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Composition differences between organic and conventional meat: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis 21
Srednicka-Tober, Dominika; Baranski, Marcin; Seal, Chris; Sanderson, Roy; Benbrook, Charles; Steinshamn, Håvard; Gromadzka-Ostrowska, Joanna; Rembialkowska, Ewa; Skwarło-Sonta, Krystyna; Eyre, Mick; Cozzi, Giulio; Krogh Larsen, Mette; Jordon, Teresa; Niggli, Urs; Sakowski, Tomasz; Calder, Philip C.; Burdge, Graham C.; Sotiraki, Smaragda; Stefanakis, Alexandros; Yolcu, Halil; Stergiadis, Sokratis; Chatzidimitriou, Eleni; Butler, Gillian; Stewart, Gavin; Leifert, Carlo.
Demand for organic meat is partially driven by consumer perceptions that organic foods are more nutritious than non-organic foods. However, there have been no systematic reviews comparing specifically the nutrient content of organic and conventionally produced meat. In this study, we report results of a meta-analysis based on sixty-seven published studies comparing the composition of organic and non-organic meat products. For many nutritionally relevant compounds (e.g. minerals, antioxidants and most individual fatty acids (FA)), the evidence base was too weak for meaningful meta-analyses. However, significant differences in FA profiles were detected when data from all livestock species were pooled. Concentrations of SFA and MUFA were similar or slightly...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Production systems Systems research and participatory research Processing; Packaging and transportation Consumer issues.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Polen und Deutschland arbeiten in der ökologischen Tierzucht zusammen 21
Idel, Anita; Postler, Günter; Rahmann, Gerold; Sakowski, Tomasz.
Wie kann die ökologische Tierzucht vorangebracht werden? Länderübergreifende Kooperationen bieten die Möglichkeit, Synergien zugunsten der Erhaltung von Rassen und deren züchterische Weiterentwicklung zu bilden.Ein neues deutsch-polnisches Projekt 1 nutzt diese Möglichkeiten. Aufgrund der gemeinsamen Geschichte Polens und Deutschlands bestehen bei einzelnen Nutztierrassen genetische Vermischungen bis hin zu engen Verwandtschaften.Um die Forschung im Bereich ökologische Tierzucht in beiden Ländern zu koordinieren, sollen deutsch-polnische Netzwerke gebildet werden. Sie erleichtern die Kooperation zwischen Forschungsinstitutionen, mit Züchtung befassten landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben, Zuchtorganisationen, staatlichen Institutionen im Bereich...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Animal husbandry; Breeding and genetics.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Workshop on quality and nutrition value of organic milk and meat 21
Steinshamn, Håvard; Sakowski, Tomasz.
The workshop was arranged at the Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding PAS in Jastrzębiec (IGAB), Poland, 19.-20. November 2009. The aim of the workshop was to encourage cooperation between Norwegian and Polish scientists specialized in organic animal breeding and organic milk and meat production. The organic market in Europe is growing annually from 2 to 15% depending on a country. Establishing scientific contacts with Norwegian researchers will positively influence the development of Polish organic scientific sector, which will transfer further the obtained knowledge and experience direct to the farmers. The workshop enabled Norwegian scientists to establish contacts with scientists from Poland and from other Central-European countries. The agenda of...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle Food security; Food quality and human health Beef cattle Feeding and growth Pigs.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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