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Prevalence and etiology of buffalo mastitis and milk somatic cell count in dry and rainy seasons in a buffalo herd from Analândia, São Paulo State, Brazil Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Pizauro,L.J.L.; Silva,D.G.; Santana,A.M.; Clemente,V.; Lara,G.H.B.; Listoni,F.J.P.; Vaz,A.C.N.; Vidal-Martins,A.M.C.; Ribeiro,M.G.; Fagliari,J.J..
The aim of this study was to evaluate somatic cell count (SCC), prevalence and etiology of mastitis in a dairy buffalo herd from Analândia, São Paulo State, Brazil, in the dry and rainy seasons. Additionally, antimicrobial susceptibility profile of microorganisms isolated from milk samples was also evaluated. 1,042 milk samples from female Murrah buffaloes in a dairy farm located in Analândia, São Paulo State, Brazil, collected between May 2011 and November 2012 were analyzed. After the mammary gland physical examination, strip cup test and California Mastitis Test (CMT) were performed. Afterwards, 50mL of milk samples from each mammary quarter were collected aseptically for SCC in automatic equipment and microbiological examination. The antimicrobial...
Type: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Key-words: Antibiogram; Bubalus bubalis; SCC; Mammary gland; Microorganisms.
Year: 2014 URL:
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Prevalence and identification of Salmonella spp. in water buffaloes from São Paulo State, Brazil Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Silva,D.G.; Santana,A.M.; Maluta,R.P.; Pizauro,L.J.L.; Bernardes,P.A.; Aquino,G.V.; Benincasa,N.C.; Rodrigues,D.P.; Fagliari,J.J..
RESUMO O objetivo do estudo foi investigar a prevalência de Salmonella spp. em amostras de fezes de búfalos do estado de São Paulo, Brasil, e identificar os sorotipos isolados. Foram examinadas 116 amostras de suabes retais de búfalos das raças Jafarabadi e Murrah, coletadas em triplicata, em seis propriedades rurais localizadas nas regiões Central, Centro-Oeste e Nordeste do estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Para avaliar a presença de Salmonella spp., foram utilizados três diferentes caldos de enriquecimento (caldo selenito cistina, caldo tetrationado Muller-Kauffmann e caldo Rappaport-Vassiliadis) e dois diferentes meios de cultura (ágar verde brilhante modificado e ágar XLT4). Das 116 amostras de suabes retais examinadas, oito amostras (6,90%; 8/116) foram...
Type: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Key-words: Bubalus bubalis; Enrichment broth; Feces; Salmonella; Serotype.
Year: 2018 URL:
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Proteinograma sérico de veados-catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira) criados em cativeiro obtido por eletroforese em gel de agarose e de poliacrilamida (SDS PAGE) Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Santana,A.M.; Fagliari,J.J.; Camargo,C.M.S.; Santana,A.E.; Duarte,J.M.B.; Silva,P.R.L..
The serum protein concentrations of brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) obtained by agarosis gel and sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide (SDS-PAGE) gel were determined from blood samples of ten adult healthy animals (six females and four males), monthly collected in the morning, during 12 months. The animals, maintained in individual stable and protected from noise, received ad libitum a diet of comercial ration and green roughage. Serum protein concentrations in agarosis gel revealed the presence of four protein fractions: albumin, alphaglobulin, betaglobulin, and gammaglobulin. Only serum concentrations of albumin were influenced by season, being values in spring higher than values in summer (4.15 x 3.64g/dl). Serum concentrations of albumin (4.05...
Type: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Key-words: Veado-catingueiro; Proteinograma; Eletroforese; SDS-PAGE.
Year: 2008 URL:
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