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Comparison of different protocols for the extraction of microbial DNA from reef corals BJM
Santos,H.F.; Carmo,F.L.; Leite,D.C.A.; Jesus,H.E.; De Carvalho Maalouf,P.; Almeida,C.; Soriano,A.U.; Altomari,D.; Suhett,L.; Vólaro,V.; Valoni,E.; Francisco,M.; Vieira,J.; Rocha,R.; Sardinha,B.L.; Mendes,L.B.; João,R.R.; Lacava,B.; Jesus,R.F.; Sebastian,G.V.; Pessoa,A.; van Elsas,J.D.; Rezende,R.P.; Pires,D.O.; Duarte,G.; Castro,C.B.; Rosado,A.S.; Peixoto,R.S..
This study aimed to test different protocols for the extraction of microbial DNA from the coral Mussismilia harttii. Four different commercial kits were tested, three of them based on methods for DNA extraction from soil (FastDNA SPIN Kit for soil, MP Bio, PowerSoil DNA Isolation Kit, MoBio, and ZR Soil Microbe DNA Kit, Zymo Research) and one kit for DNA extraction from plants (UltraClean Plant DNA Isolation Kit, MoBio). Five polyps of the same colony of M. harttii were macerated and aliquots were submitted to DNA extraction by the different kits. After extraction, the DNA was quantified and PCR-DGGE was used to study the molecular fingerprint of Bacteria and Eukarya. Among the four kits tested, the ZR Soil Microbe DNA Kit was the most efficient with...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Coral; Microbial diversity; DNA extraction.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Efficient assembly of full-length infectious clone of Brazilian IBDV isolate by homologous recombination in yeast BJM
Silva Jr.,J.V.J.; Arenhart,S.; Santos,H.F.; Almeida-Queiroz,S.R.; Silva,A.N.M.R.; Trevisol,I.M.; Bertani,G.R.; Gil,L.H.V.G..
The Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) causes immunosuppression in young chickens. Advances in molecular virology and vaccines for IBDV have been achieved by viral reverse genetics (VRG). VRG for IBDV has undergone changes over time, however all strategies used to generate particles of IBDV involves multiple rounds of amplification and need of in vitro ligation and restriction sites. The aim of this research was to build the world's first VRG for IBDV by yeast-based homologous recombination; a more efficient, robust and simple process than cloning by in vitro ligation. The wild type IBDV (Wt-IBDV-Br) was isolated in Brazil and had its genome cloned in pJG-CMV-HDR vector by yeast-based homologous recombination. The clones were transfected into chicken...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Infectious bursal disease virus; Reverse genetics; Yeast-based homologous recombination.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Tank bromeliad water: similar or distinct environments for research of bacterial bioactives? BJM
Carmo,F.L.; Santos,H.F.; Peixoto,R.S.; Rosado,A.S.; Araujo,F.V..
The Atlantic Rainforest does not have a uniform physiognomy, its relief determines different environmental conditions that define the composition of its flora and fauna. Within this ecosystem, bromeliads that form tanks with their leaves hold water reservoirs throughout the year, maintaining complex food chains, based mainly on autotrophic and heterotrophic bacteria. Some works concluded that the water held by tank bromeliads concentrate the microbial diversity of their ecosystem. To investigate the bacterial diversity and the potential biotechnology of these ecosystems, tank bromeliads of the Neoregelia cruenta species from the Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil were used as models for this research. Bacteria isolated from these models were tested for...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Bromeliad; Atlantic Rainforest; Bacteria communities; DGGE.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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