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Acta premio Saez JBAG
Lippold,Santiago E; Quarín,Camilo; Martí,Dardo; Vilardi,Juan César; Salerno,Juan Carlos.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Genetics and statistical association between lethal alleles and quantitative yield factors in maize (Zea mays l.) JBAG
Salerno,Juan Carlos; Kandus,Mariana; Boggio Ronceros,R.; Sorarrain,O.; González,Cecilia; Almorza,David.
The objective of this work is to study the genetic process related to the hybrid vigour (heterosis) and the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) in maize. A biometric model was built using the mathematical formalism relating to the discrete absorbent Markov chain in canonical form, in order to analyse the evolution of chromosome segments, with recessive lethal genes linked with grain yield factors through generations. The grain yield obtained from an inbred maize line regulated by a balanced lethal system, and other lines without this system as control, were evaluated during five inbreeding generations. The use of the Markov chain theory for the study of evolution during these generations was a different approach of the classical mathematical...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Maize; Lethal alleles; Heterosis; Markov Chains; QTL.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Introgresion of heterotic segment in an inbred line of maize (Zea mays L.) JBAG
Salerno,Juan Carlos; Kandus,Mariana; Boggio Ronceros,R.; Almorza,David.
In order to increase the efficiency in the production of maize hybrids seeds it is necessary high grain yield with a relative low cost of production. It needs an expansion of the basic knowledge of the heredity of the characters that may be developing new breeding technique. The balanced lethal system (BLS) permit to study the relative contribution of different chromosome segments to hybrid vigour due to the heterocigozity of certain chromosome segments while the rest of the genome go to homocigozity for continuous selfing . In this way, theses segments can be transfer to inbreed lines in order to increase the grain yield and tassel size with pollen production. The objective of this work was to transfer heterotic segments of a line regulated by a balanced...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration capacity in Argentinean maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines Electron. J. Biotechnol.
González,Germán Andrés; Pacheco,María Gabriela; Oneto,Cecilia Décima; Etchart,Valeria J; Kandus,Mariana V; Salerno,Juan Carlos; Eyherabide,Guillermo; Presello,Daniel; Lewi,Dalia Marcela.
Somatic embryogenesis, which is still the method of choice for tissue culture, regeneration and transformation of maize, is largely considered highly genotype-dependent. The Hi II, a highly embryogenic genotype, has been extensively used in transformation protocols. However, this is not an inbred line; instead, it has a proportion of the undesirable A-188 background, and the progeny segregates for phenotypic characteristics and shows poor agronomic performance. In an effort to identify genotypes that combine a high somatic embryogenic response and good agronomic performance, we evaluated 48 advanced inbred lines developed at INTA. Callus development and somatic embryogenesis capacity were measured in 200 immature embryos per line. Embryogenic capacity [EC...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Callus; Inbred lines; Maize; Molecular markers; Regeneration; Somatic embryogenesis.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Utilizar regiones heteróticas mantenidas por letales balanceados en el genoma del maíz se hace realidad JBAG
Salerno,Juan Carlos; Kandus,M. V; Boggio Ronceros,R; Almorza,D.
Para incrementar la eficiencia en la producción de semillas híbridas en maíz se necesitan altos rendimientos con un correlativo bajo costo de producción. Esto requiere una expansión de los conocimientos básicos de la herencia de caracteres que posibiliten desarrollar nuevas técnicas de mejoramiento. Los sistemas de letales balanceados permiten estudiar la contribución relativa de distintos segmentos heteróticos en el vigor híbrido dado que permiten lograr la heterocigosis quasi-permanente de una porción del genomio, mientras el resto del genoma se vuelve homocigota por autofecundaciones sucesivas. Estos sistemas pueden ser transferidos a líneas endocriadas para incrementar el rendimiento del grano y la producción de polen mediante el aumento del tamaño de...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Sistemas de letales balanceados; Segmentos heteróticos; Vigor híbrido.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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