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Impact on sea surface salinity retrieval of different auxiliary data within the SMOS mission ArchiMer
Sabia, Roberto; Camps, A; Vall Ilossera, M; Reul, Nicolas.
Aiming to provide sea surface salinity (SSS) maps with a spatiotemporal averaged accuracy of 0.1 psu (practical salinity units), the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) community is increasingly focusing on the determination of a robust inversion scheme to enable SSS retrieval from L-band brightness temperature data. In the framework of the Synergetic Aspects and Auxiliary Data Concepts for Sea Surface Salinity Measurements from Space project, efforts have been oriented toward a quantitative analysis of SSS retrieval using different auxiliary data sets. This paper aims to contribute to the assessment of the SMOS salinity retrieval error budget in view of the upcoming SMOS mission ground segment development. Aiming to do that, different models and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spatiotemporal averaging; Sea salinity; Microwave radiometry; Auxiliary data.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Multisensor observations of the Amazon-Orinoco river plume interactions with hurricanes ArchiMer
Reul, Nicolas; Quilfen, Yves; Chapron, Bertrand; Fournier, Severine; Kudryavtsev, Vladimir; Sabia, Roberto.
An analysis is presented for the spatial and intensity distributions of North Atlantic extreme atmospheric events crossing the buoyant Amazon-Orinoco freshwater plume. The sea surface cooling amplitude in the wake of an ensemble of storm tracks traveling in that region is estimated from satellite products for the period 1998-2012. For the most intense storms, cooling is systematically reduced by approximate to 50% over the plume area compared to surroundings open-ocean waters. Historical salinity and temperature observations from in situ profiles indicate that salt-driven vertical stratification, enhanced oceanic heat content, and barrier-layer presence within the plume waters are likely key oceanic factors to explain these results. Satellite SMOS surface...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hurricanes; Amazon-Orinocco river plume; SMOS SSS; Cooling inhibition; Barrier-layer; Haline stratification.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Optimum satellite remote sensing of the marine carbonate system using empirical algorithms in the global ocean, the Greater Caribbean, the Amazon Plume and the Bay of Bengal ArchiMer
Land, Peter E.; Findlay, Helen S.; Shutler, Jamie D.; Ashton, Ian; Holding, Thomas; Grouazel, Antoine; Ardhuin, Fanny; Reul, Nicolas; Piolle, Jean-francois; Chapron, Bertrand; Quilfen, Yves; Bellerby, Richard G.j.; Bhadury, Punyasloke; Salisbury, Joseph; Vandemark, Douglas; Sabia, Roberto.
Improving our ability to monitor ocean carbonate chemistry has become a priority as the ocean continues to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This long-term uptake is reducing the ocean pH; a process commonly known as ocean acidification. The use of satellite Earth Observation has not yet been thoroughly explored as an option for routinely observing surface ocean carbonate chemistry, although its potential has been highlighted. We demonstrate the suitability of using empirical algorithms to calculate total alkalinity (AT) and total dissolved inorganic carbon (CT), assessing the relative performance of satellite, interpolated in situ, and climatology datasets in reproducing the wider spatial patterns of these two variables. Both AT and CT in situ...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Carbonate chemistry; Earth observation; Ocean acidification; Total alkalinity; Dissolved inorganic carbon; SMOS; Aquarius; CORA; HadGEM2-ES.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Salinity from space unlocks satellite-based assessment of ocean acidification ArchiMer
Land, Peter; Shutler, Jamie; Findlay, Helen; Girard Ardhuin, Fanny; Sabia, Roberto; Reul, Nicolas; Piolle, Jean-francois; Chapron, Bertrand; Quilfen, Yves; Salisbury, Joseph; Vandemark, Douglas; Bellerby, Richard; Bhadury, Punyasloke.
Approximately a quarter of the carbon dioxide (CO2) that we emit into the atmosphere is absorbed by the ocean. This oceanic uptake of CO2 leads to a change in marine carbonate chemistry resulting in a decrease of seawater pH and carbonate ion concentration, a process commonly called ‘Ocean Acidification’. Salinity data are key for assessing the marine carbonate system, and new space-based salinity measurements will enable the development of novel space-based ocean acidification assessment. Recent studies have highlighted the need to develop new in situ technology for monitoring ocean acidification, but the potential capabilities of space-based measurements remain largely untapped. Routine measurements from space can provide quasi-synoptic, reproducible...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Satellite Salinity Observing System: Recent Discoveries and the Way Forward ArchiMer
Vinogradova, Nadya; Lee, Tong; Boutin, Jacqueline; Drushka, Kyla; Fournier, Severine; Sabia, Roberto; Stammer, Detlef; Bayler, Eric; Reul, Nicolas; Gordon, Arnold; Melnichenko, Oleg; Li, Laifang; Hackert, Eric; Martin, Matthew; Kolodziejczyk, Nicolas; Hasson, Audrey; Brown, Shannon; Misra, Sidharth; Lindstrom, Eric.
Advances in L-band microwave satellite radiometry in the past decade, pioneered by ESA’s SMOS and NASA’s Aquarius and SMAP missions, have demonstrated an unprecedented capability to observe global sea surface salinity (SSS) from space. Measurements from these missions are the only means to probe the very-near surface salinity (top cm), providing a unique monitoring capability for the interfacial exchanges of water between the atmosphere and the upper-ocean, and delivering a wealth of information on various salinity processes in the ocean, linkages with the climate and water cycle, including land-sea connections, and providing constraints for ocean prediction models. The satellite SSS data are complimentary to the existing in situ systems such as Argo that...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Salinity; Remote sensing; Earth's observing systems; Future satellite missions; SMAP; SMOS; Aquarius.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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