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The CARINA data synthesis project: introduction and overview ArchiMer
Key, R. M.; Tanhua, T.; Olsen, A.; Hoppema, M.; Jutterström, S.; Schirnick, C.; Van Heuven, S.; Kozyr, A.; Lin, X.; Velo, A.; Wallace, D. W. R.; Mintrop, L..
The original goal of the CARINA (Carbon in Atlantic Ocean) data synthesis project was to create a merged calibrated data set from open ocean subsurface measurements by European scientists that would be generally useful for biogeochemical investigations in the North Atlantic and in particular, studies involving the carbon system. Over time the geographic extent expanded to include the entire Atlantic, the Arctic and the Southern Ocean and the international collaboration broadened significantly. In this paper we give a brief history of the project, a general overview of data included and an outline of the procedures used during the synthesis. The end result of this project was a set of 3 data products, one for each of the listed ocean regions. It is critical...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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