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Degradation of lignosulfonic and tannic acids by ligninolytic soil fungi cultivated under icroaerobic conditions BABT
Silva,Isis Serrano; Menezes,Cristiano Ragagnin de; Franciscon,Elisangela; Santos,Eder da Costa dos; Durrant,Lucia Regina.
Soil fungi were evaluated regarding their ability to degrade lignin-related compounds by producing the ligninolytic enzymes. Lignosulfonic and tannic acids were used as sole carbon sources during 30 days under microaerobic and very-low-oxygen conditions. The fungi produced lignin-peroxidase, manganese-peroxidase and laccase . Expressive degradations was observed by C18 reversed-phase HPLC, indicating the biodegradation potential of these fungi, showing more advantages than obligate anaerobes to decontaminate the environment when present naturally.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lignosulfonic acid; Tannic acid; Ligninolytic enzymes; Microaerobic conditions; Soil fungi.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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β-Glucanase Addition in Brewing Malt Produced by Reduced Time of Germination BABT
Brazil,Crislane; Oliveira,Débora Francielly de; Duarte,Rafael Augusto; Galo,Juliana Minardi; Lucchetta,Luciano; Santos,Eder da Costa dos; Hashimoto,Elisabete Hiromi.
Abstract The β-Glucans content has straight influence on the quality of malt and beer, mainly during the filtration step. Barley presenting high β-Glucan content demands longer germination time at malting. The application of commercial β-Glucanase is an alternative to accelerate the process and preserve the quality of malt. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of commercial β-Glucanase addition in malt produced within reduced germination time (64 h). Micro-malting was conducted with BRS-Caue and Elis barley cultivars at germination time 64 h and 96 h. The β-Glucanase concentration applied were 0, 25, 50 and 100 Barley, malt and wort samples were analyzed to check their physical-chemical features. Beers were produced with BRS-Caue malt and the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Β-glucans; Germination time; Commercial enzyme.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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