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Artes y métodos de pesca desarrollados en el Canal de Beagle, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. OceanDocs
Izzo, A.; Isla, M.; Salvini, L.; Bartozzetti, J.D.; Garcia, J.C.; Roth, R.R.; Prado, L.; Ercoli, R..
This paper deals with the design and application of different fishing gears tested in the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) with the supervision of the technical personnel of INIDEP Fishing Gear Group, the support of the General Directorate of Natural Resources (known today as SRNyAH) of Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur Province and the participation of local fishermen. Activities started as a result of an agreement between the INIDEP and the SRNyAH ratified in 1994. The fishing gear tested, which consist of two paired midwater trawl nets, a gill net, a surrounding net, a bottom lingline, a pot for kingklip and a line of octopus traps may be used in vessels ranging from 30 to 120 HP in coastal waters, channels and inland...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Gillnets; Trap nets; Line fishing; Trawl nets; Artisanal fishing; Gillnets; Line fishing; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Escape de juveniles de merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) en las redes de arrastre de fondo, mediante la aplicación del dispositivo de selectividad DEJUPA con diferentes distancias entre varillas, utilizando un diseño especial de copo re retencion en la grilla. OceanDocs
Ercoli, R.; Garcia, J.C.; Aubone, A.; Salvini, L.; Bertelo, R..
This work reports on the inter rod distance in a single sorting grid adapted for the escape of hake juveniles. A good performance of the device was reported due to the DEJUPA trials carried out in April 1997. In may 1998 a new survey with DEJUPA was carrie out with 30 mm, 33 mm, and 40 mm separation distance bars, in order to optimise the escape of the species at first length maturity (35 cm). Selectivity curves with maximum likelihood method were obtained for each inter rod distance being the length at 50. (L50) 29, 32 and 37 respectively. A weighd lineal regression (Feasible General Squares Model) between L50 and inter rod distance was fitted from each L50 estimated variance. An estimation of 37 mm inter rod distance for L50=35 cm total length was...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Gear selectivity; Bottom trawls; Juveniles; Juveniles; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Experiencias de selectividad en los copos de las redes de arrastre y desarrollo en dispositivos selectivos con grillas en la pesquería Argentina. OceanDocs
Ercoli, R.; Izzo, A.; Salvini, L.; Garcia, J.C.; Bartozzetti, J.D.; Roth, R.R..
Major results and difficulties which resulted from experiences in species and per size selectivity for the Argentine fishery are described. Codend selectivity and grid sorting devices trials were carried out. The use of grids not only reduced by-catch of hake in the shrimp fishery but also improved juveniles selectivity in the hake fishery as compared to mesh selectivity. No changes in fishing gears or in fishing manoeuvres were necessary. It was concluded that, to achieve a better rational exploitation of fishing resources, it is necessary to enhance selectivity of fishing gears. Deeper knowledge and further training of crews on Argentine fleets is also encouraged.
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Gear selectivity; Trawl nets; Mesh selectivity; Gadoid fisheries; Gear research.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Manual técnico del dispositivo para el escape de juveniles de peces en las redes de arrastre DEJUPA aplicado a la merluza. OceanDocs
Ercoli, R.; Salvini, L.; Garcia, J.C.; Izzo, A.; Roth, R.R.; Bartozzetti, J.D..
This Technical Manual has been developed to frame, assemble and apply the single grid sorting device (DEJUPA). It is addressed to professionals, technicians in fishing gears, skippers, owners and fishermen. The Manual presents three DEJUPA sizes in function of the main engine power: less than 300 HP, between 300 and 800 HP and more than 800 HP.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Trawl nets; Gear selectivity.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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