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A novel "Integrated Biomarker Response" calculation based on reference deviation concept ArchiMer
Sanchez, Wilfried; Burgeot, Thierry; Porcher, Jean-marc.
Multi-biomarker approaches are used to assess ecosystem health and identify impacts of environmental stress on organisms. However, exploration of large datasets by environmental managers represents a major challenge for regulatory application of this tool. Several integrative tools were developed to summarize biomarker responses. The aim of the present paper is to update calculation of the "Integrated Biological Response" (IBR) described by Beliaeff and Burgeot (Environ Toxicol Chem 21:1316-1322, 2002) to avoid weaknesses of this integrative tool. In the present paper, a novel index named "Integrated Biological Responses version 2" based on the reference deviation concept is presented. It allows a clear discrimination of sampling sites as for the IBR, but...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biomarkers; Data analysis; Graphic tools; Three-spined stickleback.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Biomarkers as tools for monitoring within the Water Framework Directive context: concept, opinions and advancement of expertise ArchiMer
Milinkovitch, Thomas; Geffard, Olivier; Geffard, Alain; Mouneyrac, Catherine; Chaumot, Arnaud; Xuereb, Benoit; Fisson, Cedric; Minier, Christophe; Auffret, Michel; Perceval, Olivier; Egea, Emilie; Sanchez, Wilfried.
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) currently supports chemical and ecological monitoring programmes in order to achieve the good water surface status. Although chemical and ecological assessments are necessary, they have some limitations. Chemical approaches focus on certain substances identified as priorities, but they do not take into account other potentially harmful substances and also ignore the hazards related to contaminant cocktails. On the other hand, while ecological approaches provide holistic information on the impairment of biological communities in ecosystems, they do not distinguish the role of contaminants in these alterations, and consequently do not allow the establishment of contaminant impact reduction plans. Consequently,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biomarkers; Ecotoxicology; Water Framework Directive; Biomonitoring strategy; Contaminants.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Effects of depleted uranium on immune parameters of zebrafish, Danio rerio, measured by flow cytometry ArchiMer
Gagnaire, Beatrice; Bado-nilles, A.; Betoulle, S.; Sanchez, Wilfried.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Depleted uranium; Zebrafish; Flow cytometry..
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Heavy metal contamination and hepatic toxicological responses in brown trout (Salmo trutta) from the Kerguelen Islands ArchiMer
Jaffal, Ali; Betoulle, Stephane; Biagianti-risbourg, Sylvie; Terreau, Alexandre; Sanchez, Wilfried; Paris-palacios, Severine.
The Kerguelen Islands include various species of freshwater fish such as brown trout (Salmo trutta). These trout are among the most isolated from direct anthropogenic impact worldwide. This study was designed to analyse cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu) concentrations in the liver of Kerguelen brown trout, and to assess the possible impacts of these metals on hepatic histopathology and oxidative stress parameters (superoxide dismutase and catalase activity and glutathione levels). Trout were caught in the Chateau River, the Studer Lakes and the Ferme Pond, close to the scientific station of the Kerguelen Islands, corresponding to three morphotypes (river, lake and station). Kerguelen trouts' hepatic concentrations of Cd and Cur were similar to those reported in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Brown trout; Freshwater; Fish; Sub-Antarctic; Liver; Biomarkers.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Le risque écotoxicologique dans le bassin de la Seine. Comprendre et diagnostiquer l'impact de la contamination sur les organismes ArchiMer
Gourlay France, Catherine; Vincent-hubert, Francoise; Tusseau-vuillemin, Marie-helene; Sanchez, Wilfried; Geffard, Alain; Levi, Yves; Oziol, Lucie; Labadie, Pierre; Mouchel, Jean-marie; Raguet, Mireille; Thery, Sylvain.
Le PIREN-Seine s’intéresse à la présence dans le bassin versant de la Seine de contaminants d’origines agricole, industrielle et domestique depuis une vingtaine d’années. Ces polluants, qui se retrouvent parfois à des concentrations très faibles dans l’eau, peuvent avoir des impacts sur l’homme et l’environnement qui restent peu connus. La présence de ces substances toxiques suscite un intérêt majeur auprès des gestionnaires de la ressource comme des consommateurs. Les perturbations endocriniennes, les effets cancérigènes, la présence de résidus de médicaments sont autant de sujets d’inquiétude largement médiatisés et débattus. Pour garantir la protection de la santé humaine et du milieu aquatique, la réglementation a défini des normes de qualité...
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Mixtures of Chemical Pollutants at European Legislation Safety Concentrations: How Safe Are They? ArchiMer
Carvalho, Raquel N.; Arukwe, Augustine; Ait-aissa, Selim; Bado-nilles, Anne; Balzamo, Stefania; Baun, Anders; Belkin, Shimshon; Blaha, Ludek; Brion, Francois; Conti, Daniela; Creusot, Nicolas; Essig, Yona; Ferrero, Valentina E. V.; Flander-putrle, Vesna; Furhacker, Maria; Grillari-voglauer, Regina; Hogstrand, Christer; Jonas, Adam; Kharlyngdoh, Joubert B.; Loos, Robert; Lundebye, Anne-katrine; Modig, Carina; Olsson, Per-erik; Pillai, Smitha; Polak, Natasa; Potalivo, Monica; Sanchez, Wilfried; Schifferli, Andrea; Schirmer, Kristin; Sforzini, Susanna; Sturzenbaum, Stephen R.; Softeland, Liv; Turk, Valentina; Viarengo, Aldo; Werner, Inge; Yagur-kroll, Sharon; Zounkova, Radka; Lettieri, Teresa.
The risk posed by complex chemical mixtures in the environment to wildlife and humans is increasingly debated, but has been rarely tested under environmentally relevant scenarios. To address this issue, two mixtures of 14 or 19 substances of concern (pesticides, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, a surfactant, and a plasticizer), each present at its safety limit concentration imposed by the European legislation, were prepared and tested for their toxic effects. The effects of the mixtures were assessed in 35 bioassays, based on 11 organisms representing different trophic levels. A consortium of 16 laboratories was involved in performing the bioassays. The mixtures elicited quantifiable toxic effects on some of the test systems...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bioassays; Effects; Mixtures; Ecotoxicology; Biomarkers.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Utilisation des biomarqueurs pour la caractérisation de l’état écotoxicologique des masses d’eau ArchiMer
Sanchez, Wilfried; Porcher, J.-m..
In the past 25 years, numerous biomarkers have been developed with the objective to apply them to aquatic ecosystem biomonitoring. Recently, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) of the European union specified monitoring programs required to assess the achievement of good chemical and ecological status for all water bodies by 2015. This article reviews the potential of biomarkers for ecotoxicological status assessment in WFD monitoring programmes based on previous national and international experiments.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Écotoxicologie; Biomarqueurs; Biosurveillance; Directive cadre sur l’eau; Ecotoxicology; Biomarkers; Biomonitoring; Water Framework Directive.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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