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Dieta do tucunaré-amarelo Cichla monoculus (Bloch & Schneider) (Osteichthyes, Cichlidae), no Reservatório de Lajes, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Zoologia
Santos,Luciano Neves dos; Gonzalez,Alejandra Filippo; Araújo,Francisco Gerson.
The diet of Cichla monoculus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) in Lajes's Reservoir, a major impoundment in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, was assessed, from fishes collected in 1994,1996 and 1999/2000. Gut contents in individuals was analyzed by the index of relative importance (IRI) which deals with numerical, gravimetrical and frequency of occurrence. Cichla monoculus showed a strong piscivorous habits feeding on Cichlidae, Characidae and Pimelodidae, in decreasing order of importance, with a remarkable cannibalism on young-of-the-year. Others minor items in the diet were Macrobrachium sp. and Odonata. Changes in feeding composition varied with reservoir's zones and seasons, with higher diversity in Autumn and peaks of cannibalism in lower zone during...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cichla; Trofic ecology; Diet; Reservoirs; Freshwater fish; Condition factor; Feeding habits.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Preferência alimentar de juvenis de lambari-cachorro, Oligosarcus hepsetus, em relação a duas espécies de presas de peixe em ambiente controlado Ciência Rural
Santos,Alejandra Filippo Gonzalez Neves dos; Carrera,Pedro Ribeiro de Oliveira; Aronovich,Marcos; Santos,Luciano Neves dos.
O presente trabalho foi baseado em dados pretéritos sobre a dieta natural do lambari-cachorro Oligosarcus hepsetus em um reservatório do Sudeste brasileiro, e com isso foi testada a preferência alimentar desse carnívoro, a partir de experimentos com microcosmos. Os experimentos foram realizados em aquários, em janeiro de 2011. Os predadores foram coletados em um tributário do Rio Paraíba do Sul, enquanto as presas: Tilápia rendalli e o lambari, Astyanax fasciatus, foram adquiridas em pisciculturas. Foi testada a preferência alimentar do lambari-cachorro quanto ao tamanho das presas e às espécies-presa e os resultados foram relacionados com a energia da presa. O lambari-cachorro predou tilápia de menores comprimentos (CT) e alturas do corpo (AC), ao passo...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Characiformes; Rio Paraiba do Sul; Peixe nativo.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Reproductive biology of Cetengraulis edentulus (Cuvier, 1829), the major fishery resource in Guanabara Bay, Brazil Neotropical Ichthyology
Franco,Ana Clara Sampaio; Brotto,Daniel Shimada; Zee,David Man Wai; Santos,Luciano Neves dos.
Cetengraulis edentulus is a broadely distributed engraulid in Southwest Atlantic, currently accounting for the main fish species commercially exploited at Guanabara Bay, Brazil. This study aimed to extend the knowledge on reproduction of C. edentulus at Guanabara Bay and to test whether some descriptors of reproductive activity, especially the gonadosomatic index (GSI), and the index of reproductive activity (IRA) changed among seasons. A total of 978 C. edentulus specimens were retrieved from purse seine commercial landings at Conservas Rubi S.A. company, in São Gonçalo city, RJ. Subsamples of 90-120 individuals were collected from bimonthly yields between July 2010 (winter) and June 2011 (autumn). Most fish were adults (120-170 mm TL), in response to the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atlantic anchoveta; Engraulidae; Fecundity; Gonad maturation; Reproduction; Tropical bay.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Water level influences on body condition of Geophagus brasiliensis (Perciformes: Cichlidae) in a Brazilian oligotrophic reservoir Neotropical Ichthyology
Santos,Alejandra Filippo Gonzalez Neves dos; Santos,Luciano Neves dos; Araújo,Francisco Gerson.
Effects of water level fluctuations on body condition of Geophagus brasiliensis were studied in a 30 km² Brazilian oligotrophic reservoir. Physiological condition (K) and gonadosomatic index (GSI) were compared according to water level (low and high). Females' best conditions were associated to higher resources availability during high water, since gonad development did not change between low and high water. Males' condition did not change between water levels, while the highest gonad development occurred in low water. Females presented higher reproductive investment than males, which allocated most of energy for somatic development. This strategy could be a mechanism to undergo the stress caused by oligotrophic characteristics of the reservoir enhanced...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Environmental variables; Condition factor; Gonadosomatic index; Mass-length relationship; Impoundment.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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