.J.; Balgooy, M.M.J. van.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Reviews Naturalis
Roos, Marco; Roos, M.C..
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 2005 URL:
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