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Dental Pulp Fibroblast and Sex Determination in Controlled Burial Conditions 77
Sandoval,Catherine; Nuñez,Marcelo; Roa,Ignacio.
The need to identify bodies that are found as a result of disappearances with a diversity of causes, illegal burials and massive disasters, represent a wide percentage of dentistry practice on forensic research. The following study determined the performance of Barr Body Test, in fibroblasts of healthy teeth, under different conditions of burial (in vitro) with variations in pH, humidity and salinity in terms of general accuracy and sensitivity for men and women. Analyzed sample considered 47 dental pulps, taken from teeth under burial conditions during a period of a month. From dental pulps samples, 265 histological cuts valid for this study, were obtained, which were observed with an optical microscope under conventional H/E staining. Results showed a...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Barr body; Fibroblast; Dental pulp; Sex identification; Burial conditions.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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