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NSW Great Artesian Basin water market assessment pre and post auction AgEcon
Schalk, Tara; Hill, Christine M.; Flavel, Noel J..
The NSW Cap & Pipe the Bores Program is a jointly funded Commonwealth and State initiative that operates within the Australian Government's Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative framework. Under the Water Sharing Plan for the NSW Great Artesian Basin Groundwater Sources 2008, 70 per cent of the water savings made since 1999 shall be retained in the aquifers of the Basin to improve pressures and provide for groundwater dependent ecosystems. The remaining 30 per cent of the water savings may be released to extractive users over the term of the Water Sharing Plan to facilitate the continued economic and social welfare of regional western NSW. As the first step in this water release, part of the water savings from the Cap & Pipe the Bores...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Water auction; Economics; Great Artesian Basin; Groundwater; Cap & Pipe the Bores; Water Sharing Plan.; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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